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How long?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lephantome92, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    really. there is more to 3DS than pirated games.
  2. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Then forget it.Why is everyone so obsessed with having the 3DS cracked anyway?

    I know it'll have a great library of games.But C'mon folks it was just released.I wouldn't expect it to be hacked in maybe a year or 2.This system is MUCH tougher than the last.

    As much as I'd love to pirate their games to save me some cash I won't bother since Nintendo is taking this piracy thing seriously.And even if they did crack it.There's no guarantee that we'd have to use flashcarts to play roms anyway....
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Everything about it is amazing. The AR cards are awesome! And street pass is pretty sweet even though I only got one person today after walking past like 1,000 different people. :p
  4. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    because impatient noobs handed over their older DS units in an effort to reduce the final out of pocket expense. No longer having their Slot-2 equipped unit, they start the same shit they always do; when the dsi came out, and it's 'firmware' which was only a deterrent to flashcarts(sort of). But they'll always BS about it, no matter what.
  5. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    That's true. Once I get a job, then I'll be able to afford money for my gaming library. Lately I've been thinking about going legit with the 3DS.....

    I saw how the AR cards worked too. From a friend a Sunday school, though.. It's pretty impressive I'll have to admit. I hope Nintendo releases more of these AR cards!

    And don't worry about just getting one person from 1,000 people. Remember, it's already completely sold out x_X

    Also, the 3D. Only works if the screen faces you directly. Really hurts your eyes if you look at the 3D from another angle. "For your eyes only", eh??? XDDDDD
    Post Merge: [time]1301490555[/time]
    True that. I resort to piracy to save cash, but we've all gotta help out Nintendo once in a while, too.

    My hunch is that, in a similar way to the PSP, the 3DS would able to play backups on an SD card. (Not referring to MicroSD)
  6. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    TBH I was thinking the exact same thing.If it's done this way then their is no way the system updates could brick your system since your not using a flashcart.

    However if it'll be done this way then modding your system may be required....
  7. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Unless you do some exploit with just the SD card, like the Brawl exploit on the Wii
  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    +1 because if I remember good then they did more then a year for good flashcards and such for the normal DS
  9. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    I thought it was TLOZ Twilight Princess?
  10. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I thought it was lego indiana jones
  11. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    WAS LoZ:TP, recent updates patched that hole.
    Of course, patching that hole opened up another few holes, namely bannerbomb(likely patched now), Smashstack, Indianapwns, and some other one.
    Course, every time someone talks about ONE, the Big N releases an 'update' to fix 'compatibility/stability', when they should just say 'security fixes', like Win7 does.
  12. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    That was about as funny as a rubber crutch in a polio ward.