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How many pillowS you sleept with?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by abiyo, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    nah not really i go to sleep with one and wake up with none, i think i push it away in my sleep i dont know
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I use 3.
    One for my head and two for other purposes
  3. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    ohoo...hmm...anymore? he..he.. ::)

    and hey..i found this...

    The Feotus
    The feotus position is the most popular position, especially among women. As the name suggests, this style resembles the fetal position in which one lies to one side. One arm is usually under the head and the other in front. People who this style relates to are often shy when first meeting somebody. They tend to be tough on the outside, but deep down have a caring heart.

    The Log
    Someone who may be referred to as a log sleeps on their side with both arms to their sides. These people are very social and trusting in nature.

    The Yearner
    Open-minded yet cynical, these people sleep on their side with both arms in front of their body.

    The Solider
    Similar to standing at attention, soldier sleepers sleep on their back with an arm at each side. These people could be called perfectionists and like little fuss. They are often very quiet.

    The Freefall
    These people sleep on their stomach with the head to one side. Their arms are wrapped around their pillow. Freefall people are very friendly and do not respond to criticism very well.

    he..he..anyone?-pillow post..
  4. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Two pillows and two bolsters. :) When it's hot I use the blanket as pillow too...
  5. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    ohoo...same as me..! :eek:
  6. calvat

    calvat New Member

    Have 3 but mainly sleep on 1-2, other ones to make sure I don't bash my head on the wall :)
  7. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    3. one head pilliow and 2 leg pillows though one justs sits next to me
  8. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    yeah,but i only have 1 bolster... never know what's is called in english...
  9. ndsrom-peach

    ndsrom-peach Well-Known Member

    uhh sometimes 5 sometimes 6 and even 7 xD really!but Im putting them next to the wall with a vertical position
  10. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    whoops someone broke the record AGAIN!..
    okay..here is the result so far.. 8)

    0 pillow=5.5%
    1 pillow=11%
    2 pillow=33%
    3 pillow=27.7%
    5 pillow=5.5%
    6 pillow=5.5%
    7 pillow=5.5%
    elsewhere on the floor=16.6%

    ohoo..now,the current pillow record is..7-hold by..ndsrom-peach!
    he..he..anymore?.. :p
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    one, i dont have space for more pillows......
  12. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I used to have three for the hell of it and put them like this:


    A sort of n shape...

    Now I just use one.
  13. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    I use one out of 3....

    .:Request for move to forum game section:.
  14. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    for calvin_o and snebbers,: ohoo..one pillow...hmm..maybe because you two were sleeping with your brother? or wife? i presume?(my brother legs always lay on my face- first thing happen i woke up in the morning..)it such a heavy burden..he..he...
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    For 18 years it was the same pillow..excluding some school camps..until the neck cramps forced me to bring it.

    It's still one...but unfortunatly it had to be thrown out (parents were worried..about how flat it was).

    Now they just gave an air bag (really puffy pillow...uncomfortable...my own name for it)

    Had to beat the crap out of it until it was right, took my kicks, brother's punches, a few powerbombs and even running it over until it was usable...without hurting my neck.
  16. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    ha..ha..what an interesting story you have...*sigh*..pity..pillow..*sigh*..
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Well I prefer mine flat.

    Heck, I tried a few diferent configurations, 1 normal, spinal fit (made for your head personally) and more than one...

    A flat one works best for me.

    No pillow sucks...though my long coat in a bag works rather well in desperate situations.
  18. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    he..he..make sure you stick to it! 8)
  19. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    I sleep with two big hypoallergenic fluffy pillows. I want to feel comfortable as much as possible cause I enjoy my sleep more than any of my hobbies (I can sleep 15 hours straight cause of my narcolepsy). my rhinitis and sleep paralysis can trigger anytime. I don't know why I'm so unhealthy =(
  20. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    really? it's seem that you have personal problems...try wake up at the same time every day..e.g=today you woke at 7.00 a.m..make sure you stick with it until..FOREVER..you have the sleep problem maybe because of.. unscheduled sleep times..that may cause you health problem..he..he.. ;D..i talk like a doctor..(but my long essay is not a fake advice try it..!) 8)