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How many Malaysians?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rpgirl, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    [me=hYpNoS]shouldn't be here as he isn't a malaysian[/me]

    Look for second hand ps3 games/import titles from ebay.

    I got 10 games already, $20AUD to $35...excluding the full priced collectors edition games.

  2. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Oh sadly we don't have second hand ps3 games here and the cheapest one which are the games people don't really get are prices between RM 90 to 110, which is quite a lot for us here...yes I wish it would be that simple. Ebay, not happening here in Sabah that's for sure. We cannot par with other countries when it comes to PS3, they are for the upper class or those who can afford to chunk out 60% from their salary just in order to get a game they want. Some people earn just 500 to 600 a month and to spend 250 to 300 on a game might not be ideal. Hence, few has PS3 here, it's sad but true.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    So it's a poor kinda country then-because that sounds like alot of money from the way your putting it (I always thought it was a moderatly affordable country).

    Sorry if I got it wrong.
  4. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Thus why (like most asian countries) you turn to piracy.

    Most aussies can afford such games, I paid $120 for god of war (and traded in some junk...).

    Calvin (a user here-same country as you) reckons he's seen copied ps3 games, but there is currently no working mod for games...

    Seems strange no one has thought of doing what they did for the psp and make a custom firmware, they do use the same OS type anyway (just from looks though-not technical stand point)
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Getting the right game is the most important, that's why I will watch all the trailers first before buying anything.
    The cost of PS3 itself is too costly for a student like me, hence, by just buying a game for it is too much already.
    But, feel more secured for some games like FFXIII, Yakuza and GoW since they very well-known already

    Ohh.. I think I saw someone broke the DDR mate yesterday... just kidding.
    I occasionally play PS2 game at home since there are only little PS3 games available here.
    Well.. the production for PS2 console soon will be stopped at the later date.. :(
    Since some good PS2 games, like FM5, GoC will not be released to English and none of them was sold here,
    getting it from Torrent is another option.

    Ohh, a chinese.. no wonder your English is better compared to mine, I have lots of female friends though, but only few of them has the same interest with me, but I was surprised they like to play more practical games, like the basketball, and DDR.
    I give them points there, since they are too good on it, I admit that. ;D
    Haha, why not, its not like I always meet someone here from the same country like mine, and on the same city.. Nice to meet ya. :)

    I haven't heard or saw second hand PS3 games at our stores, if there is, maybe only for old games. :p
    one game here cost about RM150, divided by three.. maybe around 50 dollars?
    well depends on the game title though.. hmm.

    Yes, only a few of it here. It was too expensive which makes it to be a store decorations.

    It a average-poor country, and still developing, but at the slow pace.

    I'm sure we have to pay thrice than that.....
    Well, the PS3 slim cost around RM1200-RM1500, same to Xbox 360, if there is a differences, maybe less than RM1200...
    I still remember what my friends says, "Wait for a modded PS3!" Hell yeah, that might be happen, but not sure when...
    Not going to wait for it though, since I might be busy after my graduation.

    Oh yes, we love piracy, without it,
    some average people here might not be able to play certain games, which most of us are...
  7. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Well said Meganova, piracy is everywhere not just on games. Our people will have a problem without it, I mean if everyone needs to get original ones, I believe people will run out of buisnesses and society will revolt into doing something more criminal with the extra time on their hands. In a way although not recommended, piracy dvds in forms of movies to games are a life saver to us. Of course if it was as cheap as 20 bucks having the original would highly be anticipated. We don't have much choice but to live with piracy.

    I haven't seen copied PS3 games but I did hear about modded PS3 has yet to make its way to the market. It was rumoured as a modded one, it could read dvds instead of blue ray discs but the only problem they are facing now is that you will need many dvds to make a game. Because blue ray disc can accomodate many gigs and dvd cannot. So the question still lies with having to change dvds frequently and the total of dvds used may increase the price and rendered it as costly as having an original one. That was some of the info leaked out recently and since they are still trying to solve that problem, we might see a modded PS3 pretty soon in the future.

    Man, Yakuza 3 is a great title, I have played the 1st and 2nd on the PS2, I have seen the demo at CPS, Sony store a few weeks ago. Well, if you have friends who has PS3 perhaps can exchange games from time to time, that's the only cheapest way to play PS3 for now I think? You get one title and he gets another and when both of you have finished with that particular game, you can borrow his and vice versa. Sadly again, I see very few has PS3 over here. Hmm, any thoughts of getting a Wii? There are many casual games around but I don't see many big titles, and I hate swinging the joystick in the middle of the night when I would just want to relax and play a game without sweating:)

    I was able to do hidden for DDR but I couldn't do a Maniac mode and still survive to tell the tales though:p Did you see they have it on the pc these days and the whole set costs like 180?? Plus you don't have that many DDR songs for the PC...and people are like 'Whoa..what's that thing? Is it new' kinda response. A big ripped off if you asked me, since a new PS2 only costs around 499 with 2 joysticks and 10 free games...and the dancing mat is around 30 and it has a library of DDR titles. And it can be used to play games too...I hope our people don't get scammed like that.

