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How hard is it to find a cute girl who's an xtreme gamer like me???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by alcaclarke, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. JBSS

    JBSS New Member

    Omfg you guys are nerds lol. Seriously who doesn't see there gf for a week over final fantasy you guy needa get a life
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I don't see where someone actually turned down a week with their girlfriend for Final Fantasy, so you need to shut up and read more carefully before typing another retarded comment like that one.
  3. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    I'm not old eough to to heavy wok out, it'll stunt my growth...
  4. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Big muscles but no brains or balls? ::)

    Wow, a couple formed on romulation? We're winning, we can take on myspace and hyves easily now! ;D
  5. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry that was to Seph :-[
  6. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    PERVS....All of you!!! :mad: You seem to be more interested in games than girls. If you want a girl then get one you love for being herself, not what you want her to be. Also to all the boys that do weights and stuff, thats a good thing, but its been proven that girls really don't care about the size of your penis or muscles. I mean IF i was a girl....i'd want a kind, generous guy, not a muscle head.
  7. Foxymona

    Foxymona Active Member

    Well I'm guessing if you're an extreme gamer you devote alot of time to actually playing- therefore less time to actually going out on the hunt!!! Hmmmm tricky....... And if the girl of your dreams is also an extreme gamer chances are that she's the same. So you actually have even less of a chance of meeting her- and bear in mind there are far less chicks into gaming as there are not into gaming. Conclusion- I'd say you're screwed! ;D ;D ;D :'(
  8. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    No, the girls i talk to and associate with are not sluts.
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You sound like you have a seriously twisted view on girls. If a girl cares about looks does that make her a slut?

    And for the fact that it has been proven that girls don't care about looks, do you honestly believe that yourself? That's like saying guys don't care about looks, essentially we're not that different. By that I'm not saying that all they care about is looks, but it's one thing that can trigger the attraction, humour or whatever can also do it etc.

    But what I'm trying to say is that you have a very narrow minded look on girls, them caring about looks does not make them sluts, I bet you believe most female celebrities are sluts too then?
  10. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    Slut is a slang term used to indicate a person who has frequent sexual relationships with different people, especially short-term affairs. ...

    Most do that.. Not all. Well to me it seemed that Winterreise was saying that i was wrong about girls liking personality and that they were interested in muscles and penis size....but i could be wrong. That is the problem with the internet, you cant really tell what people are saying.

    If i was wrong then i apologise... xD
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Knowing Winterreise I highly doubt that was what he was saying. He might be daft at times :)P) but he's not that stupid.
  12. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    Ok sorry then....but please explain clearly otherwise i get the wrong idea, I have paranoia as it is.
  13. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    [23:53] <Winterreise> do i have my %?
    [23:53] [Reider] not right now.
    [23:53] <Winterreise> damnit
    [23:54] <Winterreise> hop damn you!
    He's definitely got the daft part down...
  14. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Shhhh, ;) I was trying to give them hope ;P And another girl! I hope it's me that's getting y'all out here posting! That would make me feel very happy. 4 girls so far. YAY!

    I'm a little hurt by what you've said thus far on your views with woman. If you were hurt by one I'm terribly sorry but not all girls are like that. Not even most. And so what if a girl is promiscuous as long as she's smart about it and open to the guys she sleeps with it's not a big deal. Guys do it too and they are studs, not sluts. I seriously think you need to choose your words a little more carefully and not throw those type around so easily. I chose not to be promiscuous but I still see nothing wrong with it. I don't do double standards. If I sound a little angry it's because I am. You not only called me a perv <And you said ALL of YOU so I take that to be the people that have made any sort of comment in the thread> you called me a slut. That was very disrespectful on so many levels. :)

    But I'm not just going to tell you how I got a little tweaked out about some insensitive comments on a forum. I will also inform you from a girls point of view on the statements of personality and "penis size" I'm not going to say pretty boys don't make me sweat, they catch my eye that they do. I will tell you that all the guys I've dated I have been physically attracted to all of them, but most wouldn't have been considered societies hot men. And I don't care. Different things catch my attention, could be the eyes, could be how tall they are, could be their hands. But what gets me to stay and thus makes it number one priority in my book is personality, how you treat me, what things we have in common, humor, I love to laugh and like it when guys try to make me laugh. The goals you have, how hard working you are. Those things are more important to me than whether or not you have a six pack. And in fact I love guys with a little bit of tummy.

