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If you are atheist, should you be considered the anti-christ?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Russky, Apr 18, 2010.

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  1. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    By extension, God is man's best friend?

    I don't particularly like dogs. >_>
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Nero, whom the CD/DVD burning application was named after was a devout Greco-Roman Pantheon believer & he was labeled an anti-Christ because of his cruel acts.

    He ordered the burning of Rome & to save his fat ass (based on the movie Quo Vadis, whose historical depiction may or may not be accurate) blamed it all on the early Christians.

    He had every Christian caught & he slaughtered them as a show (et al, a performance piece to amuse his people who watched the circus or arena performances) by feeding them to lions or by other torturous means like forcing a Christian to sit in a burning hot steel chair barbequed style :p

    And wait.... I just remembered something. There was a National Geographic feature that "proved/stated" that Nero was indeed "THE" Biblical anti-Christ & that there will never be a "Biblical" Damien Thorne-esque anti-Christ coming God knows when because like what the church (The Vatican) did with the life of the Biblical Jesus, they embellished the truth & made him into a super hero of sorts to control the masses. The Biblical anti-Christ may just be an embellishment of what the early Christians underwent with Nero so as to keep the believers ever watchful for somebody who might do the same insane acts Nero did in the past & fight back if ever someone of the sort does come by.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I don't hate Christians as I was born one too, I just became an Agnostic by being curious & always asking stuff & not blindly following like helpless sheep. And you know what? Take away the "miraculous" & apocalyptical" whose a-fudge" Christianity's belief in a peaceful after-life & valuing the virtues of love, forgiveness & kindness are all good things. It's just whenever a belief system becomes a religion & is used to control people that things get majorly messed up.

    Err scrap that, I can't find the video on Youtube (if it's there at all) to back up this statement. One reason I can't find it is because I don't remember what that documentary's title is. But I do remember they aired it at around March (or April) of 2006 along with the features on "The Gospel of Judas" & the "Anraveling the facts behind the Da Vinci Code" Documentaries.

    Also, though it was Jews he targeted, several people believe that Hitler too is an anti-Christ.

    So basically an anti-Christ "could be" (as I'm not 100% certain) one who employs mass murder or any more vile crime against God or Nature for his (or her) own twisted means.
  3. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    No, the Anti-Christ is the Beast made into flesh. The evil messiah of darkness and sin, just as the True Christ was the embodiment of all that is holy.
  4. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Athiest =/= Anti-Christ

    Purely for the fact an Anti-Christ is there to undo all of what Jesus has done, if he ever existed. Athiest, doesn't believe that an omnipotent power like god exists. And also, I don't believe anything religious. So wow if you have a problem with that, then you're going to have to live with it. Or am I an Anti-Christ now?
  5. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Question for those of you who actually pay attention in Church: how do you kill the AntiChrist again? Do you crucify him with the cross upside-down or something?
  6. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    Atheism is just as faith based as Christianity. Ahteists actively believe that there is no god whatsoever. If you don't believe in a god, but you don't believe that there isn't a god, then you're probably agnostic. Either way, you're wrong.
  7. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because everyone knows Zeus is the real god.

    Hurrah for the cult of Hadrian and Antinous!
  8. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Thus all that time it's been a lie. Well done FacePoppies.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    As I said, that whole idea of a supernatural being demonic entity out to destroy everything was just a tool the church crafted to herd the masses.

    For Christ's sake, broaden your horizons man & read about stuff with an open mind. Knowledge is power & with you not accepting others' view point on things won't lead you anywhere.


