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Is it wrong for a 14 year old boy to be dating a 11 year old girl?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by captain james, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Correction Markswan I'm not religious and I do not hate gays. I believe what I believe because of its application to my life and others. I don't hate gays I'm just against homosexuality amongst humans, because of what I believe i.e. that it's wrong and don't reply asking how is it wrong? or what do you believe? lets just leave it at that and move on. You stated your opinion I stated minds. You believe teens can be mature enough to have sex when by law they are not allowed to drive or drink for obvious reasons, I believe they might think they are ready for sexual intercourse but not "sex". To me it is a major decision, one of the most important decisions you will make as it will be the bond that me and my wife share. A gift I'm giving to her and she to me that we can't take back. I believe marriage is sacred and should only occur once. I don't believe any teen is ready on an all round basis for sex because sex can be addictive and the first person you have it with as for a girl at least, at times just might form a strong connection with them, and when he decides to leave, as he most likely will, she's left torn, now having nothing to hold her back from having sex with anyone she chooses because she's lost that fear. We can sit here and debate whether a teen is ready or not but if teens were ready for sex at that age, they would not have tried to stop child marriages or post a law in my country at least that children under 16 cannot engage in the act of sexual intercourse even if consensual. Anyway these are some of my beliefs, I hope you get over yourself and stop trying to burn me every time I make a post.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Hey man, I still use that term at least once a week.
  3. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    What about animals?
    I've never heard of sex causing alcohol poisoning or a traffic accident. There are dangers associated with sex, but so long as the sex is between two (or more) consenting people whom take the correct precautions; then the dangers are drastically minimised. When people get to a certain age, they begin to want sex. If they go about doing it the right ways (safely, legally) then there is no problem. The dangers of reckless sex are far less apparent than the dangers of reckless drinking and reckless driving (and are less likely to cause the public problems that go with excessive drinking and reckless driving). I personally don't see the problem with responsible teenagers (at about the age of 14-15) starting to drive and drink moderate, safe amounts of alcohol (although, not drinking and driving at the same time). Getting all surreal up your ass: imagine that our sexual organs could only be activated by store-bought tokens; countries' respective governments would likely put the same age limitations on the tokens as alcohol and the issuing of driving licenses. But, in reality, they cannot; and so teenagers have sex as they please. It's going to happen because, unlike alcohol and driving, sex (for most people) is a natural desire; not an artificial one. God, I've really fucked up that explanation : / Whatever, maybe I'll try again later : /
    Are you talking about "outercourse"?
    Loosing your virginity is definitely an important decision. However, for most teenagers, the decision isn't "if" they should lose their virginity in their teenage years; but "when". And people can still get married after losing their virginity as a teenager; even to people other than the person that they lost it to (isn't "free will" crazy?).

