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Infinite Space

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Wild_Kat, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. penguinhamu

    penguinhamu Member

    I think that the enemy using dodge is more annoying :p
    you could also use normal attack though
    and did you make sure you were in attack range?
  2. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    I like this game infact
  3. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    I just love the way you can assing your crew to different posts... the chain of command.It would've been alot better if the battles were more dynamic and that you could position your ship arround.

    I also hate the MAP of the game...it is verry frustrating to use in my opinion...you cant turn the angle of view. I dont like the camera views of the battle scenes. ( it is realy confusing...you can select some other ships to target but i dont see that much of a difference... also,you cant see all the ships you are fighting, you can't rotate the camera full 360 degrees... )

    ...and what the fuck is up with that ZOOM OUT thing when you're viewing a ship in the shipyard...i can only zoom out and cant zoom in.I would also like to see more detail.A "Captain's Log" kind of thing is badly needed.I would like to put some notes.
    Also during certain cut-scenes, you can easily not read everything the characters are saying...there is no way to stop the text.

    The random battles are not as bad...but i swear i was battling one group and just after finishing the battle victorious, in the span of 1 second there was another battle.

    wouldnt it be nice to see some other things in the map? it feels so overly simple...battles are extremely simple to manage and makes it boring.

    Im only at Chapter 1 where i defeated that fucktard who didnt want me to leave the planet (this has to be the stupidest villain i ever saw).The cut-scene video is confusing me too - they met when the ship crashed near him (he wasnt even hurt).but then when the story follows, it shows you how you met with Nia and it was a totaly different situation. I dont get it ...

    Overal i give this game 6/10. There is no excuse for their mistakes ,because they had plenty of time to do a realy good Space-based sci-fi RPG.But as i said, maybe the game is more interesting and complex after i finish Chapter 1 (it is ...right?)

    I would appreciate your thoughts on what i said.Thanks!
    Post Merge: [time]1269009452[/time]
    REaly? i found it was very simple to defeat him... i just used dodge whenever i saw the icon of the boss' ship to go from yellow to RED (the enemy's readyness lvl i think). Then i used NORMAL a few times and i won. Ofcourse,you should be in-range.
  4. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    HOLY CRAAP! Already? OMG! I'll give it a try! I a rveview, it showed very good animations!
  5. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I heard differently from movies I saw like star trek and games like xenogear intro movie. They are convincing and you can feel their role in commanding. They need to make it LIKE they are in a battleship. If you have heard the Japanese version of IS, they added lots of special effects like crackling in the radio to make it feel you are in a spaceship.

    I agree on this completely making battles more dynamic. I can think alot to add more to the battle system like altitude and module and weapons being damaged during battle. ^^

    It didn't bug me much on the camera view though I don't see much difference in the ships selected as you said. The full 360 degree problem, I heard it from someone at my schooldays long ago not sure though, they can't turn it fully because they are using only 1 background streched/looped over again.

    Yea, totally. They need to slow the text in cut-scenes. I just skim through the text when I encounter it. haha.
    Captain's log is also a needed feature, once you accepted a quest there is no way to know what to do next unless you have huge memory.

    It's random. You just got handed. :p

    Nice but impossible i think (not a tech-savvy). The size of this game is a 256mb. They need to increase size of cartridge for more contents. Loonylion might give us facts here.

    Hated the story too. It just jumps anywhere just to make progress. Loathed it. Peace Sega.

    I loved this game because of the player customization feature. It's like playing Yu-gi-oh! (I don't really care about the story) and Pokemon.
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Well i eventually beat him, my problem was i didn't notice the two ships in front of him, i took them out first and destroyed him, Now i;m in chapter 2 after getting a party member trying to figure out what to do >.<
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Oh...right.That can be a problem,yes.But it is so annoying the way you have to look which ship is in front and which not.The interface should;ve been more intuitive.A radar screen of sorts where you could move your ship would also be great.

    Folks,i decided this game is not worth the trouble of playing...i am at chapter 2 and im deleting the rom from my flashcart as we speak. It is a very pretty and yet very shallow game.I got bored silly. It is basicaly an over-simplified anime story with (too) simple RPG interface...most of the times you will read stuff and it can get tedious because they talk about crap. The map is system is annoying too damn much.It also makes you feel "cramped" somehow.
    WHY IN THE WORLD DIDNT THEY USE BOTH SCREENS FOR THE MAP is beyond me...the upper screen mostly had the head image of the main protagonist and that's it.
    I must say i was expecting alot so my judgement might not be the soundest one i ever stated.

    There... these were my 2 cents.
    Post Merge: [time]1269051564[/time]
    Lol, i found something on gamefaqs (a guy nicknamed jeffrey...or something) about Infinite Space - their boards.
    A guy asks a few questions about Yuri and the game itself:

    "Lets list all the strange oddities with this game xD

    - How does Yuri become a pro captain without any experience. Knowing how to fix ships isn't the same as knowing how to command them.

