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Infinite Space

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Wild_Kat, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I'm about to be an insane ship captain too. I'm clocked in at 47 hours, and I'm at the last chapter! Hoorah!
  2. Gabbynaruto

    Gabbynaruto New Member

    This game is the best DS game so far. I love it so much. Reminds me a bit of Freelancer. The gameplay is fantastic, the variety of ships, modules weapons and everything else is amazing. The graphics are awsome. The sound is good (because of the weapons, but the voice acting rules, especially Yuri's voice). What else should I say? It's just so amazing.

    Well, looks like you guys really got far in the game. I got into DIY, that's why I haven't played it lately. I know that my first ship and the Daisy ship are just some small points comparing to my actual ship, and the weapons I put on it really make the ship look awsome when firing.
  3. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I just finished the game last night, bud. How awesome you think it is right now, is how awesome it will be when you finish it too. I swear. I agree with everything you said, though saying it's the BEST DS GAME SO FAR is quite an exaggeration, it definitely is one of the best top shelf games out there to date.

    Words of advice, put down DIY, and start exploring the sea of stars!
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    :D Huzzaaah! good work, you insane ship captain of the universe you! :p
    Post Merge: [time]1270638724[/time]
    Dude,since i trust your judgement based on our little conversation back there... i will give it another try (3 is the charm they say,yes?). Im seriously curious now. But first i must finish Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days ,because i have no space left on my puny 4gb sd-micro.
    OR ...i could delete Suikoden Tierkreis ... hmmm ,i dont want to do that just yet. I know i have the ROM backed up on my PC ...screw it ,i admit: im too lazy dammit! what do you want from me?!?!?! :D LOL just kidding
  5. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    That's the spirit! Just keep in mind, when you do start playing again, and the game is getting on your nerves once more, gimme a beep and i'll teach you my secrets. PS. They don't involve a lot of patience or understanding. It's all very simple my friend. The sea of stars will be a much better place once you know my secrets.