    As I said, both adamant atheists & die hard Christians are the same :p

    Both sides are hard-headed immature kids.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    don't waste your time arguing with christians. they're so blinded by faith they cant see past the end of their nose a lot of the time.
  11. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Aww don't ruin the fun.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Erm... let me just direct you to my previous post that I edited:

    I'm not choosing the Christian side as I also hate the institution, not the belief system though, plus as I said before I am Agnostic.
  13. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    You're telling me to broaden my horizons because I don't subscribe to some kind of cynical nutjob's conspiracy theory that the almighty shadow cabinet of church masterminds have created a myth about ultimate evil in order to control the masses? How are they controlling the masses? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the mythology of money is controlling the masses by manipulating human greed and lust with an imaginary system of numbers and worth?

    If you keep up this backwards thinking, my friend, you're going to end up being raped by fire in the pits of eternal damnation.
  14. neeh

    neeh New Member

    Agnosticism has nothing to do with your religion. It is not a middle ground, simply the ability to say you "don't know" whether there is a higher power or not. If you don't worship said higher power, you are an atheist, whether you believe it could be there or not.
  15. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    What is belief without faith? Even a belief in science demands that one has faith not only in the constancy of the laws of physics, but indeed faith in the truth of our observations. Our five senses are, unfortunately, finite; we cannot ascertain the absolute truth of the universe or our very existence merely through our own experience. Similarly, who's to say the human logic upon which modern science is built applies consistently to the fabric of reality? To take such a position is paramount to supporting the anthropic principle, which has its own contradictions with general scientific belief.

    Say what you will about Christians or even religion as a whole; I find that the more pragmatic-minded individuals are themselves just as blinded by faith as anyone else.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @FacePoppies: OK now I'm in between both Atheists & an Adamant Christian here sheesh! LOL!

    No, I'm saying you at least listen to what was said, if you don't like what they said then fine. It's your choice. And one you so obviously adamantly rejected.

    And yeah, my God (the one I believe in) is a very intelligent person with a good sense of humor. He did realize that him being so stuck up all those 5,000 or so years did not go in his favor. That's why he now plays Flyff with me in heaven :p

    He doesn't even whine & get enraged when I PK him & delevel his sorry little Mercenary.

    As for hell?

    Well now that's Lusifer's personal Disco. You do remember that Lucifer means light bringer right? And boy does he enjoy partying sheesh.
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    As I've said before, in my experience of talking/debating with atheists, atheism is not the belief that there is no god, but rather the absence of belief. Agnosticism is the belief that we can't know whether or not there is a god with current evidence. And until theists can come up with some reasonable evidence on why there is a god, they are wrong.

    Religious bodies have been using "evil" as a way of raising armies and extorting money out of people for centuries.

    "Mythology" of money? Money exists, the value is the only remotely mythological thing about it. And yes, perhaps you could make a case that money is being used to manipulate among other things. It is a completely unrelated matter to theism though.

    prove it.

    Nice of you to decide that for everyone. And you can only be an atheist if you worship no higher power, not if you don't worship a specific one.
  18. neeh

    neeh New Member

    No, that's just what agnosticism means. It deals with knowledge, not faith. You can very easily be a Christian and still be agnostic.

    And I never specified a higher power, so yes, I agree with you and never said otherwise.
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well I believe in a God, not just one any religion is force feeding me into worshiping.

    As I said, my idea of God is a conglomeration of what other religions perceive as their idea of God. I took what I felt was un-necessary, things like "I am the one true God", or "WORSHEP MEH!" & took the good ones like "Do Good deeds & you shall be rewarded, do bad things & you shall be punished. & combining the Judea-Christian teaching of "Go forth & multiply", with the Islamic provision for marrying up to four wives. I mean how can you go forth to multiply if you're stuck with one mate? FAIL in that logic much.
  20. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    It deals with faith:
    [quote author=Mirriam-Webbster]
    a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
    The second half being the important part. One cannot be a Christian and Agnostic as Christianity demands that you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, something you cannot do if you harbor doubts.

    [quote author=neeh]
    And I never specified a higher power, so yes, I agree with you and never said otherwise.
    My apologies, when you said "If you don't worship said higher power, you are an atheist..." I thought that "said power" referred to a specific deity.
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