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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Troublesome222, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    itunes adds DRM to your entire library. that is the problem
  2. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Usually I wouldn't go for an ipod, but considering the fact that you really want one, I would say you should go buy the 16GB, cause you're only paying 67$
  3. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    I could just make copies of every single song I have and put the backup somewhere safe.
    I..That...is...so...brilliant. I'll probably do it, ... I guess... More storage is good.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you can, it's just horribly inconvenient.
  5. Constiplopz

    Constiplopz Active Member

    wrong....itunes music is DRM since like last November...if you havn't heard...and i don't think you would get the same quality out of any other Music player at the same price...provided you have good headphones, ipods are the best there is...next would be zunes....i've seen iRivers and i think they would probably break WAY faster than ipods...and the ipod battery does NOT run out that fast.
  6. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    I searched on google. That doesn't happen anymore.
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    what did they change about DRM?

    If it's such a hassle, then downgrade to an older iTunes.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have a 6 year old iriver that is entirely undamaged, and I know people who have had 4-5 ipods because they broke. also like I said, I'm not talking about how long between charges, I'm talking about how many charges before its useless.
  9. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    Okay. This can be a full mp3 player war/comparison. FACTS please.
  10. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    If you were willing to shell out a bit more money, I'd tell you to go out and buy yourself an Archos... I use the DS as an MP3 player actually
  11. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    Not willing to shell out more money. I'm getting a 16gig and paying my dad the 67 bucks.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I once used a GBAMP v2 as my mp3 player...but was sik of limited space (takes CF cards..and the fact that it was full of NES roms...truly one of the good rom players :) ) and poor quality-I gave up and stuck to a more dedicated device...

    As for ipods breaking-I thought I was heavy handed XD

    My first is damaged internally-after 5 drops (in a silicone case) it

    -freezes-and the unfreeze method means you have to wait until the battery is drained

    -battery life is 5 hours (chargining too early I guess)

    -goes spaz ie moves about on it's on thru menu's or shuts down on it's own(and trying to stop it using other than HOLD switch means it may freeze)

    -even though it may register a click ie play-it refuses too-requires a full on power down and restart

    Plus I went thru 2 of those STUPID ipod head phones...they seemed to come apart-so I got some "ear muffs"...

    Sure it lowers the out put in overall sound-and it's painful to walk around with sunglasses and this on (due to size) but at least I shan't go deaf-and it's more comfortable on it's own XD

    (Not to mention being VERY useful in winter)
  13. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    I got it today, I'm gonna use the free non-ipod earphone that came with it. But I'll buy some in-ear headphones.
  14. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    now if don't have a refund-guarantee
    jailbreak it
  15. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member


    Does anyone have any suggestions for free games/apps I should get?
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    cracked free or free free?
  17. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I think he means free free
    cause every game is free if you jailbreaked
  18. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    Hmm? Anyone got any suggestions?

    I'll just search google in the meantime.
  19. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    sorry >_<
    I don't have free apps, so I can't know...
  20. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    Alright... no free apps? How is that possible?!!