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Jonas Brothers: a Living Joke

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 21519001034275, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    maybe... but i'd KILL for one of these!

  2. HumrH360

    HumrH360 Well-Known Member

    Still, Disney has really fallen. Now a days, it just feels like they're treating whatever they own as mere pawns. Jonas Bros., Miley Cyrus, Marvel; They're too busy making everything look overly-positive when it shouldn't be.
  3. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    Hannah Montana tissues=A valuable personal investment!
  4. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Is that because you can blow mucus all over her? :p
    I don't have anything against either the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana, Because I don't even know who they are.
  5. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    now you know... ::)

    stupid pacquiao reference :-X
  6. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I know that's off-topic but...

    She's a pretty face and makes money out of it from what I hear, same with JBs. Just like Seph said, they make money without breaking the law, sounds like a win situation to be in.
  7. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

  8. indianCHAN

    indianCHAN Well-Known Member

    I meant the picture in specific. It looks weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird.
  9. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    didn't you say...

  10. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    Pfft! they don't deserve to have people who know who they are, to know who they are...
  11. XxZer0xX

    XxZer0xX Member

    If they've been shown and/or parodied on South Park, they deserve to be ridiculed and treated like crap.

    If they've been shown on Disney, they deserve to be ridiculed, over-estimated, massively spammed throughout everywhere Disney can reach (The universe), and admired/obsessed over by little girls who don't know any better and hormone-driven men.

    Any comments that attempt to insult me based solely on this message, please throw them in the furnace.
  12. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    My hormones drove me to Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato...giggity...

    for some reason no one else likes them(in terms of hotness)
  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i don't know......i'd have to listen to their music.....though i'm not a fan of tv celebrity singers.....

    i like the musicians that no one has heard of....well, people that i know...

    like corvus corax, orpheum bell, and others.........i can't stand movies about singers.....i don't know why......just never understood that......
  14. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I know the name, Just nothing else. It was a joke, but sometimes my humour appears a bit sharp I guess.
  15. ShoeShoe

    ShoeShoe Member

    My younger cousin was watching their show while I was in the room playing vidja games. I saw a few scenes and raged. It's full of horrid lame jokes and the acting is utter crap.
  16. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    i'm dissapointed no one understood the significance of Miley appearing on Kleenex, you all suck.
  17. ir4

    ir4 Well-Known Member

    ....they lip sync that's really funny
  18. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    I got the kleenex joke...but y'know whatever...I guess I don't count
    *sniffle *sniffle
  19. HumrH360

    HumrH360 Well-Known Member

    In any case, Disney should really grow up in terms of reality. They can't just say the good guy always wins. I mean, hellooooo, Abe Lincoln? George Custer? Dude, like anything happy happened for them at the end of their lives!
  20. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    truth hurts