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How hard is it to find a cute girl who's an xtreme gamer like me???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by alcaclarke, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    MusicAddict and equitypetey fail for not using real words :p

    And he wasn't being serious MusicAddict, he's a novice at internet sarcasm though, as he doesn't know how to make it come off as some harmless teasing yet :)
  2. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Hey, I totally use real words. Like I totally like never like talk like a girl. Like.
  3. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    I have been reading all this wonderful banter in this thread and I have come to realize that my original question was never really answered. One thing Wintereise noted was that "would I really want a girl that was a hardcore gamer?" That's a good question?
    I actually had a girlfriend a few years ago who could beat me at MarioKart. I used to get mad and get all serious about it. Now that I think about it, No i don't want a hardcore gamer for a girlfriend. Actually my girl right now is awesome, I want a new console and she has no problem with it. And I don't have to worry about her playing my files or something cause i hate that!!!
    Life is good!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is everyone on this site legit and are they really who they say they are?!

    Loonylion is cool!
    Seph Rocks!
    Wintereise is the shit!
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I haven't lied about anything yet to my knowledge.

    Fixed for great justice.
  5. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    Good one Asmadi! You're a funny guy!!!
    Hope I didn't offend anyone!
  6. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    What am I? 8)
  7. adrelith

    adrelith Well-Known Member

    Hahaha. I've been avoiding this post since I first noticed it on the new posts list (I thought it might be a group of guys drooling :p) but I got bored enough to finally read it. And I'm amazed; this is probably the most interesting thread I've read here. You guys, mostly, all have great points and I agree with many of you. I don't think I'd like a gamer girlfriend. My previous one was and it never really worked out. My girlfriend at the moment doesn't play games at all - apart from Animal Crossing when she's at my house and I'm busy - but she respects that I want to and she's cool with that.

    Now dealing with looks: I personally think of myself as quite unattractive, however my girlfriend is a very good looking woman (even teachers at school have commented on how well I've done for myself :p). That's gotta prove that at least some women out there don't care about looks. She says, as Chibi posted before about her preferences, that she is attracted to things about me – even if they aren’t conventionally attractive.

    Lastly, I'm a self-proclaimed nerd and weirdo (although it took me little longer to realise that latter :p) and I have friends that are nerds, others that love to work out and those in between. Your personality should determine how people treat you, not your choice of leisure activities or physical features.

    My two cents, I just couldn't resist adding to this one :p
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    they are real words!!!!!! :mad:
    if there use'd in context there real enough
    awesomer= someone who is more awesome then just awesome
    awesomerist= the most awesome of all the awsome and awesomer

    or something like that i confuse my self alot ???
    real words so there ;D
  9. Zenova

    Zenova New Member

    If you want an "xtreme gamer girlfriend", I think there's a 97% chance you'll end up like the guy in CtrlAltDel-Online (web comic). The thin one that turned his X-BOX into a sentient robot named Zeke :-\
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    r no an xbox what a turn off it'd be like doin a fat chick LOL ;D
    now playstation maybe :p
  11. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    Sorry Musicaddict911 I missed a couple of Romulation staff. What I meant to say was this site rocks and all involved with the maintaining and such are the SHIT!!!!!!
  12. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    You seem like you are keepin' it real man, good on you!

    I believe we all should just be who we are and if someone doesn't like you, too bad for them. Looks aren't everything and people can be sexy without being model hot! You can't please all the people all the time!!!
  13. adrelith

    adrelith Well-Known Member

    Thanks man, and you're damn staright! :D
  14. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    I am who I say I am. And act like. What you get on this forum from me is what you would get if you dealt with me on a day to day basis. ;)
  15. adrelith

    adrelith Well-Known Member

    ;D I bring the love! :p
  16. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    I tried to bring the love :mad:


  17. adrelith

    adrelith Well-Known Member

    It's sad how many times I've heard that . . . :'( lol
  18. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Haha, it was just an opportunity for me to add that comment in. ;)
  19. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    I'll Love you Chibi!!!! LOL
  20. deadbird666

    deadbird666 Active Member

    raise hand .. !! lol j/k

    me me me me me ...

    but ..i dont want my boyfriend to be game addict -__- like me ..
    well it 's not bad having a hardcore gamers... right .. ne ne :-\