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I have a question for Seph [NDS]

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by --life-sucks--, Jun 28, 2010.

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  1. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Deflector shields at maximum anti-bastardisation, captain
    That isn't true, a while ago I said lots of horrible things to Loonylion in a thread and I didn't get banned. I've seen posts that have disagreed with moderators and admins on many occasions, and the majority of the time (so long as they're not unduly rude and/or disrespectful) the posters aren't banned or silenced either.
    The staff that maintain and run this site do so for free, they take on the responsibilities and they shovel all the shit; the only payment that they get for it is pleasing interactions with people on the forums and the IRC channel and kicks from making members happy. They hold themselves to higher standards than regular members and treat everyone a lot fairer than most staff on other forums, and Reider can say that this forum isn't a democracy; but for the equal and decent treatment of the people whom frequent it and the way that they're allowed to speak their minds, it surely isn't a democracy; a democracy would have to deal with self-centered fuckers like you screaming shit in the street like the shit you've posted here. The amount of arrogance and ungratefulness in the rectal discharge you posted here is sickening.

    Get the fuck out of his own site? The site that you're allowed to benefit from for free thanks to him creating it and the staff maintaining it? You're unbelievable, I feel embarrased on your behalf reading that; you clearly have no sense of shame.
    God forbid that people don't throw themselves under trains so that you can gimp around on Megaman for free. Ba-bye.
    And the idea that anyone dances like puppets for anyone but you is just outrageous.
    I know it's sort of fashionable to say something like "reading that makes me feel stupider", but reading that shit has actually given me legionnaires disease. You don't speak on behalf of anyone whom isn't at least as much a fuck-wit as you.
    Don't come back, we can do without your spurious filth; you egocentric, imbecilic piece of shit.
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I cant wait to read his reply :)
  3. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    I am soooooo in doubt now. On the one side, I agree a little bit with FFIV. On the other hand, I can't bear leaving RomUlation. I know you will come back though. You had a situation like this before, RomUlation was gone for... a year, I think? And then you came back, ALIVE and KICKING.

    I AM having one problem though. Indeed, FFIV was very rude. However, I wouldn't expect such rude behaviour from the admins[/u] of this great website. We're talking about adults, for God's sake. You would expect better behaviour from an adult admin.

    Yes, I know I'm sounding like a parent now, but it really bothers me.
  4. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    How did they behave childishly?
  5. tjheartnote

    tjheartnote New Member

    Well looks like I have to go elsewhere. You guys been a hoot but looks like this is where our path forks. Yes I pirate that's because I have not the funds to purchase these brilliant games. I would if I had a job but in this day and age that has now became a privilege in the eyes of the corporations rather then a necessity. And a student on a budget such as myself is also burdened with living expenses and tuition. So goodbye romulation may we meet again in a better time and place.
  6. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    Damn that's a lot of drama.
    Well personally I believe Romulation was targeted because they were the best at what they offered. So good it ranks as professional work. I commend you Seph for making such a good site compared to others, which are not nearly as user friendly and have intolerable pop ups.

    I think a lot more drama will come, but it too will end. There's no more NDS roms, get over it. That really is the best thing anyone can do right now.

    Btw I am not new to Romulation, just never had a reason to post before.
  7. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Romulation has popups too.
  8. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    I went to another rom site today and the pop-up was about 80% of the screen size, sexually suggestive, if you hovered over it it would play sound and if you clicked on the cancel button it merely opened up a window to their site.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ours can be turned off if you don't want them. I don't think theres any other sites that allow that.
  10. benshaymin

    benshaymin Member

    is it just me or does it seem like this forum was set up to attack seph and the moderators?

    after all the hard work they did getting this website to what it is you come and attack them.

    what is wrong with people these days?
  11. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member


    Don't worry about it. It'll blow over and everything will be okay again.
  12. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Maybe he was trying to defend users from your irresponsible crap.
    [me=will1008]is sweating[/me]
    Me too :)
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    ...you guys are giving the fool WAY more attention than he actually deserves. There is no need to even address most of the silly fucktard's points. Good riddance to FFIV (or whoever the fuck he was) and his ridiculous sense of self importance.
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    See, the thing is you have 4 posts. You already weren't here, which means it won't really matter if you leave. Sorry if that is harsh but if you were just here to download things then it won't be a loss. The people I don't want to leave are those people who discussed games and world issues, or who kept the random section active.

    Fun fact: The amount of daily forum posts increased from 1500-2500 to 2000-3500 after we removed NDS ROMs.
  15. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I didn't even know how he had the guts to post like that in the first place.
    Maybe he'll say something clever (0.1%) or swear us all (60%) or try to defend his statement (30%) or go to the Spam thread (9.9%)
    If that is true, I won't be shocked.
    Users whining about no more NDS ROMS, people going to the Share section.
  16. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    It sets a tone for the other users who are planning to do the same.
    Where section did it increase the most?
  17. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    this topic seems to be pretty active, maybe it got a lot more posters...

    spam thread
  18. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    People are whining about the no NDS roms. Others are countering arguments. Why wouldn't the post count increase?
  19. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    I May not be a posting maniac or a valuable member of the RU "Family", but i have been here for years and granted i only really started using the forums when i started buying Premium Membership, because i decided i was wasting a really good resource of help and community by not coming here.
    I Hope more people will see it that way too... maybe now that the main resource is down it will weed out the basic leecher's, and even though it will increase flaming a lot for awhile it should settle down and i think the community will be stronger for it in the long run.
  20. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you but frankly, just asking people to stop flaming isn't going to stop it. They have lost a big thing and they will be angry...
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