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How much money do Romulation save you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    Obiously people wouldn't have saved money, beacause they ACUALLY BOUGHT THE GAME after they TRIED it out. :D
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Yes they would, if the game they downloaded was utter crap then they wouldnt have bought it.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Arent Wii Ware is for Wii only? so what the point having a DS demo there?

    you obviously didnt get what the hell we awere talking about the whole time.
  4. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    Actually, i wouldn't buy any games for ds if i didn't get to test it. (Except for LoZ:pH)
    COZ I'M POOR. ;D
  5. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member


    i had to convince my dad (policeman) to let me commit piracy, because i wanted games and he wouldn't spend so much money on games...

    guess what??...

    he's more into piracy now than i do... :p
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    the police don't care and only enforce laws on piracy when they're told to buy a bigger fish
  7. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    >_> Aside from the fact that I only just barely understood what you're trying to say...

    Go Google "Everybody's Nintendo Channel" or something like that...you'll get what I'm saying.
  8. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    The main point was to have DS demos on a wii channel which you can download from your wii via your DS, similar to the download and play that they have at games shops. Ever heard of wireless....? lol
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    sorry to break the news to you... DS owner =/= Wii owner = not all DS owner have Wii and not Wii owner have DS.

    even Wii have wifi that can connect with DS, but I fail to see the point for Wii to have DS demo, unless Nintendo want to use it as some kind of lame marketing strategies.
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I can confirm that, I have a Wii but not a DS. :)
  11. JulioVanPeebles

    JulioVanPeebles New Member

    I have a DS(and the no$gba, he he). But back to the topic, let's see, i have/had well over 200 roms so i saved more than, if I switched to GEICO, and it's so easy, a caveman can do it ;D. Meaning I can't add it up pretty much.
  12. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    I never said they did. However, there are indeed quite a few out there who have both (like myself), so your point is......well, I'm not exactly sure that is a point, as I'm still having a little trouble understanding you...

    ...Aside from how having DS demos on the console was promised/mentioned early on in its lifespan, it would be for the exact purpose that Seph has been specifying the website is for: trying out games without having to buy them or going to a store and download from a Download Station's limited assortment. We've already got a website to see videos from VC games before buying them, so it only makes sense that DS games would be the next step. I fail to see how you can fail to see the point.
  13. clugenheim

    clugenheim Well-Known Member

    It hasn't saved me THAT much. Maybe $70? I've downloaded tons of ROMs, but most of the ones I have downloaded I would have NEVER bought anyway. =P
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    This is how I believe you should count it:

    1) Download game.
    2) Play it
    3) Would I have bought this? If yes, go to 4.
    4) Add game price to sum of money saved
    5) Go to 1
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    o.k, let me explain...

    1. The real purpose for DS demo is for DS user to try the game before buying them, so since DS owner =/= Wii owner and vice versa, DS owner arent getting anything from it if they implement them in Wii, unless they are Wii user as well.

    2. So there is no reason for nintendo to include DS demo in Wii unless they want to use Wii as a marketing tools, which totally kill the purpose of having DS demo in the 1st place. (see 1)
  16. DarkSpace

    DarkSpace Member

    I've downloaded a lot of games, and the 15 I thought were going to be good, 10 sucked. At 30 U.S.D. per game I saved myself 300$. THen I went to buy the remaining five in order to support the people who make the games.
  17. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I only use Romulation for games that aren't widely available or aren't available to me at all.......or the odd new game I really want and can't afford....otherwise I go out and buy my games...I feel you can't beat the feeling of a new game in its shiny packaging...

    So Romulation has actually saved me very little money.....but it's not about money is it ??
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    in a sense. It's mainly about stopping people spending money on games that arent worth the price, so they spend more on the ones that are, thereby getting better value. People with limited budgets especially appreciate this, because if they buy a game that sucks, it's not a case of 'oh well, shove it in the drawer and buy another game' because they can't afford to do that; games are an infrequent luxury for many people, so they want the most value for money. RomUlation allows them to determine where their money is best spent to give them the most enjoyment.
  19. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Thats the way it is with me, you and a handful of others
    But realistically, most of Romulations users probably wouldn't buy games even if they had the money....as it is cheaper and faster to just download them from sites like this.

    Idealistically, Romulation and similar sites are helping the game development industry by helping people choose which games they feel are good enough to go out and spend money....and therefore ensuring that only good games are bought and companys cant churn the same crap out under a diff. title, making the industry more competetive...

    But the fact is that the world is full of people interested in their own pockets at the present moment...they're only interested in getting as much as they can for nothing and don't spare a thought for the wider picture..

    I go on rants sometimes....so please excuse me if I'm talking utter crap :D
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We're not naive, we're perfectly aware that there are users who just want games for free and won't buy anything even if they like it. But we can't really let them define the rules, there are also people who drink too much alcohol, yet the rest of us can handle it fine, should alcohol be forbidden entirely then?

    I don't like helping people who won't buy a game they find awesome but I will gladly do it if it means that people who do buy games they like can get a chance to preview games so they won't waste their money.