Is this an argument regarding the question "which came first, the chicken or the egg?". If it is, I remember my physicsteacher in high school saying that it was the chicken that came into being first. This was a "religious" or theological point of view. He argues that there was NO egg that rolled into Noas Arc before the flood, therefore there could only be the chicken.
even in evolution, i believe in mutations. If some sort of dinosaurs evolve or mutated into being a chicken, then that is more credible than an egg evolve or mutated into something else cause you can only alter the genes inside the egg using advance technology, which was not available thousands or millions of years ago. Or unless some aliens brought that into earth and experimented with us. lol
Your teacher should have been sacked, I doubt that filling kids heads full of nonsense was part of his job description. Fine to teach such stuff in a religious education class but for a physics teacher to come up with something like that is inexcusable.
...This topic has gone horrible wrong...we can't we all be chickens and co-exsist in peace with each other... I can't even remember (or bother looking for it) my therory was, but I still think he chicken would have eveolved from something else, and just started laying eggs at some point...Otherwise... WHERE WOULD THAT EGG CAME FROM! (plays twlight zone music) The chicken's ancestors, possibly lizard ie dinorsaurs, would have been before the great flood, if such an event occured... (on an offtopic note, why is the "retard" word so common, especially online, I know a couple of good people born with that title, yeah actual re's, in away I find it offencive but as I learnt with them, it's gonna happen and no point getting all angry about it, sorry to point this out to the world equitypetey, Just making my statment, your free to say it but just think about my point...oh and my little brother nearly got a restraining order for telling a friend not to use such language online...stupid hypicritical freedom of speech laws!)
It's between the two main theories: The egg did not appear magically from a lizard, nor did the Chicken magically appear as God waved his mighty fingers The chicken egg as it is today would have slowly mutated over 1000s of years and "evolved" from it's evolutionary predecessor. But the chicken and it's current features and genetic make-up are mutated from a chicken pushed to the brink of extinction. If you look at evolution properly, the chicken and it's current features/genetic make-up would have been somewhere within the original crowd else they would all have died. However, the first true generation of the current chicken would have been born from some of the original minority. Really it's quite an elaborate point even on the front of Evolution.
well who ever titled them that is a horrible person, i'd never call anyone with learning difficulties or a disability a retard it is offensive. maybe i shouldn't describe my self in that way as i guess it could be construed as offensive to those with real issues but i was trying to get the feeling across that i feel about my self when it comes to writing and as i don't use it or ever hear it to describe anyone but fully capable people i don't think of it as anything bad when using it. i don't think you or anyone should take offense of anything on the internet as you'll find your self offended allot. as with the chicken thing, have any of you realized that what you see as the chicken today is almost nothing like the animal was 100 years ago or even less. it was seen as a good bird to get eggs from (no flight means its easy to keep as a pet and collect eggs from ground level). they have been murderously bred to the shape they are for the best meat, fast growth and egg laying properties. and why look at the chicken all birds lay eggs
Loving northofpolaris's answer... But no, the chicken we know today with it's physical and genetic features would have occured before the first true generation of eggs with these features. Darwin's theory (Yes I understand the original) dictates that variations in a species, both good and bad, are caused through natural selection and mutations. This means that within the evolutionary/mutagenic predecessor to our current chicken, there woulld have been chickens as we know them today otherwise all the chickens would die if the mutation was an immunity to a fatal disease. It's also a reason why scientists don't want a reliance on cloning but we'lk save that one for another time...
you show little understanding if you did your answer would be different. and again with the chicken of today talk. the chicken today is nothing like its wild ancestor as it has been bred to produce a chicken that lays a stupid amount of eggs or to have large breasts for eating purposes much like dogs for example none of the breeds you get today (excluding wild dogs) where natural mutations they where bred that may.
Yup. Pure bred dogs are prone to massive amounts of disease and early death because of a LOT of inbreeding to try and keep certain features. Mutts have a better variation in their DNA and less of a likely hood of developing genetic diseases. Go ask your friendly neighborhood biologist.
I understand the ideas of inbreeding, pure breeds, selective breeding etc. so don't patronise me over things i NEED to know for an exam in two days. Also my references to the chicken of today have nothing to do with hows it been forced into change for farmer's needs or wild chickens. I am refering to it before it's most current mutation, regardless of whether it's forced or natural, as it's the easiest way to explain Darwin's Theory of Evolution with regards to the question.
Tl;Dr previous posts for me so i'll just answer the question. That old question is assuming that a god just made the chicken and that there was no evolution. Evolution is proven and the first chicken therefore wouldn't have come from the egg but as single cell organisms upwards to the modern chicken. So to answer that, single cell organisms made the chicken and came first.