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Ive decided to slim down....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChevyNovaSS, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Mon_Mon

    Mon_Mon New Member

    I wanted to slim down too so i started being more active and eating healthier. We started swimming lessons in school and I started swimming lessons in my freetime (I can't swim well and didn't want to be laughed at). There was one swimming lesson every week and 2 in school.

    After some time my parents told me that I slimmed down (and I really did!) so I guess doing more exercise is important. Eating healthy is important too.

    But when the exams started I ate more junk food and gained weight again... =.=
  2. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Starving is not the same as loosing weight. When you don't eat enough, your body starts to burn muscle as opposed to fat and this is not healthy.
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Working out (resistance training) negates the muscle loss.
    ANY diet without exercise does not work. You need to create a large deficit and the only way to really do that is to exercise, because eating more (more often, more times even with less food per instance) obviously doesn't do that.

    I have combined Eat Stop Eat, with P90X and it's only been 6 days (this being the 6th day), and I have gone from 165 lbs. to 155-156 lbs. I wasn't expecting these results mainly because I skipped Plyometrics, Yoga, and all exercises involving a chin up bar since I don't have one.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    it depends on your diet before.
    If your eating pizza, chinese takeaways, mcdonalds etc then dieting without exercise will still lose weight
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Well, according to everyone's theory that your metabolism decreases when you suddenly cut a large amount of calories (ie. not eating/setting a quota), you'll have to find a way to increase that slowed down metabolism. The answer is exercise.

    According to Eat Stop Eat, the author claims that theory is bullshit because there is no proof. However, there is no proof whatsoever in that book that your metabolism doesn't slow down. Regardless, because exercise is key to weight loss, not only because it supposedly boosts a slowed down metabolism, but also negates muscle loss when a large decrease in caloric intake is introduced, and therefore, you should be doing it anyway.
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    it depends how much weight you want to lose. if its just a stone i'd say diet alone is fine.
    of course, i think everyone should exercise but thats never gonna happen, a lot of people are too busy with work/kids etc
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Excuses, excuses. I know they are, because I used to hide behind the same ones.
    If you want to lose a few pounds, exercise can get that done in a week.
    If you want to lose a few pounds over the course of a few months, then you can suffer with cutting calories for that long. lol
    I'd much rather just restrict caloric intake AND exercise, get the same, if not better results in much less time.

    Restricting calories will help burn fat, but it also eats away at the muscle, which is why you shouldn't JUST diet, but also exercise.

    I'm doing P90X right now and it never takes more than 90 minutes to complete the workouts. Even if you cut down the program, or skip parts you don't want to do, you can get it done in 30-45 minutes (depending on what parts you skip). Doing just Ab Ripper X will have you lose a ton of weight and it only takes 15 or so minutes. To say that people don't have 15 minutes per day to exercise is just lazy as fuck.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    ab ripper x wont lose you a ton of weight i do hundreds of sit ups/crunches/leg raises/twists a day plus weighted sit ups with 90kg and i can say i have never lost any weight by doing them.
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Have you actually DONE Ab Ripper X?
  10. UnlimitedHail

    UnlimitedHail Member

    Spot reduction doesn't exist, go outside & run. Not to mention eat less, move more.

    Honestly it's really simple, you don't need any of this infomercial garbage you see on TV, hell go run (not jog like some old fart) outside at the park. No transportation to a gym? What the hell? Go run there then.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    just looked it up, every exercise on there is same/similar to what i do. its nothing new.
    you sound like a commercial, p90x isn't the best thing ever you know, its just another way to make money.
    ive been doing it the old fashoined way for almost 17 years and never bothered with any of these fads, dont need to, never will.
    and a sit up routine will not lose you a ton of weight.

    but yeah im leaving this one now, obviously you know better than me....you should start training our fight team maybe
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I love how people just go oh, that doesn't work, blah blah blah, without either any evidence or they haven't tried it themselves.
  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i suppose almost 17 years experience isn't enough?
    let me guess, you paid for something, a book, a dvd?
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Except I still don't see any proof. Anyone can say they have 17 years of experience.

    Until you've actually tried it, you really can't say much on the matter. For example, I can't say anything about Toy Story 3 because I haven't seen it. I can't say that it sucks, or that it is a good movie. But I've seen Toy Story 2, and I bet it is similar, but I still can't say anything about Toy Story 3. I can't critique Toy Story 3 until I've actually seen it and evaluated it myself.

    If you really did look at the program on what Ab Ripper X contains, you'd see that there is not a single standard sit up in there. Most of the DVDs are meant to keep the heart rate up, giving minimal breaks at set times, which doubles as a cardio workout as well as its primary focus, muscle building or muscle toning. Are you trying to say that doing cardio won't make you lose a ton of weight?

