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Jesus Loves Me (A religious discussion: Hardcore Atheists steer clear!)

Discussion in 'Debates' started by SplinterOfChaos, May 24, 2009.

  1. SplinterOfChaos

    SplinterOfChaos Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's religion that's wrong, I think it's too many people believing one thing for largely no reason. Judaism is an organized religion, but we were always encouraged to go up to our rabbi and question him on the philosophy. Yeah, that technique is often used by mind-washing groups by having incredibly charismatic people answer the questions in a convincing manner to persuade the victim into thinking s/he decided to fallow the rhetoric by choice, but we were also allowed to hold our own beliefs. I was never given prejudice due to not believing in god. My rabbi even refuted some of the beliefs, such that god writes in a book what will happen to a person in a year.

    Though, that's not to say that I'm advocating how it was done. I think having only one translation of a written text is stupid. (Though, we were supposedly taught hebrew in sunday school.) Considering text, not the message, holy is stupid. And kosher is stupid.

    But, I'm just pointing out religion doesn't have to have followers believing the terrible things you seem to think they have to think. As I mentioned in the story, the guy we went out to eat with after the service was a really intelligent radical thinker. What he said made sense and he didn't feel required to believe things just because someone else said so. And he had--scary though--opinions. Opinions! On religion! Not rhetoric, actual ideas. And he actually felt encouraged to develop these opinions, and more.

    Islam seems to us like a more tightly controlled, demanding, old-timer religion. The media perception is that it hasn't advanced at all since the stone age.

    Guess what: the media lies to us all the time.

    Not every muslim believes women must wear burkas or that they must shroud their face. Some do not pray all five times a day. Not every muslim thinks blowing oneself up is a good thing. Actually, very very few do. There are a variance of believers in every religion.

    "Anyone with a brain should be able to determine that the world today would be a better place if people laid down their bibles and starting treating people how they wanted to be treated."

    Actually, it's putting down the bible the moment they leave church, leaving that message you're saying right now behind, that is a big part of the problem.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Indeed, but the ones that do are the ones that get people's attention, and hold it. The extremists claim to speak for Islam; the 'moderate' muslims do not make themselves heard over the extremists. Much like the child abuse within the Irish Catholic church, those people that do not agree do not do enough to stop it. The report on child abuse will not result in criminal convictions because one of the groups at the centre of the abuse successfully obtained an injunction preventing it. This proves they will not change, they will not accept responsibility for what has happened in the past, and move on. So the moderate Catholics will have to force change. Just the same as the moderate muslims should be doing more to suppress extremism.
  3. Younity

    Younity Member

    The existence of the 'moderates' allows for the existence of 'EXTREMISTS'. What don't you get? All religion enables it.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, but the extremists do not have to have the loudest voice, as it were. Christianity has extemists, but you don't hear much about them (Westbro baptists excepted)
  5. SplinterOfChaos

    SplinterOfChaos Well-Known Member

    I disagree. It is only extremists who have any voice. Christianity is a minor exception because it's so popular, it's hard to have misconceptions about it. But, if you're going to except the Westbro baptists, I should be able to except anything that disagrees with my opinion as well. So, let's except Allkida (don't know how it's spelled). Let's also except abortion clinic bombings. And crusades.

    Except I don't have to except anything because my arguments are consistent enough to make would-be exceptions fit.

    But back to my argument on only extremists having voices:
    When I tell people I'm a feminist, the common response is "you hate men?" Uh, no. Some people don't believe I'm jewish because I don't wear a "that hat thingy jews wear." Might also help I'm not religious, but of the religious jews I've met, none wore them all the time, except rabbis. When I say I like anime, some think I'm a weebo. Some think only weebo or otaku can like anime.

    The moderates don't get any attention at all.

    Quit talking like you're the only one who could possibly be right. The truth is, any of us--me, you, that guy over there--could be wrong. More importantly, I don't have to agree with you. Head out of ass, please.
  6. Younity

    Younity Member

    I'm wrong because I'm right.

    Ad hominem in it's finest, folks.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...why don't we do what religion was meant for, and make peace, not war man...LOL :)

    Sorry, it's starting to get tense, I had a feeling this was going to happen, I've seen it too many times, at home (mum being a catholic, but practicing cristianity instead...with dad giving his "thoughts" out like they were on a clearance sale...he hates religion) at work, at church (does that count watching your parents fight after church, but then again it was years back...) and, well, yeah...

    Religion to me is a means to keep peace in society, but like as others have said, it's not the best thing for a modern society because of (to me) the heated tension it causes (the whole islam thing, for one) and some of the views some have...

    I have met followers of catholic/cristian nature, and they were perfect examples of how a religious person should be, I never sence evil, no manipulative tendancies, no dislikes, all smiles and joy, wether this is an act remains to be seen...

    But do you get my point, we have gone off topic and I can see the tension, it's not good karma (which I do believe in, and reincarnation, not that I would turn out to be anything good) to be arguing like this...

    (sighs) another beautiful topic wasted, I can't blame you people for defending your beliefs, but...it defeats the purpose of conversation when what you see before you happens (other than me having another semi-pointless rant XD ).
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    catholicism is a form of christianity.
  9. SplinterOfChaos

    SplinterOfChaos Well-Known Member

  10. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    It's Al-Qaeda btw.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Cath and cristian are almost the same, 'cept from what I've been told, one worships jesus more (catholic...I think) whilst cristian follow god more...

    And what's al-qaeda, what islam, the religion they follow de-means women, and generally don't like the changes we westerners have made...

    al-qaeda are terrosist, so what does that have to do with it, they just follow a religion gone wrong I reckon...but let's drop that shall we?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Al-Qaeda is a sect of Muslims (I believe they all follow the same ultra-strict interpretation of Islam, but I'm not sure). It is not in itself a form of the Islamic religion, just a group that some Muslims belong to, as is the Taliban (I think). Most branches of Islam are very strict about what women can and can't do, though some less so than others.
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Catholicism is more directed towards the immaculate pregnancy of mary and the teachings of Jesus. I also find it quite disturbing that some people seem to think Catholics and Christians are different things. Christianity is the tree, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Anglicists, Restorationist are the branches. Within these branches they're are yet more sub-branches, take protestant for example, from the main branch you have Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and Lutheran. There is also non-confromist groups such as Quakers, a famous example being Arthur Eddington, who helped prove Einsteins Theory of Relativity. For those not aware of him Look Here.
  14. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    In the grand scheme of things, all of these religions end up worshipping the EXACT same God.

    Which is me. All Hail LK, this world is a mess, ill be cleaning out the human race soon to make room for the Dolphins.
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Interesting that you mentioned the Quakers(society of friends) for me they represent the best of Christianity. They seem to understand that love and learning are more important than wrath and ignorance. World would be a better place if other Christian sects where more like them.
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    That's funny.
    Jesus hates me :DD