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Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memories?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1Blacks1, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    Models explain the environment we sense. For example, we see an apple fall from a tree. And when we throw it up, it falls down again. So we say (='create a model') that is gravity.

    Same is with life and death. Death is just a description for something that is no longer alive. Death is a change in the model of Life. Life is modelled somehow. I don't know what to call life. Is it humans and animals? Is it cells, or chemical reactions, or excited electrons? Energy in general? Where is the limit? People put the limit somewhere, usually somewhere around cells. But if you keep extending the analogy of animal to cell, then why not from cell to chemical reaction, or even further.

    The nice part of models is that we can adapt and improve them by adding information to it, but only if it sounds acceptable. Religion has a way of adding information to a model of death, which has stood ground for thousands of years. In a way you can say that Mathmatics is just another religion. The religion of the last 400 years.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Actually, long before man became able to "think" Math was already there, we just wasn't aware of it
  3. kaj1992

    kaj1992 Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    well... where does a circle end? or a scientific cycle? the answer is, they don't.

    i do believe in an afterlife, but i do not believe in hell, because even in the bible it says that god always forgives (or at least i think it does, i dont read it every day) but it says that if you commit a mortal sin you will not get into heaven, i find this improbable if god always forgives, therefore there must not be hell, either that or satan must be very lonely... (anyway back onto the subject). So there is an afterlife, and as for end, i believe that life will never end, whether it be that you will be re-incarnated or you will get eternal life in an afterlife of some sort, it will always be a continuous cycle, as for every action has an opposite and equal reaction, if there is not an afterlife or reincarnation for you, some say that when one person dies another is born, this seems a good explanation for that.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    Human Life Cycle

    Start -> Sperm and Egg fuse -> Zygote -> Blastocyst -> Embryo -> Fetus -> Baby -> Children -> Teenager -> Adult -> Elder -> Death -> End

    and you are saying?
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it's egg not oval, and before elder usually comes sex, which begins the cycle anew for another person.
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    thanks for the correction, my bio knowledge is a bit rusty >.>

    btw and dont the same cycle still apply even if they reproduce before become an elder? they still die no matter what....
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It starts the process off again for a new person. Like fork() [/nerd]
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ya new person, but same cycle still apply to that new person.....so it still end with death......
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Actually, death isn't the end, if you consider the species as a whole & not as an individual. Yes for an individual death is the end, thus voiding the cycle of life theory, but if at some point, that individual managed to find a partner & created an offspring then the offspring will continue the "legacy" of its parent, & it is this legacy what comprises the so called cycle of life.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    even thier children carry that so call legacy (DNA data, teachings and so on), it will eventually die IF that children fail to evolve in order to survive, thats why some species is extinct from earth, so death is still the end.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    When we talk of extinction, we shouldn't easily relate it to death, yes extinction is death, death of a species, but what factors comprise extinction??

    Adaptation, most or all animals/plants that went extinct did so because they failed to "adapt", as some theorists posted severe cataclysmic climate change was the reason why the dinosaurs became extinct. THeir evolutionary adaptation, was meant for a specific "stable" environment, but when some unforeseen climactic change occured, they were unable to adapt, so they became extinct.

    Another factor is disruption of the "natural" habitat, as with the extinction of the Dodo, Tasmanian wolf, the sulfur bottom whale & many more in the recent years. The disruption of their habitat, by an invassive being, us, was the cause why said animals became extinct
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    you are wrong for dodo..... because dodo doesnt have a nature enemy, thats why they are too friendly, so human take advantages of that nature and hunt them down for easy meet, and eventually they become extint....

    and most of your point already be cover in my last post...so your point is?

    regardless of the factor (cover in my last post), they still die...in order words death....so extinction = death, and if human didnt evolve into higher level, it might be our turn....
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    our turn will come.
  14. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    So, Does anyone know how the Mayan... or Aztec Calandar relates to this topic :) the 2012 thing
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I've asked that on my "the outdoors are indeed dangerous" thread, and it appears, we can't just base a definite date of the end of the world on just a calendar, even if it was too ahead of its time, in terms of how accurate it was
  16. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    If you can define a beginning, you can define the end at the point just before you meet the beginning again.

    The human life cycle is just wrong. It's not a cycle as it is defined there. It's all just chemics:
    You pick a bunch of chemicals, you mix them, add some stuff to it, remove some, and after 80-100 years it becomes unstable and falls apart to just chemicals, which you can reuse again.

    The Dodo became extinct because it couldn't evolve fast enough. Why are pigs, chickens, cows, many fish and birds still around and are others extinct? The dead ones couldn't adapt. Survival of the fittest.
  17. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    Somehow, I don't consider farm animals fit.
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yes, farm animals, even fish that are cultivated shouldn't be categorized as being "fit", since they have only gone far with human intervention.

    As for the dodo, they were "fit" for the habitat they were in, they only died out when a ruthless invasive creature came to disrupt their ecosystem, us!!
  19. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    We are the prime predators, with technology, but without.....Yeah..

    The different animals being tamed by Humans arent exactly fit... We raise them so that we can eat them to survive, and they are just food, they're only alive because we like their taste...
  20. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    what about our pets, we tame them but we don't eat them