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how to convinve parents to get black ops?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EMIN3M, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    He's 14.
  2. EMIN3M

    EMIN3M Member

    Hey what's with the rude language. Im about to be 15. I think im old enough to know what common sense is.
    Post Merge: [time]1289490654[/time]
    I have Modern Warfare 2 you know and I'm gonna get it for christmas.
    Post Merge: [time]1289490754[/time]
    So much immature posts here. *coughs* Suiseiseki
  3. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

  4. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    so? when i was even younger then that i was helping in a construction company or something XP,
    and i earnt some money with it and now i still work there and i can buy whatever i like.
    Because i WORK for it
  5. EMIN3M

    EMIN3M Member

    The wii was a gift from my uncle. I would give it away but my sister plays it.
  6. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    You whore!... don't you ever say that about nintendo!.... :D :p lol
    Just use the choice stated below by hypnosis...its called the internet, download it...
    Kids these days...they want to be the ones with the hip games, when after a while the will become obsolete/or boring because of a new trend....
    next cod war games with minor upgrades on the ps3:
    Call of Duty: The Heroes Meet Sonic
    Call of Duty: Veterans Unite
    Call of Duty: Heroes Of Time - The First Seven
    Call of Duty: Halo Breach
    and all of them at an affordable price of $60.99!
    shipping and handling may be applies.taxes and other fees included
    no need to brag either but i was working construction since i was 13...
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Immature? I said "fucking" once. Deal with it.

    Look, Black Ops has its rating for a reason. I believe it's slightly more lenient in the US (I'm unfamiliar with the rating system) but the point still stands here - if you're not old enough to have a job and pay for the game by yourself, you're not old enough to play Black Ops, especially on XBL. Hell, I bet your parents pay for your XBL subscription too.

    Also I hear the game is shit, your parents are doing you a favour by not buying it for you.
  8. EMIN3M

    EMIN3M Member

    The game isnt shit. I played at my friends house and I though it was amazing. And I am a big Call of Duty fan. And I'm not on xbox live you prick.
    Post Merge: [time]1289520317[/time]
    God people never think before they type something. And I searched for jobs around my area and they were all taken. :/
    Post Merge: [time]1289520391[/time]
    And my grades are goood. My parents are kind of cheapskates so yeah..
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    My parents are the same. I can't get an efficient part time job here in the Philippines, so I'll have to make do with my allowance :\
  10. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Suiseiseki should regulate on immature chodes like you...then again your a kid and he will most likely ignore you...
    Cause kids don't understand things go out of style, and once this crap is done with, you will make a new topic stating...
    Wait until you get a job of some sort and then buy it, your friends will still have the game anyway...
    But, if they're anything like you they will move on to the next hip thing, im assuming... ::)
    (highly doubt it on my end, cause I still play SSBM on my GC, what i mean is, if its that good then it won't die even if there are new upgrades)

    About the jobs, if you really want the game, there are plenty of other jobs that you can do...
    -Walk a neighbors dog
    -Online Surveys
    -Become a Gigolo
    -Mexican at Home Depot (Landscaping, Electrical, Construction etc...)
    Sell some cookies/lemonade/candy
    There are a thousand more options, whether you want to do these things is up to you...or would they make you feel uncool.
    Stop relying on your parents, cause it will benefit you today, and in the future...trust me...
  11. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Two things:
    1. Why the hell do you believe those over-critical reviews? If you haven't played the game, you have no right to talk shit about it.
    2. Do you have a reason to judge the kid as a spoiled snob? If his parents don't want him to get Black Ops, and he has other video games, his parents PROBABLY can't afford XBL or Black Ops at this time.

    Advice: don't flame, even if someone flames you. Although, I believe Suis is /mostly/ right; if you have to convince your parents to buy a game, they probably have a good reason to not get you it. Either you have too much games, they can't afford it, or they think you are too young for a FPS.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    So basically you want to buy this game for the sole purpose of playing the single player campaign, a half-arsed token singleplayer that takes about five or six hours to finish? Yeah, this isn't counting Nazi Zombies but I hear that's pretty bad singleplayer too. And I thought I'd seen it all. You're the first person I have ever heard of who would buy CoD for the singleplayer. There's a reason for that. They develop it almost exclusively for the multiplayer.

    Also calling me a prick was totally uncalled for and you have hurt my feelings ;_;

    By "rating" I meant the ESRB rating, not game reviews. I don't trust anyone paid to play video games and review them. Sorry for the misunderstanding. but while we're on the topic, I have played a small amount of the game and several of my friends (most of whom are experienced 360 gamers) are expressing negativity towards the game. As for "judging the kid as a spoiled snob", I'm not. I'm actually judging him as an underage kid with a sense of entitlement evidenced by his obvious expectation that he should have the game bought for him. Even if he had the money he couldn't go and buy it because of its rating. I think there's a reason for that rating.
  13. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    You're a spoiled fuck. You're never going to be free from insults on the internet. Grow some balls.
  14. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    That's what they all say. Hell, that's what I said. And y'know what? I grew up.
  15. doughboy

    doughboy Guest


    Take our advice...just get over it, i doubt that you'll be an outcast from the rest of the world if you don't have the game at the time...
    (but maybe you won't take it, as we are all seemingly against you, in your kid eyes)
    Highly doubt your friends will look at you in a weird way and say something like:
    "why dun you haves cod-bo :O, i wantid 2 pwn you right in ur ass"
  16. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I apologize for the misunderstanding also. If you read the rest of my post, I actually agreed with you. He'd have to have his parents to buy the game for him anyways.
  17. EMIN3M

    EMIN3M Member

    I am sorry and my parents are getting me the game for christmas as long as i do the dishes for the rest of the year. T_T lol
    Post Merge: [time]1289530654[/time]
    and i am not spoiled, my parents never buy me things. The most they get me is a mcdonalds meal or some good food
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    What a waste of chores, I cannot imagine enjoying a CoD game's campaign more than once. I seriously do not understand how someone could love the Single Player campaign of all of them to warrant a 60$ game (although this sense of entitlement of paying 60$ is probably somewhat unknown to you). Eating dirt has more variety than a CoD game's campaign. I realize it's my opinion, but I actually liked Black Ops' campaign, and it's still not worth 60$, maybe half that price but no way in hell it deserves 60$. Too bad your parents haven't really taught you about the value of money yet.

    I'm not taking in account the gameplay length either. There has been better campaign experiences the SAME length as Black Ops that I've enjoyed more. Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, any Halo game, Uncharted, God Of War, Gears Of War, Bioshock, Alan Wake, Ninja Gaiden, etc etc.

    Not only that, the local multiplayer options are just as worse as MW2. Oh, there's bots! Oh, you have to have Xbox Live for it! Makes sense. You can't customize the game modes for split screen and the only thing they beefed up features on was guests and system link. But at that point, almost everyone who wants to play CoD already has an Xbox or PS3, and play it online.
  19. EMIN3M

    EMIN3M Member

    And the ps3 with mw2 was bought with my dad's leftover change saved for like 5 years. :p
  20. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    you don't. sneak into your parents room when they are sleeping, get their credit card and cash in on whatever game you want. how do you think I'm always getting legit games?