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Infinite Space

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Wild_Kat, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    I only want to know whats the point in melee, do you get anything special, like more money or something?
  2. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    Dunno, maybe it's for some idiot who just happens to be close on an enemy ship and has a full Gauge.

    Or maybe for Enemy ships that has high Durability or uses those shield weapons.
  3. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    but it would be lot more useful that you would get something like loot whenever you "take over"a ship or the ship itself in like 15% chance maybe....
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    I think this game wasnt made with their right mind...it could've been so great,but it just isnt that good.

    Why can i get borded and loose everything ... and yet i cant win a ship if i wanted to board some pirates
  5. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    it started kinda boring.. but once you've got the hang of it the battle system is actually really exciting.. I've got my 2nd ship on my fleet but it seems to be kinda useless because I only get to control my main DESTROYER controller by Yuri =(
  6. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I looooove Infinite Space! I've played for about an hour now, and so far so good. The story is kind of lacking, but that's okay since there is still a whole lot of Universe to unlock, so I'm optimistic. The battles are very satisfying, with every hit getting me closer to victory. The travelling ain't so bad, it's actually all very stream-lined, which is good for a story-driven game like this.

    The boobs are just a plus btw. Nia FTW.
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    OK I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE ... i deleted it. Fuck were those MELE battles annoying.It is worse than getting yourself stung by a horde of blood-sucking mosquitos - and btw i hate mosquitos! - so this is definitely a big NO NO...

    Actualy the game took mercy upon me and deleted itself from my flashcart... what a nice and happy game! I will pick it up a bit later ,i bet...but for now,im just too much infuriated with its bullshit gameplay/dishonest tricks.
  8. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    The Melee battles are 50% luck, 50% rhythm. I had the same reaction as you when the game was kicking my ass at the mandatory plot related melee fights.

    But heres a tip. Remod your ships to give you as much crew members as you can put without being absurd, and assign Nia Lochlain as the lead and Ganida(I'm not sure of her name, just put her there. She's the old mercenary lady) as the sub to the combat posts.

    That'll help you a bit. And Nia's ability, Death Blow, I think does a shit-load of damage to the enemy's army, so yeah. Use that when you can.

    Once you get past the melee parts and get used to them, they won't be too bad. The game is so much better than the melee battles, try to look beyond them and get them over with, and get along with your merry space adventure.

    Btw, what'd you name your ships? :p
  9. freehand01

    freehand01 Well-Known Member

    Its like I'm watching a movie in theaters, the sound effects are high while the voices are low.....
    its like you need a headset or something to hear what they are saying.....
    even so its a fun game to play much like rock paper scissors...
  10. Maulic

    Maulic Member

    Yea i kinda like it, although the meele battles vs the 3rd boss i think, was a bitch.. survived with 5 (hp?).. after several tries.. noticed that they will almost always keep the same choice untill you have countered or made the same choice as them.
    But now im stuck at chapter 4.. have to get to some place, after i talked to the scientist.. got another crew member though :D an Engineer.
  11. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    As I said, Melee battles are part luck, part rhythm. And it's good to have good combat officers and a lot of crew members.

    Oh yeah, deathblow does not do damage. Just strengthens Slash or Leader. I'm not sure, one of the other.
  12. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    That's what i stopped playing this abomination that wrecks my nerves
    Post Merge: [time]1270437959[/time]
    Well,thanks for the tips,i will note that in my log ...oh crap,the game doesnt have a LOG does it?! :D It wasnt just that but other small things that make you go "WTF?!?!?!" ,you know?

    My ships? Intrepid and Defiant (not because of Star Trek,but because of the meaning the name brings... i am defiant by nature myself - see? this was defiance ,because not many people admit being defiant. LOL WTF AM I TALKING ABOUT? <-- another example of being Defiant to normal behaviour)
  13. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    The Log thing I can forgive. I don't know why, but to me, all the game's good points already buried the bad ones. I am enjoying it. The only thing that lets me down every now and then are the difficult fights. But I come through anyways. I've got 2 chapters left and I'm about to finish the game. Hoorah!
  14. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Huzzaahh for you ,dear patient Romulation member ;) I lack your resiliance level... and i must admit i feel a bit envious ;)
  15. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I just got hooked you know, that's the way it is with things you really like, no matter what happens, you just want to keep going. The customization, the story, the characters, they just kept me going.
  16. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

  17. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Bravo to both of you, seriously. It felt just like I'm reading a really good script. :D Though my reply useless.

    To make it not... I agree with dancubs, if you are hooked on a game you can't stop even if there's a lot of bad points involved, you just simply take no notice of it. This would be one of the DS games I got addicted very much. Got a +/- 50 hours gametime. I'm urging you MindFever to reconsider again. :D You have been lingering on this thread and looking for something to change your mind, am I right? :) ... or no? :(

    P.S. Great way to end a narration with an "amen". :p
  18. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Exactly...i wouldnt bother listening to other points of views if i hand had any interest in this game. I still do ,but it doesnt feel a priority right now.

    p.s.: the irony of it is that i am an absolute non-believer
  19. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    So you've clocked in 50 hours or so? Means you finished the game?
  20. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Holy crap... he played that game like an insane space-ship captain :) (if he already finished it i mean)