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Jam With The Band (E) Anti-Piracy Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by romsrule99, May 19, 2010.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It is impossible to download off of Wi-Fi with this game as things stand. It seems to be set up with a specific game ID so that the Nintendo download server can keep track of how many songs your game has downloaded. The rom does not contain a valid game ID, and fake game ID's will not work. The only way to download songs off of Wi-Fi as things stand is to get the retail cartridge.

    That fix file is purely for the Wood R4 firmware. It is a fix made by the firmware to be recognized by the firmware so that it can use the save. I didn't even know it made one until I got into my MicroSD today and saw it.
  2. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    damn. No cigar for TTDS then. Guess I'll stick with trying the sav. Doubt it'll work though.
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Unless your cart can continuously generate and read new 32mb saves, it won't work for awhile sadly. It will probably be awhile until the YSMenu loaders are updated again, as some regular person has to be kind enough to update the files, confirm they work, and then post them for everybody to use.

    I just find it odd though. YSMenu could generate the 32mb save for DIY, as Wood R4 could, but neither can generate a 32mb save for this without an update. I call shenanigans.
  4. Qwaetl

    Qwaetl New Member

    I have something that might work by taking your theory and twist it a bit.
    How about moving your .sav away, and let your TTDS create a new one, and when done, turn off your DS immideatly.
    Your .sav should be unchanged with DIY stuff, .sav formatted, and 32MB big.
  5. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    no, it wouldn't work. The fact that TTDS can only make a 32 MB save is because it was updated and told to, only for that specific game. The sav probably has specific D.I.Y values in it that would make it even less compatible than a 256 or 512 kb sav. T.T
  6. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Rc17 for Ez Flash is coming!
  7. Qwaetl

    Qwaetl New Member

    So... we basicly have to wait for firmware.
    I hate how TTDSi has less compatibility then plain TTDS. T-T
    I am SO getting myself a SCDS2, which is probably the most compatible card right now?
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It is a tie between original R4 and SCDS2. Both can run pretty much everything clean right now.
  9. Jon_Roretsu

    Jon_Roretsu Member

    still no updates for EDGE?
  10. Yupingas

    Yupingas Well-Known Member

    Was the Acekard Firmware update for AKAIO or just regular Acekard firmware?
  11. narfzzz

    narfzzz Active Member

    How long before the Supercard DsOne version works properly?
  12. thedicemaster

    thedicemaster Active Member

    i don't think the sav has specific DIY values.
    atleast, the m3real just creates a completely blank 32MB save.

    i think that besides the unusual save size, there's also some protection in the way saves are loaded that IS unique to the game though since telling m3sakura to apply the DIY fixes to JWTB has no effect(other than the created save being the right size)
  13. azman2000

    azman2000 Member

    There's AP in the game. The save file size isn't the problem.
  14. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    Yes it is... Some cards dont recognize the file size, so the manufacturers need to change their cards' firmware
  15. narfzzz

    narfzzz Active Member

    With the new software DsOne Eos v1.0 SP3 the game works perfectly :D
    Now it's not only playing Aura Lee anymore XD
  16. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    Hopefully be a fix soon!
  17. [Whiplash]

    [Whiplash] Member

    Indeed, works perfectly in DsOne with Eos v1.0 SP3. Finally, I can play Smoke on the water in the tutorial.
  18. ayreonaut

    ayreonaut Member

    no fix for acekard2i yet?
  19. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    The game will most likely be fixed in the next Akaio release?
  20. romsrule99

    romsrule99 Well-Known Member

    normatt said he has it working, so expect that in the next AKAIO release