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Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memories?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1Blacks1, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No, I'm just pointing out that hearing loss (i.e hard of hearing) is not considered to be deafness, it is extremely mild and often temporary (caused by an excess of wax in the ear in that case, a condition called 'glue ear')
  2. Supasly

    Supasly Guest

    Well, I believe that people that die are not reborn but they are kept in a place until the end of the world or until the universe if reborn. I do believe their is something after death but no one knows until it is to late.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    Well we will rot away together, never to come back
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    There are 2 kinds of death really:

    Physical death, the more familiar one where our bodies decay our consciousness departs & icky creepy crawlees munch on our roting carcasses.

    And Spiritual death, a state where you lose sight of yourself. That is, nothing in your existence matters & you aimlessly seek a meaning to everything.

    Both are examples of death, but they are meerly physiological phycological deaths, true death means only that one state ends & another begins

    As the sayings go:

    Circle of life
    The Alpha & the Omega

    Nothing really dies or ends, its all just "beginnings"

    As Jesus Christ has shown us, there is everlasting life, or as Gautama Buddha tells it, there is an existence beyond death & it is an existence in another place & another form

    I don't particularly believe the Atheistic view though, but if we really stop functioning like machines that bust out when we die, then so be it. If only there was a way to "talk" with someone who has "crossed over" so we can finally settle this matter.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    sorry, jesus showed people there is eternal life? IIRC he just told people there is and they believed him. No proof was ever given.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah, that's why I said that we really needed someone who actually crossed over so he/she can tell us what really happebed.

    By the way, what's IIRC??
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    If I Recall Correctly
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well its better to have a mathmatical equation to show that is possible then someone claim its possible.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Math to resolve the issue, I can't picture it.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well math is the langague of the universe.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's true, I mean even in nature Math is so predominant

    In flowers, seeds & seashells for example, you can see the Fibunacci sequence

    But Math to know if there is life after death??
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    there is a possibility there is an equation for thing like thats, but i really really doubted it.......
  13. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    True, you can only find out that you wasted (or didn't) your life believing in something only to die and rot away. There is no proof of an afterlife... Yet some people say can you prove it wrong? I say hell yeah, can you prove Unicorns don't exist? lol. same crap there a myth.
  14. icyth

    icyth Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    I don't think any of us can truly understand consciousness unless we are a brain scientist I mean how do we know we're not just overly complicated robots? What makes us different from a robot besides being born naturally?
  15. Truth

    Truth Active Member

    The debate of an afterlife is one that can never persuade the other side, for they are such entirely different philsophies. [see: apples .vs. oranges]

    One cannot prove their is an afterlife. Therefore, why should I believe?
    Faith is a test to see if you can believe the unbelievable, and your reward would be an afterlife.

    They just don't mix.
  16. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    As I recall, I remember posting something that says, It's better to believe, and end up nowhere, than to not believe and end up down there.... I'm not sure if I posted that, but well... Here it is!

    It is true though that there is no proof rather than Faith in an afterlife, but if you can answer me this: How did cultures who ahd NO contact with each other in the BC'c come up with Gods, Heavens, and Hells?

    They were unable to contact each other until a type of transportation was created, so If you can answer me that question, you must back it up by: How did the early "Aztecs" go to an island like the Philippines?

    If you can have definite proof, is there God, or is it the Human's nature to find something with a cause, because this question is similar to how different cultures, who were unable to contact each other, how were they able to create so called "Myths", and "Epics" About Dragons, and Folklore, without actually having contact?

    There has to be some kind of proof concerning this, but is there really proof, was it real, or was it made up? If the countries were Isolated in their own way, they the answer most likely would be Real, but I'm not even sure about this myself.
  17. ultra

    ultra Guest

    death is part of life as life runs along like a timeline or a story where there is a beginning and an end.

    being reborn would more then likely mean that we don't have a recollection of our previous memory from our previous life. the reason is that god wants to teach you a lesson of what life means to that individual for the current life that they are living.

    if you live rich on one life then god will teach you the meaning of what if means to be poor or to struggle for living. if we had previous knowledge then it would interfere with the lesson that is planned for that individual.
  18. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    Actually the Pagans(heathens for other people) were among the first (religion?) they were more with nature than any god.(Along with other Polytheism religions that were just as silly, If I may add) God is a man made entity, created merely to try to solve the questions we can never answer. Have you ever thought of something to the point when you feel helpless? You want to call out for help? You scream for god and get nothing? But saying it makes you feel better, like taking a placebo for a disease you can't get rid off... We ask for god out of our own vices and needs, thus hatred is born...The problem doesn't go away so you plan, and you blame your shit on other people. Your cause is justified thus calling it god's will, or call it uh let's say THE AMERICAN WAY! (or any other country really)you get a little mob, mob makes more people and you got yourself a war. When you greet death you hope for forgiveness to "ascend" to heaven, oh and remember before you see the light you must die!
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Re: Is Death Part Of Life? Do We Reborn physicly And As Conciquence Loose Memori

    God is a social reflex. Humans fear the unknown, and so make up stories to make the unknown more familiar and therfore less scary. Originally it was anything we didn't understand, water, lightning, anything, then as our knowledge grew, the need for these "gods" grew less and they were phased out, now all religion's used for is a means to control the masses and to offer comfort to those touched by death, just as it comforted those ancient people huddling in thier homes as a lightning storm passed overhead.
  20. mysticaloctopus

    mysticaloctopus Well-Known Member

    This is basically what I reckon.
    Now go and read the description of Ragnarok. I think that when some elder was thinking up how the world ends, a curious child kept asking "what next?". It just keeps going! It features no less than THREE giant wolves whose jaws stretch from the earth to the sky, at different points, and many other things. It even plans out exactly which god kills which. Damn, those vikings were accurate.