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J-Pop & J-Rock, you Dig?

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, May 31, 2008.

  1. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I like you. There's a lot of people who don't know what the hell the memes they spew are. Thank you for not being one of those people.

    Anyways, I always hate the people who associate themselves far too much with Japanese culture. Don't get me wrong, every language/culture/area/blah have their own medias that can be very interesting, but there are people that immerse-- no, obsess themselves with the Japanese. At my school, and it can't just be coincidental, they are all fat acne-caked girls who wear baggy animu clothes, lean forward and run to class like they look cool, watch anime every second of their lives, talk like a husky man in English but like "Oh my!! Karaajj-kun hee hee!!" in a high-pitched Japanese voice. They associate themselves with Japanese movies and music also. C'mon, don't be so narrow-minded.

    I'm not anti-Japanese, there's a lot of media from Japan I like -- Batoru Rowaiaru (Battle Royale), a highly entertaining film, Death Note, an intense psychological thriller anime, and some Japanese musicians I enjoy -- Nobuo Uematsu (great composer!), Zetsubou Billy" by Maximum the Hormone is pretty kickass too, but the band is a bit too messy for my interests, that one song from Bleach or whatever from that Rei Fu girl [edit: song is called "Life is a Boat"], etc.

    I've rambled! But I swayed more to the point. I'll enforce it by saying that I have heard several decent (though typically too generic/poppy for me... although, American pop is MUCH more generic, usually, I can't complain) Japanese songs during intros/outros for animes, which I rarely watch :p.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wow, now this is a rant I can relate to. Yeah it's one thing to like stuff, like Anime, games & other things from Japan or from anywhere else in that matter, but it's totally sickening when people obsess about it.

    But even though I agree with you void, you should be careful at what you say, there are people out there who take their obsession to much.
  3. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I probably shouldn't have even gone off on this rant, I realize I'll probably be criticized for it, but it needs to be said. It's something that really irritates me. Of course, I guess it's true for obsession with any culture. :p
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Remember the Boy Band craze? That if you said something like, this member of X boy band is Gay or is married with kids that you'd most likely get beat up by droves of oogly eyed fans? Same thing here & else where. ;D
  5. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Me being an Otaku and LOVING Japanimation of course listen to J-Music all the time. In fact that's about 90% of what I listen to. Favorite band right now is FripSide.
  6. Kyosukedate

    Kyosukedate Member

    anime themes are for j-music noobs. I love j-rock and j-pop.
  7. jexamine

    jexamine Member

    well in my opinion, better jpop/jrock than those emo wannabe neophtyes... peace, peace
  8. camia

    camia Member

    didn't bother reading the ranting/raving, but...
    Used to love j-pop (still sorta do) but that's downsized lately, along with my love of l'arc-en-ciel and Aqua Timez, but I still like Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra alot. =)
  9. str8ayds

    str8ayds Member

    Does anyone know in what anime is Sakuranbo - Ai Otsuka used?
  10. HumrH360

    HumrH360 Well-Known Member

    I'm into almost Everything. Seriously, I'll learn a new culture, eat a foreign food, listen to music in another language, just about anything that says "Enjoy the moment."
    Of course, the "everything" part excludes Rap, hip-hop, R&B, and all that kind of stuff. Bad Influence if you ask me.
  11. mdshawon

    mdshawon New Member

    I listen to Jpop. :D
  12. swangtal

    swangtal Member

    Re: Void
    I guess that kinda sucks. At least the ones over here (in Thailand) that pulls that kinda things are cute. And personally, I don't think I mind the goth-lolita-anime-punk-rock fashion line too badly. (Holy crap that's a long name.) But really, I have always liked those kind of cloth even before anime girls starts wearing them (I started my anime career in the 90s) and now real girls are actually wearing them. Too bad I'm 10 years too old to be legally seen hanging around them..
    But I do have a couple of friends who are Japanophiles too. One of them went through the phase relatively quick. The other one now has a Japanese girlfriend (3 Japanese girlfriend streak) so I don't think that one is about to change anytime soon. I think he dig the culture because of the girl though, as he doesn't even watch anime or read manga.