    Huh? I thought chinese has bad English communication and rather our fellow Malays and Indians speak better English? I don't know, I haven't got any chinese friends that I can express myself in English when I was in high school hence limiting my circle of friends. You have a good English Meganova, do keep it up. I still feel I have a long way to go when it comes to English and I keep learning it everyday to improve myself. RPGs have done a great deal of helping me learn new words..LOL..although if I read more books it will help even more. Gaming has helped me in all sorts of ways unimaginable. Nixed the killing and grand theft thingy, it enriches my life both in education and entertaiment wise. I won't stop ever as long as I can still afford to game:)
  8. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Yes, that how people here lives.
    When you addicted to something, you can't leave it.

    When the times come, there will be more of it in the stores.
    Gotta wait for that day though.

    Seeing the price of the game is too costly, I doubt they want to exchange it, so am I... XD
    There are more PS3 slim than the old one though, Wii? well, my family wants to get one, since it's good to for something more practical than just sitting and pressing the button though... Haha.

    Oh.. I can't dance on it.. too much confusion though..

    Agree.. much much agree..
  9. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    People have to understand eventhough we are from Malaysia, the East and West are totally different in sense of developing. Take Kuala Lumpur for example, the city has evolved so much and has so much more opportunities as well as medical and technology wise. That goes for gaming as well, where they have a few extras we don't have over here in Sabah. I don't blame other foreigners for not knowing our country heck some west malaysians think we are using trees as homes or think we are so down graded they assumed we are 'Kampung people'. I am saying this with respect and not pin pointing anyone. I am just saying because I have met such people.

    I am concerned about our medical service here than any other aspects because KK has not a real Hospital since the QE closed down. It's embarrasing to even own up to being CITY itself when a major thing called hospital has not been established. So what they are using SMC but the ER ward is at another place...truly shameful and inciting they don't have beds for patients? It's horrible but the west malaysia don't get this kind of issue. To state the fact we don't have a real goverment hospital here meaning our people are deprieved from getting treated efficently. I am totally mad about this.
  10. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Nothing wrong with living in kampung,although I dislike the "kampung style" toilet I've been to before :p
    Since my mom is from Sarawak I had the chance to stay in a kampung :p
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I must have been thinking of Kuala Lumpu type people, some of my old co-workers were Malaysians and they felt at home living in Melbourne.

    Piracy is still a bad thing, though not so for BIG companies like the heartless Electronic Arts (EA) but more so for smaller companies...less profit means the company/awesome game they made could sink away never to be seen again.

    I'm surprised people don't sell goods second hand, what if someone had HEAPS of gear they didn't need and needed money-I'd sell what isn't needed.

    Games would be a popular choice, hence why eb games Australia charges so much yet gives so few back (even less if you wanted cash for it).

    As for the medical issues/other issues, I can't really comment as I don't really take much interest in what doesn't come my way/is needed (though my family members have been lucky to get beds here despite the apparent lack of beds in Melbourne Hospitals)
  12. Heati

    Heati Member

    I'm from KL nice to meet ya~
  13. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Ugh..yeah I cannot bear with the old style toilets, they are totally disgusting. Makes me think of the evil silent hill side whenever I go into one of these. Luckily these had be abolished in city area but yeah the public toilets still stink..OMG
    Post Merge: [time]1270454763[/time]
    Our medical system and services are so terrible you wish you never got sick. Stricken patients often have to wait months before they can undergo a major surgery. Plus the scariest thing is about the anesthetics they are using. A lot of our people here complained the pain and inedequacy of local anesthetics being applied for a procedure. So you can imagine the horror taken straight out from a movie scenario.
  14. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Good thing is that only applies to goverment hospitals and not private
    (Thank heavens,I have a heart problem see :p)
    I really feel sorry for those that can't afford to go to private hospitals though :(

    Anyone ever seen a good DS flashcart being sold here?
    In Penang I only seem to see the fake/clone R4 cards :p
    In other countries,its not easy to find a flashcart being sold offline (At least that's what I read)
    Here its the opposite ::)
    Good luck trying to support developers (Unless its a PS3 game)
  15. Heati

    Heati Member

    Great... I'm just being ignored..
  16. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    You can talk about anything relating to Malaysia:) What's happening at your hometown and that sort
  17. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    If you're going to use a flight, always choose the second best.
  18. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Groh and Mega,you guys forgot me.Hi RPG girl!
  19. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I thought you're gone.
  20. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Hmm...is there by any chance you are a GOW's fan? Cause Kratos = GOW...just wondering....