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If you are atheist, should you be considered the anti-christ?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Russky, Apr 18, 2010.

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  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Are you talking about mimicry? Again depends on specifics, copying a monkey's actions is a skill, a bird mimicking human speech is a skill
  2. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    First I said what thinks sometimes shows what it is thinking meaning if the bird ever thought of putting on a hat and tie and dance the night away drinking booze then I guess it was thinking that, but I also guess that bird would be thinking that it can't do that and the other responsibilities a bird has
  3. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    look bottom line is this. humans were made by god and did not evolve from a damn animal...simple.
  4. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Isn't skin tone just based on melatonin and pigment production? Also fossil evidence has shown that the 'Homo' genus of primates has gone through significant evolution over the last few million years, how do you explain that there are no fossil evidence of modern humans that date back past (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm exhausted) 10 thousand years ago, yet there is evidence of primates with similar traits to us as well as to modern apes and monkeys that existed before fossils of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
  5. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Or a Parrots talking like us maybe a Trait and ace1o1 I was going to pop that question, but I figured someone else would
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What ever makes you not have to think, right?
  7. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    One thing thought palm color doesn't change no matter who you are
  8. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    What does palm color have to do with anything? Also did you even read the rest of my statement? I can go get my archeology text book to look up specific dates later on if you won't listen to logic and reason.
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    But if I were a bird, I'd just be afraid as hell of a larger bird making a meal of me, also taking care of my newly hatched chicks, food, parasite, other birdly duties. :p
    I wouldn't have time to sit around wondering what those funny things that drive shiny things were doing. :)
  10. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    If you were a bird it would be like not existing
  11. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Do you have any idea how debates work?
    1. Point
    2. Counter point
    3. Rebuttal
    4. ????
    5. Profit

    Not act like a moron when your point has been disproved....
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    But then, you just said animals think.
    And therefore are contradicting yourself.

    So then where is the logic, "I think, Therefore I am!"
  13. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    look everyone, this conversation doesn't have nothing to do with the anti christ. so please get back on topic.
  14. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Do birds and every other animal seem important to us as humans?
    Should we stop the bigger bird from eating you?
    Should we stop each other from killing each other?
    Do animals live a different life style and does that effect the way they think?
    Post Merge: [time]1272514262[/time]
    Okay, Good bye everyone
  15. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Debates can tend to wander around, it's still on a topic of religion vs science which is technically what atheism is. Just because you're losing the debate doesn't mean it's off topic.
  16. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    I know. But people aren't making sense anymore. :\

    1. I care about every animal as if I loved it as my own pet. I can't stand to see an animal die.
    2. Could you stop a bigger bird? No. it's way more powerful. And why me? No bird has ever hurt or wanted to eat me before.
    3. Humans are stupid creatures who live off of greed, power, and pride. They shouldn't kill each other. I have no control whether or not someone kills another person.
    4. If animals lived another life-style, then they would have different adaptations to their environment, but they would think the same as they do now most likely.

    These questions do not make sense to me at all... :\

    Goodbye you confusing person.
  17. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    who is? not me, and no its not ugh here we go again with stupid remarks.
  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I never said you were confusing.
    Read the posts and don't be rude. You're sounding like a troll to me right now and I have little patience for rude people...

    I have already stated what I think the anti-Christ would be if I remember correctly.
  19. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    that was to the dino guy not you.
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    You should use the quote function then. :)
    It's very handy.

    If you don't think God exists, then how can there be an Anti-Christ when there is nothing to appose said God?
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