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Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by megashell, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    And here is the pic of the day! itsa rat! ha ha

  2. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    ahah i like the rat and his... erm... soup? or coffee?
  3. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    its a potion to make him a human again ;D
  4. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    HAHA, its soup! SOUPER SOUP! haha, tnx for the comments! he cant turn back into a human :-[ he has always been a rat! poor rat.

    Well a new picture i did the other day, this i what i call a speed grafing, what am i able to do in 10 minutes, and this was it, background sucks, but i had no time to do more, here it is.

  5. akojack

    akojack Member

    hehe i like your drawings yew draw way better then me T.T
  6. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Im sure thats not true, im not that great, alot of people can draw alot better then me

    here is my 1st vector work... SUCKS!

  7. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    ...yeay 2nd page... and i get an ADD for it! wopie :-\

    So then here is another picture for you all !

    Wana eet maai kari! haha- here is a kinda logo thing, more vector stuff here it is!

  8. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    All are good :)

    I have a request draw this annoying thing

  9. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    urm, why would i want to draw him ???

    but fine whatever ill draw it then

    Okay so here is another one i did, this was for my friend-(girl) the animal has no eye cuz it was a googlie eye, i made this for her birthday, ill show the other part tomorow, bhee

  10. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    who knows
  11. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    hehe, its cool ill do the drawing ;D ull just have to wait a bit please, ill do it when i get time, or if i dont get to it in the week

    ill finish it this weekend-

    Okay then, the inside to the b-day card thing i did for her. i cant find the updated version i did, this one the hair is a bit funky, all and all i still like this version

  12. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    looks nice :)

    do you like this girl.... :-*
  13. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Yeah, i do. but the feeling was kinda one sided... and then she maried - MARIED, DAMN IT!!! O_O im all out of luck! crabz

    the last of my old pictures, i wont be able to post everyday now T_T

    unless i create somthing new each day, LOL, well here is my last one

    O yes this was for a compitition


  14. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Not bad work, just curious, what did you use to colour your images?

    :eek: seeing you inspired me to draw and I just did this yesterday. Kind of a project thing anyway

  15. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    looks good, Who is she?

    @megashell, don't worry about drawing that stupid tiger

    it was a lame request... draw anything from one piece however and i'll be happy :D
  16. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Solus, im taking its a painting that? if not then it has to be with a wacom(tablet)! O_O YOUR BLOODY AMAZIN' i cold really learn from you! GREAT WORK!

    You know, lets make this place a place to post your art work not just myne


    haha! usoppu thanks for taking me off the line, LOL, but then one piece is an anime i have never seen before... aint that a thing!

    but i did draw a link! ever notice in his games that his boomerang is the same size as he is?

    his UBER-RANG

  17. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    O yeah Sorry! i do use Photoshop for my stuff, well i got into vector aswel, so i do my line art in corel draw X3
  18. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Its actually a guy...a character for my Neverwinter Nights 2 mod. But yeah, he is meant to be the type of guys who look feminine.

    Megashell, corel painter is awesome. Still learning on how to use the tools and what goes well with what.
  19. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    :eek: Im playing NeverWinterNights 2 now! verry cool game! do you have a link for your mod that i can download if your done with it?
    That would just rule!

    Well here is another link! Last work until i make somthing new again


  20. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Lol. Well the mod is not done yet but im pretty sure its going to suck. For one it is a group project for my uni and my groupmates...well I dont know what to say. One can barely speak english, and some cant even come up with a decent suggestion.