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If you are atheist, should you be considered the anti-christ?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Russky, Apr 18, 2010.

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  1. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    thanks i mean these people are in denile, i feel them, they touch me but i did not say they were deceased. and no its no figment of my mind because i brung them here. ya'll rely to much on things you see than what you can't explain because there is no scientific answer for it.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    Summoning spirits sounds like Voodoo to me or atleast a ouija board thingy.
  3. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    well no i did a burning of a piece of paper, and some belief in it did the trick. im not ino the summoning and devil board stuff. i bet they think the ouija board is fake too since there is no scientific explanation.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    I never have tried and don't wanna try...
  5. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    yeah i probally shouldn't have myself, but they haven't harmed me so im fine.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    heard of hallucination?
  7. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    i can tell science runs ya'll lives.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    and I can tell delusional belief in something that has absolutely no grounding in reality runs yours.
  9. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    belive what you want, let your eyes decieve you all day, i can care less.
  10. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    tyson_rss; you are the most arrogant hypocrite I have ever come across on these forums. It is painfully apparent that you are a deluded individual (I'm not talking about the apparitions) and I'm tired of trying to hold a discussion with you when every time it doesn't go your way, you avoid the question or ignore it.
  11. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    i haven't ignored a damn thing you or anyone else has said. im sorry the debate isn't going in your favor, it wasn't as easy as you thought huh? now im done here and hypocrite my ass i stand to my points unlike you who bashes anyone whom disagrees and doesn't have direct proof.
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    That's funny man, just hilarious.
    I never asked for proof, only evidence
  13. Maxximilius

    Maxximilius New Member

    *Cough, cough*
    *Larsen effect*

    Ladies, gentlemen, welcome to the greaaaaat Internet Religion Debate !
    Tonight, two valorous champions will fight in a brawl of minds, finding who's the best and who's the beast !

    - On the left, tyson_rss : he feels the power, fears the lower. Hypocritical, Science for him is a monster, having blind faith in old stories is the better ! And he knows it's Bible, buuuut not a thing about evolution because, you know, it's all Satan liiiies !
    - On the right, all the others : they have solid arguments, proofs, critical faculty and the strenght to show the real truuuth ! They avoid condescension but are looked down, because, you know, it's all about Internet Religion Debaaaate !
    (In the middle, there are some, but blah, diplomacy is not interesting.)

    Who will win this deserved bukkake on an ignorant hardcore believer fight ? Bets are openeeeed !

    *Shuts it's mic.*

    More seriously, because I think my opinion has now been well acknowledged by the holy way of irony, and to come back on the subject which is atheist : anti-christ, here is what I have to say as an atheist.
    I should precise the fact that I'm french. Just a french, so please excuse my blasphems against Shakespeare language. And that being said, I think you'll more understand my point of view, our cultures being different : an atheist is someone who does not believe in any supernatural power, and so, denies their existence.
    The atheist does not believe in God, Satan, Chtulhu or any superior being. For him/her, they just don't exist because an all-powerful being creating the world itself is a stupid idea. Atheists just "believe" in natural selection and coincidences. We have evolved from a less intelligent being, and we evolve to something smarter. And fatter.
    The agnostic believes there is on the contrary a superior being, but doesn't find all the answers in any existing religion.
    The anti-theist thinks the religion shoudn't exist. In some ways, I am an anti-theist.

    Atheists (the smart ones) believe that Jesus existed. He was a jew who founded some sect who would later be known as Christianism. And atheists (allways the smart ones) are on Jesus side, because the guy preached good things. It's like "I don't believe you're the son of Chtulhu, but oh my Zeus, all this shit about love is well said".
    So no, an atheist couldn't be considered the anti-christ, because to be anti-christ you have to believe in some higher being. And believe that you are a evil one too.
    Don't know if I'm being understood here.
  14. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    The irony burns so bad here. So, so BAD.

    Anyways, Locked. This topic fucking sucks now.
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