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How to use the WinKawaks CPS1/CPS2/Neo-Geo emulator

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by version3, May 4, 2011.

  1. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    So, you want to start playing some good ol' CPS1/CPS2/Neo-Geo games, but MAME is too complicated and cumbersome? Then welcome to the world of WinKawaks, the ePSXe of arcade emulation. There are a few things you need to do before you can play your roms, but after you configure everything, running the games is a breeze.

    1. Where do you get the emulator?
    - You can get the current version of WinKawaks at their home site here. As of this writing, it is at 1.63.

    2. I got the emulator, where can I get the games?
    - As of this writing, I am not at liberty to link you to any rom site that host the roms that can be played using this emulator. I suggest using Google and search for "MAME roms". Note that not every MAME rom can be played in Kawaks, as it only plays Capcom CPS1/2 and SNK MVS titles.

    3. How do I run the emulator?
    -After you download it, unzip the files into a folder and run the WinKawaks.exe file. After a few tests on your system, it should appear like this:


    To find out what roms you can play, click on File > Load Game, or alternatively, press Alt + L


    You absolutely NEED the neogeo.zip bios file to run the Neo-Geo titles. You just have to put the .zip file inside one of the folders for your rom files (preferably the "neogeo" folder). A quick google search will give you the bios file.

    The roms showed here are the only games that you can play on this emulator, so don't go and try to run Tekken 3, NBA Jam or any other unsupported rom files.

    When you find the game that you want to play, search google for that rom and download it. Remember to put it in the proper roms folder included in the Kawaks zip. (cps1, cps2 and neogeo)

    4. Can I make the emulator search the roms at a different location instead of the roms folder?
    -You can, by configuring the paths where the emulator looks for the files it needs. You can find this by clicking File > Configure Paths.


    By clicking "Browse", you have to direct the emulator to the folder where your roms are stored.

    After directing the emulator to your roms, click the "Scan for new" button, as shown here:


    5. How do I change the buttons?/Can I use joysticks and other hardware to play this?
    -For this, I will shamelessly plug my response to someone who wanted to know how to use his controller for Kawaks, which can be found here.

    After you do all of these, the only remaining thing to do is sit back and enjoy your arcade experience!

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in this thread.
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    "The roms showed here are the only games that you can play on this emulator, so don't go and try to run Tekken 3, NBA Jam or any other unsupported rom files."

    So like, only the games shown when clicking "Only Available" are working on the emu?
  3. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    No, the all the games supported by Kawaks are shown if you click the "All" bubble. If you click on the "Only Available" bubble, it will show you the games that you have in your system.
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Okay, so generally, out of the buttons shown in your image


    What are the most common ones? I'm getting a Razer Onza which is like a 360 controller except with 2 more bumpers behind. Is it enough for comfortable play?
  5. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    On the non-fighting Capcom games, the first 3 buttons are the most used, while all the face buttons are used for the fighting ones. The Neo-Geo games, on the other hand use these buttons most of the time:


    As for your second question, it's enough for a decent and comfortable gaming experience.
  6. harmeetsingh

    harmeetsingh New Member

    sir , i put my roms file in roms - > neogeo folder , but when i try to scan new roms , after search there is nothing to show. what will i do ?
  7. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    You most likely need the neogeo.rom bios file. Neo-Geo games need that one file to run.

    EDIT: Also, holy crap, I forgot about this tutorial. Can't believe I did something like this before.
  8. harmeetsingh

    harmeetsingh New Member

    sir , my some roms run propery , and some roms are not detect by scan .
  9. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Can you provide a screenshot of your ROMs folder? I'm assuming you have all your ROMs in one folder, or have 3 or so folders for them. I need to see what's inside of them.
  10. Vesker

    Vesker New Member

    Where should I extract the neogeo BIOS?
  11. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    You don't extract the bios. The zip file itself should be inside one of the rom folders (most likely in the Neogeo folder).
  12. Edgar1418

    Edgar1418 New Member

    Hello, im new here so here's the thing

    I downloaded kawaks and i properly downloaded the neogeo.zip file whatever and placed it in the rom sectio (neogeo) folder. and i have downloaded some roms like metal slug and such yet they never come out when I search them. onlt the (cps2) games come out. why is that what am i doing wrong. i have done everything the internet, youtube and god says. WTF..!!!
    Post Merge: [time]1404668557[/time]
    Hello, im new here so here's the thing

    I downloaded kawaks and i properly downloaded the neogeo.zip file whatever and placed it in the rom sectio (neogeo) folder. and i have downloaded some roms like metal slug and such yet they never come out when I search them. onlt the (cps2) games come out. why is that what am i doing wrong. i have done everything the internet, youtube and god says. WTF..!!!
    Post Merge: [time]1404668584[/time]
    Hello, im new here so here's the thing

    I downloaded kawaks and i properly downloaded the neogeo.zip file whatever and placed it in the rom sectio (neogeo) folder. and i have downloaded some roms like metal slug and such yet they never come out when I search them. onlt the (cps2) games come out. why is that what am i doing wrong. i have done everything the internet, youtube and god says. WTF..!!!
  13. Allzombifood

    Allzombifood New Member

    Does anyone know how to edit the default keys for games, everytime i quit a game it changes the inputs back to the keyboard.
  14. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    I mean, this is like an 8 year old thread, and there are countless other better emulators out there now (like Final Burn Alpha and Retroarch).

    But in regards to your question, afaik, every game has their own default binding, and you should set them up individually for every new game you run.

    If you use an external controller, you should have that controller be plugged in BEFORE you run Kawaks, because it resets the bindings if it can't find the controller, if I recall correctly.

    But yeah, try out FBA instead for a better arcade emulating experience.