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I'm on Romulation for 2 months already but new on the forum

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by anoniemm, Jan 18, 2010.

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  1. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Hello, both of you!
    Also a pleasure to meet you :D

    Inderdaad, Leuk! Nog een Nederlandse :D
    Het kost me wel veel moeite, de hele tijd engels praten :-[
    Maar leuk je te ontmoeten!

    (Yes, Fun! Another Dutch :D
    It cost me a lot of trouble, the whole time talking english :-[
    But nice to meet you!)

    Wauw, impressive!
    Sometimes I wish my father and mother send me to a two languages school. One half of the week they speak Dutch, and the other half of the week they speak English. Maybe if I would went to that secondary school, I wouldn't have much trouble with English.
    But it has to be like this, so I'm just trying as much as I can :)
  2. caoruu

    caoruu Active Member

    You're little brother speaks English either?

    Answer:my little brother speak English,Japanese,Filipino,And a few Chinese words

    It's cool that you speak those two foreign languages (saying it right?)!
    Is it easy (easier) for you to learn a different languages?
    answer:Im still Learning Japanese But i can only understand some words
    and im happy that i know japanese because when i watch a japanese anime with no Subtitle
    i can still understand it
    and ohh.. BTw most of my games are japanese(because japanese games are more Cool and there's some cute charaters too)
  3. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    Geen zorgen je leert het snel genoeg ;)

    Als je hulp nodig hebt dan laat je het maar weten :)

    (don't worry you'll learn fast enough, let me know if you need any help)
  4. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    But Japanese is in characters? You can read those characters?
    anyway, it's pretty cool!

    Fijn om te weten dat er altijd nog iemand is die dezelfde taal spreekt waar ik op terug kan vallen :)
    Is er ook iets waar je 'vrienden' kan toevoegen?
    Of moet ik gewoon al die gebruikersnamen gaan onthouden? :p

    (Thank you!
    nice to know that there is always someone else who speaks the same language, where I can fall back on. (that's a little bit a too literal translation but I don't know how to say it else...)
    Is there something where you can add 'friends'?
    Or do I have to remember al those usernames by myself?)
  5. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

    oookaaay ::) JOKE~ HAI :D
    i used to speak/read/write chinese well :p but that was 3 years ago :p
    anyways, WELCOME TO ROMU~ :D ::) :p :D
  6. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    Voor zover ik weet is dat er niet.

    Je leert de mensen vanzelf wel kennen :) RomU heeft vrij aardige leden ;)

    (not that I know. you get to know the people here. Romu has pretty friendly member)
  7. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Thank you!
    Why can most of you guys, speak/read/write Chinese?
    And I think that I'm the one who really ís Chinese, am I? :eek:
    I think I should be shamed. My reputation of Chinese is going down
    the only Chinese, here at the moment, can't speak/read/write Chinese :-[

    @ Miss_G
    Haha, ben ik mee eens. Tot nu toe alleen nog maar aardige mensen tegen gekomen :D
    (Wat natuurlijk veel leuker is dan engelse woordjes leren, wat ik nog steeds moet doen. 7 pagina's :eek:)

    Haha, I agree with that. Until now I have only meet nice people
    (What is much more fun than learning English words, which I still have to do. 7 page's)
  8. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    hahaa, Id love to learn chinese
    I only know how to speak english, and finnish, and some sveden and japanise

  9. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Here in the Netherlands it's hard to find some chinese lessons, so lessons for Japanese, finnish and all those other languages are really hard to find!
    Did you know that Chinese will become some new worldlanguage? I heard it months ago,
    maybe you already know it :p
  10. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

    actually i do have chinese blood :p
    i can still speak common words but i can only read/write numbers, animal characters, the words man morning corn big and small :p
    Join the Spam thread :p it's getting boring there lately :p
  11. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    7 pagina's :eek: hmmz eigenlijk leer je hier ook een beetje... aangezien je Engels moet schrijven en lezen... ::) hahahaha

    Zo en nu genoeg gekletst, JE MOET GAAN LEREN!! hup hup op schieten!! Als je straks klaar bent mag je nog even op het forum.


    (7 pages. hmmz actually you are learning here too... you have to read and write in English... Enough chatting for now you have to study. come on hurry up. when you're done you can come back to the forum for a little while.)
  12. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Haha, maar hier leer ik geen woorden zoals 'dubbelzinnig', 'meubileren' en 'aangrenzend' :)
    ik hoef nu nog maar minder te leren. Dankzij een vriend weet ik welke woordjes er gevraagd worden! Dus nu hoef ik nog maar 30 woordjes te leren :p en een beetje grammatica, maar dat is opzich wel makkelijk.

    (but I don't learn words like 'ambiguous', 'to furnish' and 'adjacent' here.
    I don't have to learn that much now. Thanks to a friend who told me which words they will ask! So now I only have to learn 30 words, and a little bit grammar, but that's kind of easy.)
  13. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    I got nothing to say to that :p .... Welcome to RomU . enjoy you're stay here...btw Miss_G is cool. Stick by her side and you'll be fine. Telll me if you need help of any kind ok? I'm always available ^_^
  14. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Heey! Thanks for the advice :)
    I'll be, specially because she speaks Dutch too and English is very hard for me. (think about how long it took before I type my intro in right English ::))

    And thanks (again) for offer me help! :D
    I'm not all helpless, but I'll sure need some help here and there.
  15. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    well I'm not Dutch yet XD.....I'll fill you in later :D
  16. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Not yet?
    You are.. German, right?
    German looks a little bit Dutch ::) It looks more Dutch than French xD

    'I'll fill you in later',
    can't get my head by that :-[
  17. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Well I've been in Romania for 8 years, Then in italy for 8 years and now in germany for 2

    this is me -----> https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=28459.msg550675#msg550675
  18. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Aiit, really like you're hair at the first one!
    I'll show you a picture of me later, I have to go now and I thought that I read in the rules that you are not allowed to link to sites not at Romulation?
  19. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    no you're surely wrong about that
  20. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    So I do can link to another site? (I don't want any trouble! :eek:)
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