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Just wondering, PSP-DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Almo, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i finally gotten a PSP and time for me to do a comparasion.....

    The Good
    - Great Graphic and Great 3D
    - Great Sound system
    - Great games
    - Come with build in Web broswer, Video and Music system
    - Short charging time (around 1 1/2 hours without playing, 2 hours while playing)
    - Chargeable with USB
    - Contant mangement is easy with the USB cable
    - No Official Cheating devices (only hacked cheating devices)

    The Bad
    - Short battery life, (around 3 hours ++ with everything max and none stop playing)
    - Game are too long \ too action packed to be portable games, they are more suitable to be a console games
    - Web broswer, Video and Music system is not suitable to be include with gaming system
    - Charging with USB arent really charging, they are more like a life support to keep the PSP alive
    - Hacking PSP arent for everyone, only those who know what they are doing able to hack PSP
    - Loading UMD is quite long, the loading take around 10-20 sec to completed.
    - CSO of PSP game are very large, so its not wise to download the game.

    The Good
    - Long battery life (around 5-6 hours with everything max, upto 8 hours if you play it at the minimum settings and no volume)
    - Alot of game that is make for fun, keeping you busy while waiting for buses or train
    - Touch screen and mic added human interaction
    - Easy to hack, just need a compatible flash card like R4DS, and a micro SD
    - Quick loading time, the most it will take around 3-4 sec to load a game in the original cart, 5-6 sec in flash card
    - Game are cheap, just download it from the internet
    - ROM size is small, so you have have alot of game in a 2Gb microSD

    The Bad
    - Touch screen and mic arent pratical if you are travelling alot, you may poke the touch screen while walking and i dont think you would use the mic in the public area
    - Bad 3D, 2D is o.k.
    - Bad sound system, most of the time, you will need a head phone if you want to enjoy the game.
    - Alot of play once then forget it games
    - Majority of the game are build around "fans" (like Mario, Pokemon and Zelda)
    - Not much mature theme games
    - Long charging time (around 2 hours, 3-4 hours while playing)(note: i charge my DS over night, so i might be wrong in this)
    - Alot of official cheating devices like Action Replay or Code breaker DS.
    - Content managment is a pain, you need a MicroSD reader to do it.

    Comments: its up to you to decided which console that you perfer but there is no "better" gaming system if you taken count the good and the bad of both console, the "this is better then that" is only fanboy opinion and no one will listen to fanboy opinion.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    We do not approve of this attitude. If you like the game, buy it. RomUlation is not here to give people free games, it is to allow them to try the games, so they only spend money on the ones that are worth it.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i dont agree to that kind of attitude as well, but that is just a facts of what you can\will get from DS
  4. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    I honestly thought these kinds of arguments stopped in 2006, you know, 2 whole years after the consoles launched. It's kinda childish really. The reason I like the DS so much is the quality of the games which are made for it. Megaman, Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy just to name a few. I do plan to get a PSP, but only for Crisis Core and FFT:WotL. I really don't find myself interested in anything else on the PSP. I like my RPG's, and there are plenty on the DS. The PSP? Theyre all FPS's and 3rd person shmups
  5. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ^ yeah each to his own I say, fact is everyone has a different opinion. period.
  6. garbanzo

    garbanzo Member

    where did you pull this statement from? i have both systems, and use my PSP for all my emulation. the NES and SNES emus i've tried on my DS are crap, they run slow and glitchy. PSP never has issues with them.

    i say go for a PSP. whoever thinks DS is better for homebrew has it all wrong. just look at the custom firmware: Dark Alex's 3.80 M33 versus R4DS firmware/Moonshell combo. no comparison. DS custom firmware is terrible, it's all hacked together and looks like, well, a hack. but on PSP it's actually integrated into the official firmware. works beautifully.

    DS is good for kiddie games and puzzlers, but for some action that amuses for more than 10 mins, PSP games are much better. try Monster Hunter Freedom, Crush, Burnout Legends, Sega Rally, or something like that...

    then there's the ebook capabilities - sure not everyone wants to read on their handheld, but PSP with bookr loaded is great. i've got something like 400 novels on my PSP. try reading on a DS, your eyes will fall out.

    as for battery life, if you run custom firware on your PSP, then you can turn down the backlight and run backups of your UMDs from a memory stick, and the battery life gets much, much better.

    most of the time, my wife plays mario on the DS (good game, but over too quick), while i get down with some serious gaming on the PSP.
  7. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    I hate people that refer to nintendo as kiddie, Anyone who says that hasnt played some of the best DS games out. Is a common mis-conception, usually stated by GFX whores.
  8. garbanzo

    garbanzo Member

    what games might convince me otherwise? i guess i have this opinion because most DS games remind me of NES games, which i played as a small child all those years ago.

    i'm not a whore. social niceties should be adhered to, my friend, even in virtual places.
  9. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    GFX whore, completely different thing.

    Perhaps brothers in arms? COD4? Metroid Prime Hunters? Castlevania? RE? I could keep going but not off my head.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    NDS don't just have 'kiddie' games. Maybe he thinks that because the only games he looks at are kiddy.
  11. garbanzo

    garbanzo Member

    COD4 is good but not for a handheld. i'll play that on my computer. Metroid Prime - it's an FPS? what a disappointment! GBA had some good Metroid games, but this isn't one. and i really don't like castlevania, or any game that makes me spend more time reading/listening to a lame story than actually playing. i've never liked RE either, the control scheme is terrible.

    i guess since i like racing games, PSP is the system for me. the end.
  12. garbanzo

    garbanzo Member

    not really. i liked the HOMM series for PC, but that's not much of an RPG. i do like Monster Hunter but that's only slightly RPG.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's okay, people have different tastes in gaming.
  14. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    yeah see thats a personal opinion and cant be used to judge whether or not a system is better.
  15. garbanzo

    garbanzo Member

    i see. so apparently there are objective criteria by which we can judge these things? it's not all a matter of opinion? i suppose someone should publish this, so that whatever company is making the inferior handheld can stop wasting their time.
  16. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    i loved my black ds, so when i got the money i went round to the shop looking for a black psp...

    ... i spent it on a silver ds lite, because i realised the onlything i'd do on the psp is try out the n64 emulator - which still isn't perfect - and play lego star wars 2... -.-

    yes, the psp has a music player and a web browser and can play videos... but then again, so can a lot of things - and they can do it cheaper too

    personally i like the original psp better than the sh*t and lite one, the new one feels loo cheap and light. the original had more meat to it (if you catch my drift)

    i don't doubt the homebrew capabilities of the psp or the ds - the psp actually edges further ahead

    the same thing happened when i first decided between the psp and the ds. i saw the psp game list (at the time) and thought "hmm... wipeout pure for the psp, or new super mario brothers, mario kart ds, sonic rush, yoshi's island, metroid prime hunters super mario 64 ds, pokemon mystery dungeon (which i liked - so there), and lots of others i can't be bothered to mention?

    i am a bit biased towards nintendo, and i'm a sucker for cheap thrills, but all the psp needed was some knockout titles that would apeal to me. devil may cry would have worked so well for the psp, so why isn't it there?

    my mindless rant might not mean anything to you, but geniunly if you have the cash - go for both. asking around on a forum is only going to start a flame war
  17. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    I will now quote a great person.
    Nuff Said.
  18. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    i don't really care about this but as long as there is good game it good even if its nes....