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is your life good or bad

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by vkidd206, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I'm the kind of person who's only alive because:
    • Nothing's killed me yet.
    • Hobbies and my sense of humour distract and prevent me from falling into existential despair (most of the time)
    • My attempts always go awry!
    I guess you would call this a bad life?
  2. checirecat

    checirecat Member

    Yeah. "hang out with my friends all the time" you said is better. Good relationship with many friends is better. ^^b

    My life is good, too. And I'm happy when I feel it's beauty.
  3. playway

    playway Member

    I have many reasons to go bury myself right now, but for some reason I stay happy. I like my life.
    Well, it wasn't always like that. Before summer 2009 I was severely overweight, and quite depressed. But the fat disappeared, along with the depression. So now I'm a healthy and happy gamer.

    My life could be even better if I had a girlfriend though
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    lifes great!
    self employed, got a house, a girlfriend, a healthy daughter, a home gym and my xbox 360
    i do amateur cagefighting as a hobby and spend my free time playing games

    worked hard for it though a few years ago i had nothing, i was homeless.
  5. Straightos

    Straightos Active Member

    My life is not good, from my point of view. At least now it's not good.
    I keep all day in front of the computer's screen... Doing always the same stuff.
    I am at a point where I don't fear death, unlike when I was about 11 years old.
    I sleep at almost 6 AM every day and wake up around 3 PM.
    I sometimes doubt of my mental sanity.

    *Gets razor* xD Just kidding.
  6. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I can't help but agree with you on this one.... it's thanks to my ex that dumped me that I got into pirating... if I never met my ex I would have never searched for flashcarts and never been here.. so in a way thats kinda good I guess?

    My life is, like Up and down, especially last year.. it was horrible!, but looks like this year is turning out to be awesome! well, atleast I think so because it's doesn't seem bad and it's not perfect, but it's steadily going better at a slow pace.
  7. mrsmes

    mrsmes Guest

    well considering I had a run in or a few with Microsoft and foiled them taking over the world which is private CIA info which i really shouldn't be telling you this, but since your so curious about my life it was 2 weeks ago that they brain washed my friends, David and DJ In The Dark.

    They are 2 people who helped me to save the world, but before them there was Ionic Clash who is now dead from dying when Microsoft lit his house up in flames while he was sound asleep in his house.

    Well other than that and Microsoft trying to blow up the earth and brain washing and killing a few friends of mine it's all ok other than that, but like said you have got to take the bitter with the sweet.

    not that i don't care for them any more i care about the entire earth and it's safety, from Microsoft and Apple Macintosh.

    But i still remember those ones that i have lost and those that deaths could have been prevented had i been able to warn them about a sabotage attack on Ionic Clash's home, but he left me with David and DJ In the Dark, and now i just hope they are safe, but it turns out that i have only heard of one of them that's David who got brain washed and hypnotized as if nothing had ever happened.

    Heck the CIA and FBI and Government were payed thousands of dollars to keep it all a secret.
  8. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    So how many people have you fooled with this "secret"?

    My life is good or bad depending on the day but i hardly ever let a bad thing get to me
  9. saul2earth

    saul2earth New Member

    yes! im doing so good at my cricket, i became captain of the best team of the leauge! my manager says if i get us top of the league i get 200 quid! ;D ;D ;D
  10. echoingtruth

    echoingtruth New Member

    My life is ok, I'll take whatever it gives me..

    I don't have any friends and haven't had any for about 6-7 years, pretty solitary person, i'm very picky with who I want to befriend and hard to trust others

    But i'm in college finishing it up by the end of the year and I have a job that gets me by. This year I promised myself to change things around and I see it happening already
  11. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Since Romulation it is perfect!
  12. MadSemtex

    MadSemtex Well-Known Member

    My life just sucks.
  13. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    I'd like to think my life is great!

    I just need to find a way to break up with my BF...
  14. outlined

    outlined New Member

    Good, i have great family and friends and a girlfriend for 3 and a half years.
  15. haze32

    haze32 New Member

    its ok
  16. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    bought a german helmet in belgium this week and it turns out its ww1 1916 original in perfect condition worth $2000+
  17. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    This is sorta my life with the added law from FMA - The Law of "Equivalent Exchange"
    Whenever I get something good, something bad also happens...

    I can now buy for myself any gadget and game that I want... BUT, I had to move and leave all of my closest friends behind...
    I am now doing well in my studies... BUT, I am now a shut-in who only goes out of the house to buy food and go to school...
    My mom can actually provide for us for the very first time!... BUT, we only get to talk to her through video chat on some days...
    I'm becoming more active in RomU... BUT, I always forget to do my homework whenever I stop by... (this one I don't mind that much! :D)

    So basically... God likes to mess with my life and happiness!
  18. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Life is great and I won't hear anything against it. People who say life sucks are emo wannabes.
  19. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Great, cause it is my birthday :D
    From now on, I am seventeen ;D
  20. narutosupernova

    narutosupernova Active Member

    my life is great but in the past my life is bad