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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by stirgo1212, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    HAH! YES! E X A C T L Y ! oh man, i did the same thing...it takes discipline,doesnt it? I just tried in a hurry quite alot of games ,then deleted them and said to myself that i want to finish these (that i have on my "list") first...then i can "reward" myself of playing the others.
    Also,i noticed i am alot better in certain games if i have only a few games on my cart,which makes sense since i dont fiddle arround with others never finishing them or whatever... Contra DS is the prime example.
    It is hard not to play FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time ... i deleted my save game (i only did the 1st chapter),because i want to finish Ring of Fates first :) And i must first finish Phantom Hourglass to even try Spirit Tracks. Wish me luck,my friend ... :D

    So,what are you playing now ?

    Going back on topic: is it true that in C.O.P. ,the ability to kill criminals is totaly random? (Shooting in the head sometimes kills them instantly,another instance it takes more shots or something...)
  2. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Oh guys, I got MW2! It is awesome! :D
  3. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    This is really an opinion statement.... but I say not sure
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    I like Operation Flashpoint CWC better... OFP2 sucks big time,except the gfx and a few interesting features.It was ment for the PC gaming,but they just had to change it to feel like a fucking console arcade ghost recon kind of thing. I hate the gfx filters too...everything so brown-ish.And why the hell must it have so many interfaces in the hud ?? (in the original OFP,you didnt have so many information in the hud ,which is better ,more realistic ... ).

    MW2 is buggy,the devs were lazy and punish people who use their bugs.I mean,when did gaming become like a fucking sport? "unsportsmanlike behaviour results in permanent ban" WHAT THE FUCK !? Talking about people being automatons who agree on everything that pubblishers say...

    And this is my opinion - no i dont think the dude above me is brainwashed.I was talking about folks on destructoid...their comments are only good for a laugh
  5. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Yeah.. And I'm playing GTA Chinatown Wars now and I don't care about COPS anymore.. I'm also playing Resident evil 5 on the PC now..MW2 didn't satisfied me because I can only finish the game on 50% completed
  6. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    yeah i dont care for COPS either...they allways badger me with a speeding ticked (giggles)... oooh ,you mean the game C.O.P. ! :D (comedy relief... i failed)
    Well,i did play a bit with GTA Chinatown Wars and it is INSANELY fun to play a GTA game that screams "NOSTALGIA FACTOR!".Oh man,i remember GTA 1 and 2 on my PC...
    In fact,Chinatown wars is so good they made it the same for PSP,heheh... now,if only there was a DSi-only GTA game in the future works,it could use the twice the power of the cpu/ram the DSi has.would be interesting,but unfair to other DS users.(this would suck,maybe).
    The only problem i have with GTA Chinatown Wars is the ...i dunno... the controlls seem too sensitive ,if you ask me.I just cant drive a car without worrying i will bump into someone. It would also be nice if the BRAKE and reverse drive were different buttons (or combinations of other buttons). The hand brake seems like it does absolutely nothing... i did only play it for 15 minutes,because i want to finish other games first. But so far,i liked what i've seen.