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How EVIL are you?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by MindFever, Nov 19, 2009.

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  1. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    im evil
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    She's too intelligent to be a red neck.

    And your kinda being raciest...that's not evil thats just wrong on an international forum.
  3. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    thats righ
  4. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Does that count for me too, I did say I'm from Alabama
  5. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    but no one called you anything...
  6. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    i am still in agreement
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Let's get back on topic...

    I nearly backed into a car at a car wash because he was rushing me...so I screamed out "impatient idiot!"...

    If I wasn't so gutless I would have used those cardboad tubes and knock him out...

    These aren't light ethier...these can cause concussions.
  8. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    a sped was following our click around and so we made him rage and now he's banned from our spot.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Translation please?
  10. tabasser66

    tabasser66 New Member

    I also stole pokemon cards from a boy and sold it with alot of profit.
  11. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    thats what i do with yugioh cards!
    ahaha.. i prolly make more because i do this every time people play at school~
    rare cards, worth some moneyy
  12. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member


    Sped= person with a mental disability
    Click= tight knit group of friends
    Rage= go berserk

    so the extended version would be:

    a person with a mental disability was following our tight knit group of friends around and so we made him go berserk and now he's banned from our spot.
    Post Merge: [time]1258798501[/time]
    that's just sad...
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The original charizard card from the original pokemon card series was worth $70 back in the day...

    I once stole a toy transformer (back in kindergarden) from a kid and convinced the teacher that it was mine...

    I also stole a book I liked back then as well, I tried to return it...15 years later XD
    Post Merge: [time]1258798662[/time]
    Being from a special school, I have to tell you...

    If i SAW you me and my matesm would most likely beat you to death...we hate descrimination!
  14. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    stealing isnt evil... its sad
  15. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    says the perv
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Depends on the context.

    I can't believe you did that to a poor disabled person...you best hope the mod's don't see.

    And you best hope me and my mates don't see ya...
  17. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    he was the aspergers kind.. the kind we put up with for 1 and a half years of him stalking us and disrupting our games and generally being a shit head.we tried millions of time to ask him politely but he would just sit in the middle of us and be a bitch. the way we raged him was we asked him and then he tried to attack on of us and he got beat up pretty badly and two days later (he was away for a day) he came back to us and we asked him politely and he tries to strangle me i dont fight back and now he's banned. Aight?
  18. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    better resolve:
    1: tell an adult
    2: tie him to a tree
    3: threaten him, and if he comes back, just leave him be
    4: avoid him
    5: pretend to disban your group, then find out who he follows..
    6: tell him to go the **** away
    7: lol at him so hard, he never comes back

    ... some of these are cruel, but better than your resolve
  19. fvixcgft2

    fvixcgft2 Member

    tried all. all failed. cept our method
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    What about having a different spot and just not letting him see you, and instead of making him rage and banning him, why not just do what my group does...

    "If we don't want you it's because your annoying us, we're sorry"

    Just be thankful it wasn't one of my, more violent mates with ADD and ADHD.

    These are the kind that didn't calm down...and if they posted someone of what they done here..let's say the police would want a look.

    I will admit though I kinda understand, it's just the terms you used, and disability or not, if he ain't a friend then he should have went the first time.

    I see the person, not the disability, I only know what my mates have because...well nothing explains how crazy and insane they are-good for a laugh and great body guards if handled well :)
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