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How much money do Romulation save you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying you're naiive....I'm just saying they're bastards :-X

    Yes it should...

    And I commend you for that...

    ...commend is a word right ?? :-\
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Like hell alcohol should be forbidden, alcohol is not bad in limited amounts, in fact, a lot of research shows that a glass of red wine a day is healthy for you.

    But that's going off-topic... =/
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    How Alcohol Works <-- Alcohol is not bad for you in small amount and according to chinese doctor they promote blood circulation in small amount which is good for the body....but in large amount, they damage the brain, nervous-system and amoung other organs....

    back to the topic, yes too bad there are leacher that never want to spend a peny for a great games.....
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    to be honest and i'm not trying to start a fight here but the hole trying to look noble by saying its done for the better good smells a bit. and just sounds like an answer someone would pull up in court to get out of an ass woping.
    yeah ok its good if u do buy the games to support the games companys but at the end of the day it doesn't make a hole lot of difference, the companys know about the modding comunity but they're not all that bothered by it. they know the modding comunity is not even 1% of thier users most people don't know about it or can't be bothered with the hassle of learning about it. and still they make money off the modders cause the have to buy the console in the first place.
    i'm poor, i love gaming but i'm poor, since i leant all about modding and did my ds ps2 and pc i have not bought a single game i'm not going to bullshit and say i'm gona do noble stuff cause its bull and i don't belive a single person who says that because at the end of the day u can rent the game test it then decide to buy it and many other ways of doing it. at the end of the day i don't feel bad about it cause if i didn't mod i woun't not buy the console, i only own a ds now cause i knew about the r4 and i only intend on buying a wii or 360 if its pre-chipped. so the only way i am a costomer of them is because of modding. the only games i intend on buying are next gen pc games like call of duty 4 for its awsome online play.
    i'm not doing it for a noble reason, i'm not doing it to stick it to the man i'm doing it cause it easy i don't have millions of cases or stuff like that all my stuff is on hard drives so i don't have to mess with any media hanging about.

    people may buy the games they like cause they feel guilty about something but when they first found out about modding there is no way anyone can say they did it for any other reason then free gaming.

    you can say i'm a leach but there is no way anyone can justify downloading games even if u buy a few there will still be the ones u play alot that u don't buy.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It wouldn't help me shit in court, it's copyright infringement regardless of what the basis is, so that has nothing to do with it.

    Oh and there ARE people who buy the games afterwards, I downloaded Call of Duty 4 recently, and I found it awesome enough to buy it, so they just got a tiny bit more money because I got to test the game beforehand.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually it is a perfectly reasonable justfication. it is not just to find out what games you like, it is to find out if you believe them worth the price. I do not believe that console games are worth £40 ($80) apiece, so I save money by only buying second hand versions, or getting them online off ebay or amazon. Sometimes I buy new PC games, after I've played it for a bit and think its worth the full amount but again, most of the time I get them second hand.
  7. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    well, i don't know if the downloaded COD4 you have is the full game, or only a demo... but if it is the full game, then why did you buy the original??...

    the companies still gain lots of money, despite we mod our consoles or we don't... the money we spend on their games is a small, really small amount compared to other gains... and i believe they have other than legal means to earn money...
  8. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I first got into the emulation scene because it was the only practical way of retro gaming (the only other way being spending ridiculous amounts of time and money tracking down what you want).
    and I know that there's alot of people in the same boat as me.

    To this day I only download retro games, and the odd GBA game. I own a NDS, but I've not downloaded one game for it...why ? because I prefer to buy my games...but if that option wasn't available to me, i wouldn't hesitate to download a game for it..
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I bought the original because the developer deserves my money for CoD4, the game is bloody brilliant, a little short but I expect the multi player part to make more than up for that. And while the individual developers are paid a monthly wage then the company as a whole still get a percentage of the profit so they can continue with developing games.
  10. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Call of Duty 4 rocks. But I wouldn't really pay for the game. In probably a few months time it may start collecting dust on your shelve. Besides, the multiplayer does not support wifi and I prefer co-op multiplayer than deathmatch.
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Solus I'm talking PC version here, not DS.
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    "people may buy the games they like cause they feel guilty about something"


    *bang table and point finger, phoenix style*

    People who buy the game doest buy for guilt, they buy because the game is worthy of thier money, people will not buy an item if the item have no equal value to what they have spend. And since DS have no demo system that is freely available to every DS owner, Downloading ROm form site like ROmulation.net is the only way to test the game, hance the main purpose of this topic being created.
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    agreed... i now understand...

    buying the game is kind of a present we give to the companies who make efforts to make great games, and succeed...
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    objection my balls.
    i understand what every ones saying and i'd maybe do the same if i had the money to all i was trying was bring some truth to the court ;D
    i just thought i'd have a rant cause i get fed up with seing mindless drones with thier noses up peoples bums i don't see many people with thier own opinions. thats all i'd just like to see a few other people not go 'yeah i think the same blaa blaa blaa the 360 amazing blaa blaa blaa i'm a sheep wil you be my bopeep'
  15. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    same here.. lol R4 gives me a lot of fun!
  16. tori93

    tori93 Active Member

    a lot!! i had 2 original games (when i first bought my ds), the rest, i downloaded them.
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I feel I should once again stress that RomUlation isn't here to prevent you spending money, it's here to make you spend it properly on the good games while leaving the shit games alone.
  18. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Ehm first of all, why is your name 'Speh'?

    Even I bought a game because i liked it so much, don't laugh, but i bought FFCC: RoF.
    We (me and my three friends) bought it, because we enjoyed it so much that we bought it.
    And this is the right way to do it, although i only bought 1 or 2 games after i had the R4, i still feel the same way.
  19. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That's nothing to laugh about, FFCC: ROF is a great game :)

    I've only downloaded a few games but I bought most of my games such as FFIII and Pokemon Diamond from the stores.
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    romulation doesn't save me anything. i bought most of my ds games because i'm a cheapassgamer. i usually try to wait for the big deals and would get extra titles so i can trade for other stuff that i may want in the future or trade with a game that the store may be out of stock on with someone else.

    the only thing i save money on are old games like the ps1, saturn, snes and genesis. they are hard to track down and buying them from someone is expensive when you weight what you can get instead.

    for instance, pay 15-20 for super metroid or pay 15-20 for a used ps2,xbox, ngc, wii or ds game. and it gets worst when you want to play those rpgs such as paying 50+ dollars for mario rpg legend of the seven stars or spend the 50 dollars on a new game from one of the last or current generation systems.

    snes isn't the only system, ps1 games such as panzer dragoon or parasite eve are hard to find or over priced [castlevania syphony of the night, 30+ dollars].

    i check out multiple reviews of the games that i maybe interested on buying. i may or may not be playing the game, but at least they will remain unopened and either sold, trade or kept until it becomes a rare item.