    Not 100% sure what you are saying here : / Yeah, it's true that whomever you lose your virginity to may not care about you as much as you care about them. That's a potentially a risk with everyone you have sex with, at any age. I notice that you single out girls for sleeping around. So what if people want to sleep around? We're young, we want to make the best of it. Some people sleep around to the point that they lose self-worth in their own eyes and demean themselves (that's true for men as well as women, but men tend to be more resilient for this as we tend to value the physical pleasure higher than emotional pleasure).
    Also, adults may become addicted to sex too. Having sex often doesn't make you an addict.
    Congratulations; you've correctly assessed the point of the thread!
    In most western countries, sex under the age of 16 is fine so long as the people involved are under the age of 16 (yet old enough to make an informed decision to consent to sex). Also, comparing "child marriages" to consensual sex is redundant (regardless of whether you mean between an adult and a child or two kids).
    Every time you make a post? Exaggeration? Your crazy ideas of what should and what shouldn't be allowed attract debate like a magnet. I don't usually tend to remember posts on forums from a great period of time in the past, but I remember some of the homophobic crap you've posted; and it can't go unchallenged. Last I checked this was in the debate section. Your past homophobic comments are relevant, IMAO, because you're voicing opinion on the sexual habits of other people again. If you can find anything in my posts that you can use to try to value my opinion; then do so.
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    he is too young to be dating, damn, at his age ii was just thinking in getting drunk, and play videogames, and score with girls that age, not dating someone, specially so young :p
    i dont think a girl that age can have babies yet...
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Goddamn and I thought I was having enough trouble with my 15yr old wanting to date 20+ old guys or the other way around we already kicked one guy out of the house when I found out he was 25
    Told her when she is 18+ she can do what she wishes, but I'll be damned if its going to happen under my roof!
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    that is actually understandable, 20 is already an adult, and dating a 15 year old is against the law (Pedofilia)
    but i just dont get it, why be dating at that age, at 11 or 14, just enjoy being teens, kids, whatever, while you can, there is alot of dating later in life
  7. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Apparently if you have strong beliefs about certain topic you have to try as much as possible to state them in a way that they do not appear as magnets but either way I'm glad you remember my words. That is good. At least you can't say now you didn't know.
    Post Merge: [time]1275432664[/time]
    Wait why did you allow a man (who you thought was a boy at the time) to live in your home. What about his home. That was your first mistake. Allowing a stranger (even if you knew him for years) to live in your home with your teen daughter and if you knew they were involved, that's worse. *shake my head*
  8. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    The opinions, not the way you stated them. And you don't need to hold back your opinions, but don't expect me (or anyone) to feel the same as you and not call you out on them.
    When did I say that I didn't know? Didn't know what?
    He wasn't living at his house, I'm guessing he came home and found him there.
  9. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    A previous moderator who will not be named is dating a 12 year old girl, and hes 17. He's also a very weird person. Talking about Cameron by the way.
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I don't know if anyone has said this before, but:

    Half your age plus seven.
    Apply the formula to both parties, if it works, it's ok. If it doesn't work, it's not ok.
  11. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    The funny thing is how EVERYONE is mentioning sex first and forgeting all the other stuff. Geez, there was even a pedobear seal of approval!!! I'm not supporting this act and defending a 14 year old dating a 11 year old one, but can't you guys stop thinking about sex for one minute and make a serious comment? XD

    On my general opinion: KIDS SHOULDN'T BE ACTING AS ADULTS. Period.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    A lot of people seem to forget the days where marrying at 14 was the norm for a girl.
  13. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    This is wrong. I know a girl (my batch mate) who has a boyfriend..1...2...3...4 years older than her. My sister calls the boy a "pedophile".
  14. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    and people at that time died at the age of 40, 40 was not middle aged, it was already being an old person
  15. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    yea they married young because they died young, marry young and pop out a lot of babies so you can have help on the farm was the basic idea. then medicine developed and women became educated and there was less interbreeding and marrying at 14 and more industrialisation and air pollution.
  16. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    How are the comments about sex not serious? It's one of the most serious outcomes of a relationship; it's not as if it's irrelevant. And people have already said that if all they're doing is holding hands and kissing it's fine : /
    The teenage years are the years in which kids become adults, there is always going to be a phase in the transition in which they begin acting like adults (before, ideally, progressing to behaving like them fully). Periods don't stop happening because of sex, only if the girl gets pregnant; duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh <crappy attempt at humour
  17. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    It's the original poster, the one who asked the question, who said the 11 year old was looking to score.
  18. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Like wolves to a rabbit. moderator/predators
  19. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    eh if its just hanging out and having fun then yea i'd say its fine but its its sexual NO... which telling by the ages i doubt its sexual i dont remember trying to bang anyone at 14 years old ..wait nevermind i did :eek: as long as he's good to her and she's good to him and they both understand that sex isnt an option at that age i dont see anything wrong with it, the girl is probably more popular just by having a 14 year old boyfriend. basically if you (the poster) feel like your friend is gonna use her for sex then be a man and stop it . dont let the girl be put through the emotional distress of having a shithead boyfriend who's only trying to take advantage of her. and also let your boy know that if she's just looking for some dick to make her get it from someone else if not he'll be marked the rest of his life and he'd being ruining his life if he got her pregnant.. pussy is good but its not worth ruining his life over that young.. tell him to just ..wait girls on the internet do more anyway ;)
  20. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    having a child won't ruin your life though just make things a bit more complicated.