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I have a confession.

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Conrannex, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

  2. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    seriously, you did that.
    your a fucking douche....I taught we bonded XD
  3. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    I confess that these little love confessions give me a good laugh.

    Oh, I can't take it anymore. Sarra, I...
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    O_O three hot girls, now I'm really scared...
    Although I'm curious as to what PeachMilk, Suiseiseki looks like as they have not posted in "Post a picture of yourself" thread...
    You guys should really invite Athemoe *_* she's superfine as well :D
  6. OnyxKnight_RupenX

    OnyxKnight_RupenX Well-Known Member

    I confess that I have no idea what's going on anymore.
  7. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Yes, Suis has posted in that thread.
    If you find the picture, you'll maybe be disappointed/surprised (but not because of ugliness)
  8. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    O_O suis is---a---man
    scratch that...2girls...
  9. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    No no, Suis is the pair of headphones. They get around.
    I confess I procrastinate far too much.
    Not even the good kind, it's starting to have negative effects on me.
  10. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    I confess that I once hit my mother when she slapped me out of one of her bitch fits.
  11. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

  12. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Your relationship with your mother must suck.
  13. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    Depressing post time!
    I'm horrible at keeping friends, I really am. Here's what makes this a fact:
    I've lived in this area all my life, for nearly 18 years. I used to have two good friends, Jamie and Luke. We haven't really hanged since we started high school, even then, I was the runt of the group. In school I've never really been popular, in primary school I had a group of friends, again, when we started high school we kind of fell apart. Some of my old friends joined a group of kids and pretty much ignored me because the new kids didn't like me. So, I decided to hang around with Josh, we were pretty good friends for a year, then he moved away. So I had to hang around with some new people in school, this led to me becoming a school bully, as you've heard. As a school bully I had 'friends' who liked me because I would push unpopular kids around and make jokes all the time, they didn't really like me. Eventually it led to me losing all but one of my friends, I didn't really like him but he was all I had. So for three years he was really my only friend, I didn't have friends after school so I spent all my time at home doing whatever, I didn't have internet until 1 and a half years in, I used to read books and play video games. When school finished and I started college we stopped being friends. During this time I was having new adventures on the internet, it was an odd place to me and I acted really stupidly (heck I even pretended to be furry to gain friends), I've only kept two real friends since then, we don't talk so often anymore but I'm lucky to have 'em. In late 2009 I came across a community when looking for old digimon episodes, it was an animethat.com (Which has died), I was a bit of a /b/tard troll back then but I made some friends there and that's where I found the only ex I really cared about and a friend I still have now. Me and my ex got along greatly, I wasn't even really that interested in her, we just became great friends and I loved her as a friend but eventually we had to be stupid and gain crushes on each other, eventually we became a couple and for a first time in years I was happy, my best friend was my girlfriend, it seemed like a dream come true. Then, things happened, it got complicated, that ended. I lost a lot of friends and gained one good friend from that whole incident. I was really lonely, which is why I came here. But from all that, I only have three friends left. Yes, I have friends in college but outside of college we never really do anything together.

    And, as you guys might've noticed, my relationship with my family is almost non-existant. This is why I'm a loser.

    Well, yeah, I don't think anybody's really going to read all of that but it feels better to have got it out. :/
  14. meimeiloei

    meimeiloei Member

    Conrannex, that was one depressing story
    I also got left by almost all of my friends because some girls spread rumors about me :O
  15. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    I heard that kind of stuff happens with girls all the time. :p
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I confess that I think that I am a bad kisser :/
    When I asked my ex about this she said: "...your average..."
    Which I confess made me feel a bit better :p

    I also confess that I am mad at Justin Beav-tard for stealing my future wife or girlfriend Selena Gomez...
  17. miniafroboy

    miniafroboy Well-Known Member

    Me and Rem are reasonably similar social life wise.
    In primary school, i earned 3 friends worth keeping. 1 of them moved, 1 turned into a douche because of some random dictative whore. The only friend i had in intermediate ditched me as well, because of some issues he had. I then made 1 friend, that is all, for 2 years. In college (high school for you) I made 4 new good friends. Me and the guy from intermediate don't talk much anymore, and 2 others i aint that good of friends with. Instead of socializing, all i do is be anti-social, and drown myself in gaming. Not fun. I doubt anyone will read this, if they do, it will be a meh compared to rem.
  18. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I have a sad tail too

    It won't shut the fuck up no matter how hard I spank it. Fucking tails.
  19. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I confess that I've been throwing up all morning.

    Yay flu!
  20. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I confess (that even though I would never do it) I was gonna slap my sister for telling me I was cheating on:
    Prinny 2, because it said that I had 999 lives left...

    I assure you I did not sell my soul to the demon that is GameShark, or it's cousin AR...
    (lol, 999 = 666, get it)