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Japanese 3DS launch titles and Battery Life Announced

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sylar1000, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member


    No OoT launch title? BLASPHEMY! Total and utter blasphemy. They'll give in and release it as a launch title after the riots.
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    By riots, you mean fanboys raging outside the Nintendo HQ fapping to Princess Zelda and shouting "WE WANT OUR OCARINA OF TIME"?
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Hey guys, let's totally jump to conclusions.

    No OoT or Kid Icarus as a launch title in Japan. Be aware that the NA and the UK release date hasn't even been announced yet.

    It most definitely won't be a launch title considering that it's still in an early stage of development.

    It won't.

    Uh, yeah, totally. Let's assume it's a journalist's/blogger's fault for being biased when it's going off of specs of the system and Nintendo's official information. Yes, let's do that. There is only one person I can think of who writes for Kotaku who I know doesn't like Nintendo, but it isn't the guy who wrote that story. Not only that, most if not all response besides this one, towards the 3DS is a positive response.

    Hell, look at the last line of that Kotaku story: "If you're after definitive battery life tests on a unit under all kinds of circumstances, we'll have to wait until people can use one without Nintendo employees standing over their shoulders."

    The iPhone battery doesn't last much longer than that when playing games and the PSP 1000 has a similar battery life to this. Hell, my PSP 2000 doesn't even last that long a lot of the times.
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Still Kotaku's fault for releasing information they weren't even sure of the validity of. With everybody clamoring for details about the 3DS, no site should be preliminarily posting information that they are only 50% sure about. At least no valid source I would listen to.

    Of course, every time I've read info from Kotaku, I've been disappointed, as nearly every time it's something I am searching for, the articles are vague, irrelevant, or just sucky.
  5. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    OMG, it sucks, gbatemp just released info that 3ds will be region lock!
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Oh, how isn't this information valid? It's coming from Nintendo.
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I don't care who it came from, it's vague, unspecific, and only serves to actually hurt Nintendo if say, Kotaku missed one or two very important details about how the battery life is determined. Now, most people would easily guess it would be on max settings, as that is how battery testing is done. Then again, this is the internet and has people going "Well fuck that, I don't want that shit now."

    Knowing what not to post is a pretty important part of a news site. Even mentioning something along the lines of "The settings used weren't given, but etc.," would be mostly pointless, as 90% of readers would see the part about the battery life and shit themselves in rage for one reason or another and just start ignoring everybody who may say otherwise.

    It's the internet, you can't just assume people are going to be smart. Take this forum for example. 90% people who don't read past the first sentence of a post.
  8. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    Did I see Puzzle Bobble AKA Bust A Move on the list? GIMME 3DS NAO PLEASE :D
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The 3DS is region locked btw. Don't buy a Japanese launch model if you plan on living in another country where you plan to buy the games.
  10. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Actually, we already knew that one since the DSi was region locked.
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    This is ridiculous, sorry.

    1. It still came from Nintendo, Nintendo wanted this info out (yay, engrish). If Nintendo was scared of this going public, then wouldn't they have covered their ass? No, they haven't yet concerning the battery life. This information release was up to Nintendo, and they decided to show, regardless if it is max or not, this is how most if not ALL electronics show off their battery life. It's not 'Kotaku's fault', it's Nintendo's fault.

    2. Kotaku is a gaming blog, not necessarily a news site. Meaning that they put up anything they want to that's gaming related, up on the site, or something they find interesting. This leaves room for rumors and unrelated to gaming stories.

    3. Regardless of what anyone is saying on this topic, this still gives us an idea of how good the battery life is. It's going to be lasting around 3-8 hours, which isn't too surprising.

    4.I don't see why anyone should have to tailor a story to stupidity. If someone doesn't decide to read the story, it's their loss and they'll look stupid because of it.

    DSi = 3DS?
  12. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    hey, I read your silly post.

    anyway, just because it was said 3-8 hours doesn't mean Nintendo won't try to tweak it at the last minute to get 4-9 hours out of it, it's aging information and probably going to be changes.

    more like 3DS = 2x DSi
  13. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Not exactly, but if the DSi was region locked why wouldn't the 3DS be?
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Kotaku is still a blazing load of ass suck. Nothing is gonna change that.
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You mean, why would?

    I'm questioning your logic by the way, it's taking a leap there.

  16. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Opinions are like assholes...


    Because, err, you want to put your dick... in opinions?
  17. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Buy a Extra battery?
    Bring the recharge cable on the bag?
  18. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    ... It's all a conspiracy man! Nintendo is tied in with the oil companies and they want us to suckle on the teat of oil dependence from the corporations, man!

    I heard this one dude... he made a car... that runs on water! Duuudde...
  19. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    HEY! Do NOT insult the website that got my blog over thousands of views.
  20. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Battery life is kinda funny, lol.
    I say, better wait for 3DS Lite (or smth) with better battery...