    And for the record, I burned the DVDs and downloaded the documents to go along with it, but I don't see how this is relevant as to how/why I got it.
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Look at my posts again, i said i did crunches, leg raises etc etc and i also said theres NOTHING in there that i dont do. maybe i should have said AB routine instead of situp, is that better? also some of the exercises in there are pointless for someone thats serious about their fitness/strength because there are better ways of building up core strength such as squats. p90x is nothing new. Come down to our gym and spend 90 minutes a day, you wont go back to p90x.
    Its up to you to believe me or not, i dont care, ask others on the site that know me what i do

    and im STILL saying an AB routine WONT lose you a ton of weight
  16. Chaosage

    Chaosage Member

    Holy moley! Health stuff! Reminds me how much of a fail I am in that department. Too lazy to run and too lazy to go eat.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Nowhere did you actually say what you did, just that it was either the same, or similar, until your last post. And you didn't say that there wasn't a single exercise in there that you didn't do, until your last post. You said that every exercise that you do is either the same or similar. Hypothetically, you could do a total of 3 exercises and say that every exercise that you do is either the same or similar, but that doesn't imply that you did every single exercise on the disc...let's say there's 10 total exercises on the disc. So there's 7 on there that you didn't do, but the 3 that you did are either the same or similar. See what I mean?

    You keep saying that P90X is nothing new, but really that's irrelevant to whether it WORKS or DOESN'T WORK. I could do shit from the '80s and say it's nothing new, but if it works, then who gives a flying rat's ass how old or unoriginal it is.

    You can say whatever the hell you want, but without any proof, I (and anyone else who reads the thread) won't find it to be valid or useful. 2 + 2 = 4. How do I know that? Oh, I just know. That's not very convincing... n + n = 2n, where n is an integer would be a better way to prove that. That's better than just saying, oh I just know.
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    hmmm....i think im right and your wrong, damn i love been right!

    you want proof? why? is that your defence, i cant see it so you dont do it your bullshitting? why dont you prove boxing training doesn't work instead?
    whatever, all im saying is there is better ways to lose weight/exercise then p90x. go to your local boxing/mma gym if you dont believe me.
    how many top boxers/mma fighters use p90x? none, because p90x has taken the easy parts of exercise and put their own spin on it to sell it because people wont pay for something old, boring and hard work.
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I'm sure there are better ways, there's always something better out there. However, that is not the point. Whether MMA fighters use P90X or not is also irrelevant. This does not prove or disprove the original point. The point was whether P90X, Ab Ripper X specifically could make someone lose a ton of weight. That was the original point. Your claim was no, that it could not. Your evidence however, is absolutely nothing other than your own experience which can easily be bullshitted through and through. All I'm asking is that you provide some sort of evidence supporting your points. A quote, a book, a study, a case, something along those lines.

    Let's do a mini-hypothetical experiment.
    Let's create two groups, Group A and Group B. We'll say we have a random sample, but with the restriction that everyone within the sample is within + 5 lbs. of a standard weight of let's say 170 lbs and their fitness level is below-average.
    Group A is subject to Ab Ripper X for 30 days, where Group B is the control group and is not subject to Ab Ripper X for 30 days. Everything else remains status quo, and exercise outside of the independent variable is kept to a minimum.
    What do you think the results of the test would be?
    My guess would be that Group A would lose a significant amount of weight, where Group B would not.
    According to your point, you would say that Group A would not lose a significant amount of weight, and neither would Group B, because you believe an ab routine doesn't promote weight loss, and that Ab Ripper X (or insert ab routine) is just as effective in weight loss as doing nothing.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    You dont lose weight from an ab routine, the body starts burning fat after around 40 mins, an ab routine does not get the heart rate high enough and is not long enough. We set the timer for 10 minutes in the gym and switch exercise every minute, most people cant last 5 mins without stopping.
    Whilst in the army we used to do a "charles Bronson" its 1000 sit ups in an hour(its also used for push ups) and that never lost me any weight.

    An Ab routine will NOT lose you a TON of weight. Dont give advice like that to people, they need to hear the best advice.
    If you want to lose weight run/row do whatever cardio for a minimum of 40 mins(build up to it if you cant do it) and eat a balanced diet, this is just as important as exercise.
    Look at my post on a previous page for my guide to diet if your not sure.

    If you want to take it up a level i recommend this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3224902600571518938#
    It only takes a few minutes(good for busy people, doesn't get boring) and will make a huge difference to your conditioning, if you dont have weights, use a couple of bottles filled with water or something you have lying around.

    If you want to keep fit i recommend a heavy bag: http://www.fit-box.com/punch-bags/punch-bags-pu/ these are the ones i bought for my gym
    its the hardest workout i do and isn't boring like running