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ipod touch vs. nintendo ds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joshrocks309, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Your opinion is not valid.
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    If your opinion is "get a PSP" then your opinion is irrelevant. If your opinion is "a DS is for kids/young teens" then it's easily disputed.


    Really? a Wii? So you can touch your TV and shit happens?
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    The 2 are aimed at different auddiences, the icrap is an mp3 do it all, it has powerful graphics but a slow frame rate (yes, my brother has an iphone...) and alot of the games are designed time wasters rather than dedicated games, only a small portion are long enough to be considered games...but dont feel right when played (re4, im looking at you and your shitty touch screen controls!)

    The ds is a dedicated gaming console, aimed only at ALL gamers, sure, it has lots of shovelware aimed at kids, but soemone always buys those, but even those shovelware games are longer lasting then an iphone game, and the best quality ds game outshines an icrap's because it's dedicated to a gamer, the icrap's time waster games are alot better than the actual longer games themselves.

    If that is tldr...

    Ds=dedicated gaming console aimed at EVERYONE, not just kids fyi
    icrap=an mp3 time waster that people often forget is a glorified mp3 player

    (as for why i call it an icrap, I'd call it an ipod but the range is too big and I could be calling out the iphone/i pod classic/some other god dam crappy thing, so i chose icrap as the broad name)


    Devon despite your manner your post are full of intellect and humour, you must teach me your ways.
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I never said something is incompatible because of the OS makers.
    I agree to your first point, but your second point...meh.

    DS graphics compared to iPod's ones = DS fails.
    Hold them against each other... see the BIG pixels at the DS?
  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    lol, just stop fighting guys, seriously...
    these two consoles cannot be compared for the following reason:
    -they are for diffrent uses (gaming or multitasking)
    [maybe when the new ds comes out, then, and maybe then can we dispute this]
    other gadgets such as the zune or psp can be compared...
    the creator of the thread is a dumb ass cause he made the thread to begin with...
    he already had his mind set on the stupid iPod, so why post this at all?yes he did not say, topic was not "which is better" it was which would yoou keep.
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    What are you, 14 trying to act like you're mature? Did all your little friends run out and by a psp claiming its for you "mature" people? Whatever helps you sleep at night. The wii doesn't have a touch screen.
  7. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    I meant as in the game maker has to make it compatible to the ios. The ios is made for music, but is powerful enough to play games. Graphics are important but alot of people decide that the rubbish graphics make the game or console rubbish and inferior.

    The two are completely different, and aimed at specific things.
    Ipods are aimed at music when it was first developed.
    The ds is aimed at gaming.

    There is nothing really to compare between the two, they're just completely different.
  8. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I'm neutral in this argument. I don't prefer either, I use them both just about equally. To prevent tl;dr, I'll post my short opinions.
    iPod Touch - Good to great graphics (esp. on Retina), but nearly all games have little to no replay value, if you ever actually play them for more than a few minutes. Pretty good media device though.
    Nintendo DS - Graphics just subpar the Touch, but it doesn't matter since the non-shovelware games usually last a while. The DSi's media crap (mp3 & pics) is nothing compared to the iPod.
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The fact that you're comparing an iTouch to a DS is hilarious. I don't need an iTouch to play my music. I can get better. My DS plays games. I choose my DS.
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    The iOS itself isn't powerful enough to play games. It's the device, that's powerful enough.

    iPods were first aimed at music when they were released. Times have changed and iPods can do almost everything a computer can do, including support for games.

    If you look at both the music sides...both require at least a tool to convert/store the music. DSi needs AAC format, iPod needs a tool to just store them.
    Both have a music player. DSi's one is just a bit worser, because that it can only play AAC (aka M4a). iPod doesn't have graphics when playing, as far as I know (not counting the cover displaying).

    The two can be compared easily if you look at both the music and the storage view... DSi requires a SD card for storing music, because nintendo refused to allow people to store stuff on the build-in memory, which is way less then needed if you are a music lover, not everybody haves one. iPod has build-in storage, but doesn't have a SD card slot.

    Games. Allright, DS is designed for games. iPod has lots of games, too. Both have their up- and downsides. iPod for example can make it harder when playing. DSi has more options for playing. But that doesn't mean it is way harder to control the game.

    [me=Yoshi2889]re-reads what he just typed...[/me]
    [me=Yoshi2889]thinks it is not clear enough.[/me]
    Ah well.
  11. Tyson346

    Tyson346 Well-Known Member

    why the hell should your neighbour get a ds shes not your family?
    you can always fake break your ds though ...
  12. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    for the love of g-- stop reviving this >:[
    i wish i was rich enough to pay everyone off to stay away from this stupid topic.
    we have all input our views/ideas/choices, the man's question has been answered, if he chooses to take our advice thats up to him...
  13. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    yeah... well the problem of giving up a NDS is whether there are games on it that you like. if there isn't, then by all means keep the Ipod and become one of thousands of slaves to apple... but in seriousness, just make sure that you have wifi access so you can get some good use out of it, and for the movies you have to come up with the exact format or "rent" them from the Itunes store. Frankly it is easier to use a program like handbrake to remake the video into a format that works with your device. >.> just letting you know about that in the switch. Also to note. the screen size isn't great... and holding a device for the entire length of a movie is not fun... So choices and sacrifices need to be made.
  14. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! the guys not even participating in his own post anymore!