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I seriously Don't know what to do anymore.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MasterofXD, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. vivo

    vivo Well-Known Member

    or homeschool :)
  2. nohope

    nohope Member

    Read this online book:

    John Gatto is an award-winning teacher, who writes about why the school system is the way it is, and how it negatively affects all those who are processed through it. It's more focused on the public school system, but a lot of it still applies to your situation.

    You can't fight a war without knowing the territory. So read and learn some things that no school will ever teach you...

    Btw, the kids who act mean are actually displaying a character weakness. That can be exploited, if you know how, but that's another topic... Stay cool and true to higher morals and standards!
  3. Renesha

    Renesha Guest

    Let's turn the autistic kids into sociopaths! Wheeee! =D
  4. nohope

    nohope Member

    The cultivation of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking is not a mental disorder. What that book proposes is for children to reclaim their minds, not to engage in reactionary violence or anything like that.
  5. Renesha

    Renesha Guest

    The book seems to be proposing some sort of pseudo-psychology to children. To treat this whole situation like a game. Is this not sociopathic? =P
  6. nohope

    nohope Member

    I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle. The book is basically an analysis of modern education in America, and its effects on children by a very competent and experienced teacher.

    It just so happens he thinks that the way things are done is ass-backwards, and ultimately hurts children more than it helps them. The current system, as he explains focuses too much on rote learning at an arbitrary, specific pace, and even worse it focuses on external motivation instead of the potentially much more powerful and fulfiling internal motivations that each one of us has as a result of being human.

    Anyway, there are some things in there that if you understand, will make your shcool years much easier, because you won't feel as lost and confused, wondering why things are the way they are. As some-guy G.I. Joe once said, "knowing is half the battle". ;)

    I think there are some youtube videos also (just search for John Gatto), those might be easier to understand than reading the book.
  7. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    This kid sounds a lot like me back in the day.

    But I would say keep your head up and you should find something to enjoy based around what makes you happy. Heck once you find that inner strength just keep it to yourself, for it will make you feel better.

    At least you didn't go through schooling here in America. It's infinitely worser compared to how you people think it truly is. I had to put up with all the nonsense me and my family experienced, and this is just my perspective alone, but I tend to get frustrated. Wait a few years and you won't have to deal with their sorry arses any longer.