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I know this is a bad place to ask...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by treec_cynda, Jan 20, 2012.

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  1. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    If I suggest to you who i assume is a teenaged boy to fap, that doesnt make me an "over-fapper". Its just the group teen guys fall into. Pardon me for trying to make you a bit more normal
  2. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Wow, you even necroposted in the thread!
    So now you're a homosexual necrophiliac. Gotcha.
  3. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    a) As mentioned in that thread, I am not gay.
    b) I like necroposting. Is that bad?
  4. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Oh no. It's simply against the rules.

    I didn't even ask for a link. :/
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Considering that your bump was solely to insult somebody, yeah, that's a problem.

    So I fixed it for you. I get this distinct feeling I'll be fixing this topic and possibly you in the near future as well.

    But hey, I'm a sporting guy so I'll watch where this goes from here.
  6. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    In the words of the immortal George Carlin, best thing about Necrophilla is you don't have to bring flowers...

    But still, lulz all around. Just some immature middle school BS.

    Nothing (important) to see here.

    Edit - Just noticed the religious edit. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha-fucking-ha.
    If you think religion is the most important part of a relationship, you might as well marry a bible.
  7. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    Ur a turd.
  8. tehrmc08

    tehrmc08 Active Member

    You ask for one item of advice, I'll do better and give you two.
    1. Don't. Feed. The trolls. Responding by saying, as you so aptly put it, "Ur a turd," gets everyone nowhere, and most importantly (to you), it gets you only negative feedback.
    2. It might be too late. Girls tend to be quick on the friendzoning, and once you enter, getting out is just about impossible. I've been there, and it's awful. It's like quicksand (i.e. more you struggle, the worse it gets, and standing still only draws things out). If she was never interested in you and doesn't think you were ever interested in her, it might not be too late. Hopefully, she'll friendzone the other guy. At any rate, middle school relationships do not last all that long. You may have a chance, so just go out there and take it when it seems like she might be open. If you get the timing wrong, it's over, though, so be careful. Waiting too long will also end it before it begins. Should you time it right, she might go out with you at least once or twice if you ask with some confidence (not arrogance, though not in a wavering sort of manner). Then you capitalize on it.
    Good luck.
    Though, as I alluded to before, middle school relationships do not last long. Don't expect it to, just let it take its form and then use your experience to find girls in high school/college/etc. Should it last that long, congrats, you're one in a few hundred million or so.
  9. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    Just leave him to it :3
    its funny to read
  10. OnyxKnight_RupenX

    OnyxKnight_RupenX Well-Known Member

    You really should just talk to her. Your other option is forget about the whole thing. I can guarantee this girl is not the love of your life, and you will meet someone else later. Well...ok, so I can't GUARANTEE, but it is highly unlikely.
  11. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    a) You're swimming in the Nile.
    z) Apparently.
  12. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Well, this is a bad place to ask.
  13. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    This update is really funny.
  14. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Jenovah's Witness is like Christian/Catholic faith. But at the same time, completely different. It has the same concepts, but has different roles. Go search it up.

    Oh, and this IS a bad place to ask.
  15. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    a) Thank you for giving me advice that might actually be helpful.
    b) It's possible she's already friendzoned both of us.
    c) As for timing, I'm planning on trying to make the first move in, probably, about three weeks, if I'm correct (I have a time set as for when but I'm not sure exactly how long that is from now).

    Ok then.

    Well it looks like there's a high chance of her and me going to high school together, and absolutely NO chance of her and my BFF going to high school together (my BFF admitted, I think, last month that he did have a small crush on her. I think he only said that cuz it was 1:30 AM, we were whispering to each other, and he was trying to hide the fact he was tired). So at least that's good, and I may end up being, as you put it, "one in a few hundred million or so."
    Post Merge: [time]1327386212[/time]
    Surprised that didn't get locked up in the first place.
  16. yak93

    yak93 New Member

    Just talk to her or forget about her and just drown your sorrows away in video games and junk food like i did lol ;)
  17. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I have three issues;
    1. Three weeks? Gotta set all those traps?
    2. "my BFF" - You are not a twelve year old girl, get a grip.
    3. "Governing body? WTF?" - You're catholic, your religion has the worst governing body out there. Atleast the governing body of his religion hasn't spent the last few hundred years covering up all the child abuse and paedophila amongst it's ranks.
  18. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    You might just be a genius!!
  19. tehrmc08

    tehrmc08 Active Member

    Don't say I didn't warn you. Even high school relationships usually go nowhere. Perhaps at that point chances are better than approximately zero, but even so, high school is the part of life where people really change. Not that things change into something worse or better, they just get different, and usually it doesn't work.
    They say the brain isn't really developed all the way until 21, at which age people start to realize the long term consequences of short term actions.
    If she really has friendzoned you, unless you get out (which as far as I know is roughly impossible), she'll likely say no to the date and complain about the lack of nice guys. Maybe she won't complain, but that's how it always happens in rage comics.
    And although you may not want to buddy-buddy with the Jehovah's Witness guy, I advise against bashing his religion carelessly. You can disagree without being confrontational, and you could even explain the points you disagree with him on (which you sort of did, but it wasn't really backed up with much, aside from the banning thing). But as nex26 shows, this may open your own religion to attacks.
  20. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    (Tried to post last night but it wouldn't work.)

    Friendzoning this girl just as she (evidently) friendzoned me. Found a new girlfriend within 24 hours who happens to either a) like me back or b) just likes hugging people.
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