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Is anyone interested in making their computer account an Admin.?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Weedmor_Fatblunt, Jul 31, 2011.

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  1. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    This is so awesome!

    I'm definitely going to download porn now!
  2. Echo50

    Echo50 Active Member

    Ugh too bad my bro is the admin and is good with computers. This doesn't work on vista though.
  3. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    To be completely honest with you, I posted because the way that you are dealing out this mission-critical information completely seriously is both funny and tragic. The mental image I get after reading your first post (of you, slouching on your idiot throne, waiting for skidies to come and beg you to grant their IT wishez with your basic - faulty - computer knowledge) just pokes the spiteful part of me that can't resist typing.
    I can't imagine your time has any value other than sentimental value.
    Remember my first interaction with you on this forum? Detailing the process of downloading an old version of epsxe after you found reading the 2 sentence reply that solved your problem too difficult to process? So hard to concentrate on reading a one-line reply that you apparently got bored after the first 3 words and just finished the rest in your head with your too-active imagination? Yes, you're quite the special genius "Weedmor Fatblunt".
    Ugh, so dumb.
  4. Markswan. You're a 1-upper. So I won't waste anybody's time arguing with you because behind the shield of long-distance communication you could say whatever you want & what can I do about it? Not a damn thing. I can only wish I knew you in the real world. you know why.
  5. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I'm flattered, but you're not my type.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    sudo rm -rf /
  7. gah seriously markswan u got to me & u know it but face to face you wouldn't have the opportunity to talk any shit. i would just beat the shit outta you, punk. People wanted some information and I gave it to em. What the fuck is so annoying to you about that? get that stick outta your ass and make room for my boot nigga.
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member


    It's been a while since I've seen a keyboard warrior.
  9. daedalus02

    daedalus02 Member

    There is usually a jumper on the motherboard that will reset bios/cmos passwords. The documentation for your motherboard should give you more info on this.
  10. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

  11. nah cuz, this is me

    i've noticed that no "keyboard warrior" ever bothers to supply a photo or any real info on themselves. here you go buddy thats my info.
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I already solved my problem, thanks to Loony. It's a laptop so a jumper wasn't needed. All I had to do was disconnect the laptop battery, find the CMOS battery connection, disconnect it and reconnect it.

    Oh, and Weedmor, it's shit like this that shows your immaturity, and it's the same shit that makes the general community dislike you, and I'm surprised a mod or admin hasn't disciplined you yet.
  13. fuck you insanecrazy seriously why are you so god damn pompous over the internet!!
    furthermore, "the general community"?? you mean some people sitting at their computers? cuz my general community enjoys my company. btw I mean no disrespect to anyone, except insanecrazy & markswan. fuck them two guys.

    just to be clear, i did not start any of this, everything i have said involving coarse language and the like has all been in retaliation to one ass hole or another, either because they were "taking the high road" or just being a dick. I'm a genuinely nice guy, but that doesn't mean i will let anything slide, including sarcasm and stuff like what insanecrazy said above, without talking some trash back to you.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    lol. See what I mean? It's these sort of things that will get you banned.

    The fact that you retaliate against anyone you think is insulting you is the immaturity I'm talking about.

    My advice to you is to stop what you're doing before you piss off someone with banning privileges.
  15. SO WHAT?! god damn dude it may mean a lot to you to be able to post your opinions online, but people care about my opinions in real life. my advice to you is go fuck yourself. ban that bitch. i may be immature but i enjoy who i am and what i do.
  16. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Dang dude, umad?
  17. ya i was mad, they just don't quit man. Not really at what they said, just the fact that they wouldn't have the gall to say it to anybody's face. that's all.
  18. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Because they know muscleheads like you would take any reason to resort to physical violence.
  19. I'm not even a musclehead, just bigheaded. not proud or ashamed of it. we all can only be what we are. & i'm pissed off.

    & what's wrong with fighting? everbody is such a pussy nowadayz.
  20. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Someone insults you and you're ready to resort to violence. Calm down there armchair warrior rocky balboa
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