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I am looking for exciting games for ds.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by 11jtorres, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    There already is an Advance Wars on DS. ???
  2. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    it hasn't a number... it's just ds... fire emblem ds...
  3. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    but i cannot find fire emblem ds. can someone give me the link
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member


    First of all, you're not supposed to request ROMs anywhere but the ROM request forum. Second of all, you're not supposed to request ROMs that haven't even been released yet. It's not that hard to just Google a game to find out if it's been released. It's TBA 2008, there's no way there will be a ROM out now.
  5. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Try sims2 for DS. It was the first DS game I ever played (original) and it got me playing for a month.
  6. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Try Mysims it's a good game.. ::)
  7. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    I like the Ace Attorney series
    Trauma Center
    Mario Kart
    Final Fantasy III
    Metroid (if you like online play)
  8. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    you mean phoenix wright series, don't you??...
  9. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    WTF why are R4 users so against all other cards?

    I've played it on the Supercard DS one (which I have), M3 Simply Slot 1 and 2, and the M3 Real and all games I've played work fine.

    Mario Kart is an awesome game and if you havn't played you better start.

    Call of Duty 4
    Geometry Wars
    Tony Hawk games
    Club House Games - best with multi for chat ;)
    Brothers in Arms
    Brain Age 2
    Donkey Dong Jungle Climber
    Legend of Zelda PH
    Neves - great puzzle game
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat - intense online action lol
    Arkanoid DS - currently JP...still good game and the main screen is ENG
    Trauma Center

    Those are just a few I have on my DS currently. Not all are "exciting," but they are good games IMO (in my opinion).
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    R4 users are not against other cards... He probably doesn't know about any other cards. Everyone in my school doesn't use anything but the R4 (and don't know what homebrew is), and when I tell people that I download ROMs to play on my DS, they ask if it is an R4. So the R4 has pretty much dominated the flash cart market. It's just like how everyone thinks the iPod is the only MP3 player in existence.
  11. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Born no one I know in WA or OR state has an R4 all mostly M3 simply which I dont like the OS/GUI very much.

    I just think it is retarded that others think their hardware is the best when they have never tried other Slot 1 cards.

    I'm sure you bow to the R4, but don't you slightly agree ???
  12. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    Yes, but with the new game starring another attorney I just called it the "Ace Attorney" series.
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i'm not against other flash carts, but you have to admit that the r4ds is the most popular nds flash cart available...

    i know about other flash carts, like m3, cyclo ds, and others...

    as to the part in bold, you misused that verb... the ''everyone'' you used refers to ''they'', and so, you shouldn't use doesn't, but you should have used don't... i'm only saying this because i've overheard people saying you love to correct people when they're grammatically wrong... and that's a truly great job, but watch out for yourself... and don't take this personally, i'm not criticizing you...
  14. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    How about Brain Quiz it's worth trying..
  15. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I've actually given that up a while ago.

    Seventeen. ;_;
  16. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    DQM: Joker. That kept me occupied, for a LONG time! ;D
  17. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I just couldn't play DQM. I just got bored after playing for 2 minutes.
  18. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    also, one thing i forgot to add, and i wanted you to notice.

    first, i'm not a r4ds user, i wish i was.

    second, when i said r4ds, i was wrong, i meant flashcarts. because, if you're using an emulator, mario kart ds secks a lot.
  19. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    i would use the M3, but I never heard of it until i got the R4 ::)