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Its just all about the money!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    witchcraft is the casting of spells and performing of rituals to achieve an end. (It's not unlike praying, but a lot more involved) spells must be focused on a specific intent to work, too broad an intent and they won't achieve anything (think physics, focusing energy on a large area has less effect than focusing the same energy on a small area) and may even backfire. Spells with malicious intent will backfire, but not always immediately. (does the saying 'what goes around comes around' sound familiar?), this is known as karmic justice.

    Magick, as we tend to spell it, does not usually produce instantly visible results, and it could be argued (by the scientifically minded) that the results it does have are purely psychological, but hey if that's the case, prayer is no different (the scientists just don't dare say that because Christians can't generally tolerate perceived criticism of their religion, Pagans, on the other hand, couldn't care less how they are perceived, although they don't like the whole 'paganism is evil' doctorine perpetrated by the major religions.)

    in terms of the spells I actually cast, I have one that I often use before an exam to bring me luck, I have used protection wards before on more than one occasion (primarily to render me immune to verbal bullying at school), and taken pain from a suffering person temporarily (I lack the strength to maintain a long running spell) While I do know a spell for supposedly returning the soul of a very recently deceased person to their body, I am never going to use it as the use of such spells is frowned upon (it is referred to as 'grey magick') and it also requires two very powerful witches (One male, one female) to perform.

    The closest I know to a 'curse' (other than the 'f' word :p (in about 6 different languages)) is a spell to accelerate karma so that what is coming to a person hits them now rather than at some indeterminate time in the future. If used correctly and for the right reasons, this spell cannot backfire. I have only used that once that I can recall.

    As Christians have theTen Commandments, and the Muslims have the 5 Pillars of Islam, so my path has laws. One law, in fact: 'an ain harm none, do what ye will' which in English (Ok, that was English, about 200 years ago) it means you may do anything that does not cause harm. As I pointed out in a previous post, all actions have an equal and opposite reaction, meaning that there is no action that does not cause harm, so our law has an extension: 'an it cause harm, do what ye must' which in modern English means do what is necessary for the greater good.

    This law is enforced by something known by many names, including 'the rule/law of three', 'the law of threefold return(s)' and 'karmic law', which is summed up quite well as part of a rhyme I know: 'Ever mind the rule of three, three times what thou givest returns to thee', meaning that all your spells come back on you magnified three times. If your spell was with good intent, then the the good is reflected upon you, if your spell was malicious or careless then it hits you three times worse (hence 'what goes around comes around') and that is your spell backfiring.

    Magick is a tool, not a solution to the world's problems, thus I rarely cast spells; I rarely have a need to. A temporary strength spell works wonders when dealing with stubborn screws though :)

    Sometimes I like to consider how spells could be used in the everyday world though, for example I was at church (my family are Christian) for Christmas, and it was a candle lit service (I hate those services when there's lots of kids there, I keep thinking one of them will catch their hair on fire or something) and I was wondering if any of the spells I knew would extinguish every candle in the building in the event of the above happening, but thankfully it didn't. (It never has, but that doesn't mean it can't)
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Ooooh Lonnylion's becoming more & more scarier by the day. Anyway I'm sorry if I inadvertantly coupled evil with witchcraft duh! So let me rephrase, a zombie would be "evil" if brought on by desires to do harm, yeah I forgot about the chinese zombie, the Kyonshi, an undead entity that not necesarily does harm. The zombies in RE surely are not classified as being brought on by desires to harm 'cause most of them were just accidentally turned into zombies.

    Also I ask you guys again, about me comparing Rival School 2's create a fighter story mode to Ace Attorney. My comparison is based on the fact that Ace Attorney is text driven, meaning to progress you do alot of reading, well the Japanese Rival Schools 2's create a fighter story mode is just like that, you go through your created character's life or school life and develop his/her fighting skill/style by befriending some of the RS2's characters. Now for those of you who know of those japanese porn dating games or hentai, you probably know what I'm talking about, as for ignorant morons, who rant & rant without first understanding what a poster is talking about, please do research before posting, also if you've offended or accidentally angered someone,please mind to appologize.

    BTW, Loony, by witchcraft do you mean you practice & are a follower of Wicca or is it another form of witchcraft that you follow??
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Games where you talk to a lot of people to progress the story often get classed as RPG, even though their theme maybe an entirely different genre. I've seen quite a few arguments over game genre because of this.

