no damage control. PS3 has some very good games. I don't like MGS either, but that doesn't mean it isnt a good game, just means its not my type of game. As opposed to the x360 fanboys raving about the halo series; I'm a long term FPS player and halo is mediocre at best. there are FAR better FPS games out there.
I said ps3 damage control because he pretty much assumed the guy was an idiot because he wasn't interested in the "big" ps3 titles while calling him a fanboy. He pretty much tried to downplay his opinion on the games as some sort of inferior comment. Especially because he wasn't interested in god of war 3. I could care less about halo, hell my favorite FPS is still battlefield 1942.
Good, god we know. It's like I can't walk around anywhere without seeing that loony has said either 'Halo sucks', 'There's a million FPS' that are better than Halo', 'Halo is mediocre', or 'Halo's not a real FPS'.
If the ps3 online service is playing up during a game, play the game's own servers, mk vs dc is horrible at that (I can only play other aussies-fair enough considering midway is bankrupt ). If you couldn't care less about online gaming, get a 360, flash the drive and play preety much free games, plus look at the exclusives. PS3, Personally not many exclusives I find interesting (most of my collection is, infact, all multi platform games or ports except 2-3 titles). Also, if you do bother with a 360 and play online...the second hand games are far cheaper than ps3 ones. Just letting you know, watch out for RROD on the 360, why i have a little line of quality I thought up... 360>ps3>wii I heard and SEEN many RROD's, I had a ps3 that kept over heating before I finnally got one, and my lovely wii...sure it's gathering dust but it's never faulted. I can't really recommend what to choose, I'd go ps3 but that's because I got the cash.
What the fuck, kid? I'm not bashing the PS3. I don't like God of War 3 because of the gameplay style, I'm sure it's well made though, and I found all the other listed games amazing, I'm just saying, I got bored of them, there's this thing called "Opinion", look it up. Also why would I be BASHING A CONSOLE I OWN? And I didn't say "They are boring" I said "They got boring" meaning I had played them and they were fun for awhile, but got boring to me. Actually take the time to read what I said. And I admit I prefer my 360, but that doesn't mean I hate my PS3 with the fury on an enraged god. Jeez. God that pisses me off so much. I've heard it a million times. People should just shut the hell up and enjoy the games they like instead of bitching about others.
personally i would stick with the 360, it has in my opinion more games that come out for 360 like halo, or fable, gears of war that are more enjoyable than ps3, yes, you pay 45 dollars a year for online gaming but ive tried online on ps3 and its slower
Did you hear about the 360 slim? It's got improved cooling and is alot lighter than the current 360, so i heard... Maybe try waiting for that, as much as I'd like you to join the ps3 clan
I have a PS3, and while ive never played online, downloading updates is so fast it saturates my internet connection.
Have they fixed the RRoD? And don't give me that "lol, Xbox 360 doesn't get RRoD as much" crap, because you know that's a lie. Just tell me, have they at least gotten its failure rate down to half?
RRoD still happens all the time. Literally, all the time. It is nowhere near gone, not even really halved. Nobody even knows if the Slim will fix this or if it will come with its own share of problems and possibly its own RRoD.
I doubt it will get fixed. Anyway,the X360 has (not surprisingly) the highest failure rate of all 3 systems at roughly 30% with the PS3 with 10% and the Wii with 5%. I do have an xbox 360 arcade and I hope it doesn't f*** up on me with RRoD
It's not even out yet, but I heard the cooling has been adjusted. And I won't lie...I am not a fan of 360 except for a few games.
well, it DOES emit more heat than the previous 360(possibly), but those vents really help. i still have to wonder who the idiot was that designed the 1st model. the design was horrible for ventilating the heat from the inside and the fan tunnel wasn't making it any better... well, it's a tough choice now since the new design is attracting and they brought out some good games this e3. i'd go with a ps3 since it does seem more promising for media, 3rd party hardware, and gaming. the ps3 is pretty open and if you love portal, you're going to get the best version of portal 2 on ps3. not much to say about 360 since i don't have a firm history with it. i would advise you to not think of the kinect as anything fascinating for gaming, it is not.
i hope they work, but i really hope they added better graphics cards, the problem on the old one was that the graphics cards was cheap and it folded, or bent with the heat giving the famous rrod.
i'm really eager see them break it down for more than just because i want to see the inside EDIT: what. the. fuck. it's still in that damned metal box...
I personally wasn't impressed by what Microsoft brought to E3. If you compare it to what Nintendo and Sony brought, it is complete garbage. Microsoft had a very disappointing conference overall. I'm sure they have some good things in the works, but presenting a redesign of their system nearly four years later is a bit on the late side. They should be working on their next system at this point, not still tinkering with what they already have.