    - Why is the monitor on the bottom screen when you attack showing your ship in 3rd person view? Kinda pointless lol.

    - Who is commanding the ship on the bottom screen? He can't be Yuri cuz he doesn't have white hair.

    - Where does your no name crew come from? Are they slaves or robots that come with your ship?

    - Who are your crew on your other ships in your fleet? It seems everyone you recruit hangs out on your flag ship.

    - Why do I game over if I lose melee fight with my security chief?

    - Why can't I salvage the millions of pirate ships I decimated over the game (ie: sid meier's pirates)"

    I asked myself a few of the same questions just today :) but the one that ruins the game is the fact that if you get boarded and loose ,gameover. but if you board another ship and win you dont get the ship or whatever... THIS FUCKING SUCKS :)

    AND LET ME ASK YOU THIS: Why does seeing a celestial body level up Yuri's FAME level ?? Everyone passing that sector is seeing it,for fuck's sake

    somebody should make a thread about this ,here, too ;)
  8. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    You don't have to be a realist to enjoy the game. They only do it for achievements for the player. Come on. :)

    If we talk about space features. The Ds can't handle all those contents you mentioned. Yes, if it was made for PC better like Homeworld and Total War games. But seeing they didn't took further the advantages of the dual screen and heck, the bad presentation of the story, it falls short.

    I'm dissapointed but ironically, I'm enjoying it. :|
    Post Merge: [time]1269060433[/time]
    I'm putting aside the hate/love discussion for awhile. I got a question!

    1. What did the odd seafarer give to you when you recruit him at the Guild in chapter 2? I chose No and I can't go back anymore to recruit him.
  9. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    Okay, stuck at first Pirate Boss...

    Collected money to buy another destroyer...

    But don't have enough money for Modules.

    awwwwwwwwwwwwww maaaaaaan
  10. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    game sucks bad
  11. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    You just suck at tactical RPGs. ;)
  12. Maulic

    Maulic Member

    The first boss battle sure was a pain in the butt, and damn hard to boot, specially since i didn't know much about when to command what.. Sure got happy when i finally beat him ^^
    A great game, nonetheless
  13. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Realist? lol :)

    fuck it ...ill reload the ROM to my flashcart... i dont know why but... i just want to give it one more chance.If it still sucks ill throw it in an airlock and barrage-fire it like FUCK!
  14. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Correct me if I got the wrong term: realist. .... What I meant was that some parts of the game shouldn't act like in the real world to be enjoyable. It may be a minus for the game but will still be entertaining.

    Yeah, give it another SHOT! I mean.. err... a try. You might like it more if you can get those carriers and 3 special skills to carry around.
    Post Merge: [time]1269102621[/time]
    I can give you a tip: Wait for your gauge to be RED. Then see if the enemy ship changes color by a notch (from RED to YELLOW or YELLOW to GREEN). If it does, use normal attack twice. Else, use your barrage or much better dodge it then barrage afterwards. They enemy only use dodge command when they see you have a battle gauge tipping to RED. That's it. You can squash everything in space!
  15. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Infinite Space?

    never heard of it, better check it out.
  16. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    This id a tactical rpg?
    I never would of guessed
  17. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    You know my friend,im glad i gave it another shot...it does get a bit more interesting and less tedious.But those parts i mentioned before,i hate them nontheless.But after hearing that retro-style music, watching my ships upgraded and saving my game frequently, it feels less "meh..." ,you know?
    I still would prefer something more out of this game...more strategy. I also found out you can ZOOM OUT the camera view in the battle-scenes.
    I would certainly prefer to move my ship in a 3D space (in a grid-like manner... and attacks could have the effect to inflict damage on multiple grid-spaces,like in FF Tactics A2 spells,you know? i think it would have made this game alot more interesting,strategy wise).
    Post Merge: [time]1269227579[/time]
    hahah :) i know what you mean.But yet,it is tactical if you look at ti in another perspective... micromanaging your fleet and all. But besides that, the rock,paper,scissors battles are pretty simple for a strategy game.
  18. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I wish there's an option to turn off the sound effects and the voices :(
    If there's one I can't find it :(
  19. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    lol no, all you do is move back and fourth

    go to the left edge
    put dodge on
    wait for your bar to get to red
    move close to the enemy in firing range and pick the enemy in front
    press barrage
    move back all the way to the left while dodge is on

    do that until all their ships die, you win

    not a tactical rpg

    press a or whatever to skip attacks
  20. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Hah...yeah...when i first heard the sound effects i was like "Coooooock!" and other profanities popped in my mind too

    Complete bull-fuck...but the game does look cool and you get used to the sound effects - if i did,so can you,trust me ;)