    It is my own form that is heavily influenced by Wicca, but also takes things from other paths, so it is not purely Wicca.
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Speaking of Wicca, at the university I'm in the main library has a complete Wiccan book of spells & rites, the thing is you can't borrow it or photocopy it 'cause it's classified under the off limits section that only masteral & doctorate students are allowed to enter

    Text based games particularly text driven ones like Hentai games are sometimes classified as point & click games 'cause these games are mostly PC based & uses the mouse also a mate of mine who's also a loser, er long time gamer like myself says these games are classified as ADV games, I've no idea what ADV stands for maybe "adventure". I've been nagging him to join RomUlation but he keeps insisting that you guys (westerners) won't like him & he even says that you're just toying with me 'cause I'm a minority, which I really don't feel 'cause I've been on the site for months now & let me tell you, this place ROCKS!! I even consider you guys my true "kabarkadas" or buddies :D
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    time to throw my 2 cents

    1...no comment, i hate mario...

    2...Ya actually Rockman sounded cool in jpn (Ro-Ku-Man), but in english it didnt hit the spot or sounded as cool since Rockman is Rock-Man, i relize this when i watch asian-english dub Rockman Exe (it keep all the jpn name, but with correct english)......but again, i didnt watch any pure enlish dub Rockman Exe, so i cant compare...thier saiyuu suck anyway >.>

    3...Actually i perfer if the game is called Bio Hazard, it make more sense since the core of the game is Virus Infected Zombie Outbreak, and Resident Evil is make sense only with RE1 since the whole game is travel within a mension instead a city like in RE2 and RE3...but again, Bio Hazard is the more suitable title.

    4...Rival School 2 Story mode is remove, big deal >.>, 99% of anime base game never been release outside japan.....I have to play King Of Fighter: Kyo in japanese (i never finish the game)....

    5...Pokemon Green is the one of the orginal Pokemon game, i seen it.....and no its not fake.

    anyway there is alot of good stuff that never been imported due to alot of issue, but money is the main things....because the developer dont want to risk to import a title that will lose money....
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah & we die hard gamers are left to spend more money just to have access to the kewl Japanese stuff, oops I forgot I'm already drowning in Japanese crap already lol
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    most gamers who are hardcore and it to the obscure jpn games are also the type of people to know how to get it without paying for it :p
  8. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member

    It's funny because I forgot I posted here, I stand corrected on Pokemon Blue in Japan, it seems I missed that in my reference text. Oh and as a nice snippit the Pokemon Blue (Japan) game was an enhanced version of the Japanese Red and Green game, this enhanced engine was then used on ALL original US and European releases. So US and Europe got a better deal. But for god's sake grow up.

    As for prices: Prices of things in Europe ccan be inflated over that in Japan for many reasons; shipping things made in China to Japan is cheap, more expensive to America and even more so to Europe. Japanese companies, or those that operate in US dollars are using a very bullish translation of prices, 1:1 for dollars to Euros, taking into account that large corporations have to pay for money to be converted at commercial rates, which means if they used real (using commercial rates) pricing they would be making less profit. And in the end if you want any games, then they've got make money to make up for any market flops.


    Cahos Rahne Veloza - Don't call people morons, I know exactly what a hentai game is and I still stand by my comparison, a game thats basis is fighting may have text-heavy parts removed as perception say Americans don't want that in their fighting games. Thats called market perception, if you don't like it then buy indie games and then companies may begin to take note.
  9. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Would any of you Americans pay $111 dollars for a game ??
  10. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    i cant quote you guys discussing prices cos its too far back, but here in new zealand we pay around $120NZD for new xbox360 games!

    if you come to new zealand however, you get way mory money, for example the pound triples ;D ;D ;D bad if we go to england though, we only get a third :'( :'( :'(

    Edit oh i see now you can quote directly from the post... sorry
  11. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    120 NZD is €63....

    €75 (what I have to pay) is 141 NZD...

    Im sorry if I'm moaning....but actually comparing the prices I'm paying to the prices other countries are paying
    has pissed me right off.....
  12. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    sorry but i dont keep dierct tabs on the exchange rate but the pound at least used to be a third of the NZD about half a year ago at least.

    why has it pissed you off? telling people i have to pay less would make me feel awesome.
  13. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    my point is I have to pay more...
  14. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    wait... are you from england and use the pound? if so, i have to pay more! just under double..! ??? ??? ??? :-\ :-\ :-\
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah prices in NZ are much more compared to other countries like USA. I should know I live there! Ps3 games are like $120, and DS games are like $80. That's in Nelson anyway.
  16. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    No, I'm from Ireland and I use the Euro...

    I don't think you realise how exchange rates work....
    If I was to buy a game in New Zealand....I would be paying $120 NZD....which is the equivalent of €63
    much cheaper than what I have to pay here in Ireland which is €75....the equivalent of $142 NZD

    The British have to pay about £50 for a nex Xbox game....thats $125 NZD
  17. wiirdos

    wiirdos Member

    yeah, believe it or not, the developers really want to make money off of selling games
    And WE like to make sure they don't ::)
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    your dollar isn't the only thing in Canada that's high :p
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i love exchange rates at the moment i buy all my stuff from ebay from american sellers as its almost $2 to the pound which means alot of the things i'm buying are cheaper even with the internation postage
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    watch out for import duty though