    In regards to your statement about the size of a guys penis. My fiancee was very well endowed and I'm not going to lie and say I didn't love it. But I've been with guys of all different sizes and it all boils down to one thing, not all of them know how to use it. You could be 3 inches hard and if you work it like it's 10 then I'm putty in your hands. It's about how attentive you are to my needs and how much you will let me do with you. It's about how I feel with you. For me most the time it's emotion that gets me going, If I love you I don't give a rat's ass how big you are. I'm not speaking for all woman. I'm speaking for me. And for the other females that I know who have the same point of view. Yes, big guys are nice. But so are average sizes and any other size. There are other ways to please a girl. Besides I've decided that intercourse is mainly for the guy anyways. Not that I don't enjoy it either but a lot of woman can't reach that climax with just vaginal stimulation.

    And that's all I have to say. If I broke any rules I'm sorry but I figured he opened up the sex part with his penis statement. I don't want little kids to be reading this but chances are they have known about sex since they were 3 with today's movies and games. Magazines, books, t.v shows. It's everywhere. And I don't want you to think I'm yelling at you because I'm not. I'm just really bothered by what you said.... And I really shouldn't be because you don't know me and I don't know you and chances are we would never have met if it weren't for this forum.....

    Sorry. And I know you said not all but MOST implies a majority.
  15. Foxymona

    Foxymona Active Member

    4 Girls? That's all? Really? Out of how many members????
  16. interbutts

    interbutts Active Member

    3 girls.
    I'm a lesbian. ;D

    I don't count in this thread.
  17. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Being a lesbian doesn't take away your womanhood silly girl. :D

    I'd say I was Bi if I've ever had a girlfriend. But I don't think it counts to say your Bi if you've never been with a woman right? I think woman are beautiful and could easily see my self loving one. ;)

    But I really like men too. ;)

    @Winterreise: Thank You very much. I was slightly worried that I might offend the nicer people on the forum but I'm glad to see I haven't yet. :)

    "Come to think of it, that last sentence was nearly the same as Chibi's penis one. :-\ Go figure."
    See! It's universal. Soul and Passion really do outweigh those muscles. Although... A little muscle twitching at me wouldn't hurt ;D
  18. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    i think i made a mistake..:( obviously girls are more likely to like a guy if they are half good looking
    , i mean who wants to go out with a person that would be laughed at.

    @wintereisse: I fully understand what you are saying. I'm 6ft 2 so i don't really have to worry much because people seem to be scared of taller people where i live.

    @chibi: thanks for being polite, i think that your comments are very good, honest and that is a good quality to have. And sorry is any of the comments upset you.

    @seph i didn't say that girls who like looks are sluts, lol, but if i did then i must have been tired because theres nothing wrong with it.

    In the relationships i have been in the girls liked me for my personality, and one even called me cute :O. I'm not ugly, the only thing that spoils me is my spots :( but for the girls i know, i can make them laugh very easily which i heard was a good thing but i don't think I'm ready for a proper relationship at the moment since i have to focus on school and other work that comes with it, i don't think i could really devote myself to someone, until i have the money to care for them and the time to make sure they feel loved. I have my eye on one girl though, and i know she likes me, and we really get along, but i'm too shy to tell her how i feel.
  19. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    No, you are the only ones that actually post.

    @stevo: go for it!

    Nice post btw, but let's all not get too angry. The next thing that happens is that romulation starts losing valued members, that's not what seph has in mind, right?
  20. interbutts

    interbutts Active Member

    GUys heres the low down.
    GIrls are douchebags.
    I swear to go this is the truth.

    Girls love guys who are dicks to everyone except them.

    Do that.

    I swear to god it will show results.