    Anyway, the music. I do listen to a lot of J-pop, and a fair bit of K-pop. (Every Thai songs now are K-pop, and every songs from 2 years ago are J-pop, so it's not like I can avoid it either.) My biggest influences are the anime OP and ED though. I don't know.. I think I will go out and track down any songs that I like: from ye ol' Beatles or Queens to some obscure whatever. And since I watch a good deal of anime, I just go grab the songs I like from there too. At least my song collection is extremely diverse. (I have everything from classical to hymn to R&B to Heavy metal that I listen to on regular basis). The only thing I could never take is Rap. I hate Rappers who don't live it..
  13. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    for me i don't mind j-pop but it's not on my mp3 cause jsut their pop is jsutt oo up beat and fast, it's not like english pop, where it's at a moderate speed, but thats just my opinion, im more of a rap/R&B guy
  14. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Remember what I said last time?

    Now J songs litter my hard drive about 99% of my music is J.... -_-"
  15. HumrH360

    HumrH360 Well-Known Member

    What got me into Foreign Music was the fact that I always heard the same thing on the radio each time:

    (n-word, n-word)
    (Repeat 5x over)

    Seriously, after hearing this crap over the radio for a few years (and it sucks that It's in English) I got bored of listen to Music from America big time.
  16. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    i like almost all of the naruto jap openings, all though it is the only anime that i have watched that had the original jap openings
  17. niiic5

    niiic5 New Member

    J-Pop/Hip Hop. Haha

    Epik High - Well, they are South Korean, but they sing/rap in both Japanese and Korean, they have Cd's out in Japan, they're brilliant!

    Melody- Really good!

    Ayumi Hamasaki - She's too cute!

    Utada Hikaru - Most of you know her I'm assuming, if you don't I highly recommend you check her out... Now. Haha

    teriyaki boyz - Yes. These guys are B-O-M-B. One of my favorites. My friend B-boyz to their music sometimes.

    Emyli - Love her! Check out the song "Tekito Lover"

    Emi Hinouchi - Beautiful voice!

    BoA- Also sings both K-pop and J-pop. Her music is fun!

    Younha- Dear god, she's another favorite of mine.. Yes, for those that know her, she is also South Korean, but I checked it out and she's still considered "J-Pop"
    Her long "Strawberry Days" is probably my favorite of hers right now.

    That's all I'm going put up for now! ;)
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i speak alittle simple japanese (neko chan, kochi desu XD) mainly when i play yu-gi-oh with my friends (boku no turn!, draw!, maho card no hajeto, Black Hole!, ni mai card setto, boku no turn wa surioh desu), i wanted to stay in japan with a sakura tree and a pool in the backyard, i love sushi, soba, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, miso soup and ramen, i also downloaded my japanese couch from romulation (i give up on it, i remember a-i-u-e-o, i forget about ka-ki-ku-ke-ko, when i remember ka-ki-ku-ke-ko, i forget about a-i-u-e-o >.<), i love anime (not quite otoku level, but i can get alittle into it sometimes) and catgirl (if thats count)

    so am i obsess with japanese?
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    No Cal, I can safely say that you are just very much into the culture on a "normal" level. You said yourself that you are not an otaku, therefore you set limits as to how much of the culture you want to have. Dreaming of visiting Japan doesn't count as obsessed too because it's normal to wish to visit other places whose culture fascinates you.

    People who are obsessed with the Japanese culture, the Anime aspect of it mostly are people like those guys who keep logging onto RomUlation & throwing garbage up my face, those guys are really obsessed because they can't take it how we talk about their otaku-ness & need to find nasty ways to defend themselves. Really going on cosplays almost every other month, wasting money creating a costume they'll wear only once, shunning everything else besides Anime & J-pop & acting as though they were in Japan, those are the qualities of an uber obsessed Otaku.

    But I've got to warn you though, your Catgirl thing might become an obsession if you don't ease up on it a bit ;D
  20. Tubenz

    Tubenz Member

    Nightmare and UVERworld