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How do you think the human race will become extinct?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by assasinseye1, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    It's because textual communication is limited in expression that I have to take things at face value.

    I'm all for opening my mind to the "impossible" in search of the truth, but philosophy is irrelevant here. The question asks for a prediction within a physical (and therefore less arbitrary) scope, rather than a spiritual scope.
  2. jonytest

    jonytest New Member

    hahaha by bugs in the computer, megaman will save us... i think
  3. Adam@Adam

    Adam@Adam Active Member

    yes, but while we're dead, the earth won't just crumble or blow up, it'll still be there, only uninhabitable to life as we know it.
  4. instinct46

    instinct46 Member

    I reckon mass suicide, people in the close future will leave in digital worlds and then the power supply will get trashed some how and because everyones been in the digital world so long, nobody will be able to replace it lol and their would be no actual beer to carm peoples nerves as the only beer which existed was digital...
  5. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    lol.........OMG so many replies..lol been afk cuz d@m comp went nutts....lol games will get the human race extincit?? lol How
  6. photomike666

    photomike666 New Member

    IVF will kill the human race...

    The worlds first test tube baby now has children only via IVF. If the dominant gene spreads through the population, eventually we will not be capable of reproducing. Eventually we will be cloning ourselves, and finally the degradation and lack of evolution will wipe us out.
  7. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

  8. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I'm no biologist but I highly doubt that infertility is the work of a single gene. Even if it were, it certainly wouldn't be dominant.
  9. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    If the human race manages to last long enough my vote goes to the andromeda galaxy crashing into ours, completely decimating everything in its wake in about 4.5 billion years time.

    ...or the Daleks may decide to invade AGAIN. And this time there is no David Tennant to stop them.
  10. Grishnackh

    Grishnackh Member

    How many people are truly fighting for a 'better' world or a future for the next generation(s)?

    Personally I think mankind will be the reason we'll go extinct.
    So many people only think about their own needs and don't care what will happen after they pass on, myself included.
    Than again we're living now, why bother putting effort in future generations.

    Either that or we'll nuke each other based on religion/money/ground etc.
  11. testingpeeps

    testingpeeps New Member

    Not global warming, viruses, nuclear war, etc - too many people sitting in bunkers or just totally isolated, i.e. not extinction.
    Some major messed up science experiment. That's the way we're all going to go. All of us gone in an instant.

    "We're just collinding this neutron with this atom at the speed of light in this collider to see what will happen... We need to know how black holes work"
    "are you sure, boss? OK then" <CLICK>

    THWUMP... Earth is gone. We're now a black hole :)
  12. arceus12345

    arceus12345 Well-Known Member

    the economy is like a ticking bomb, it can explode at any moment and when it does, it will cause chaos among every country!

    so basically the economy will cause the human race to be extinct!

    i know what you are thinking "this guy is crazy!!" but just wait and watch the economy kill us all.
  13. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I know how humanity will end, Seph will cause it.

    He will hunt down every single pathetic life form that is whining about " why there are no DS to download?". Or "Is this the end of RomU?" questions.

    Or if Seph will get tired, i'll try and help.
  14. TompbTom

    TompbTom Member

    Some interstellar object such as a black hole, passing astroids, even a super nova quite far a away could destroy earth or shift its orbit and than earth will freeze or heat up to much. The universe has been described as a bomb, as people believe all matter from the expanding universe will come back together and no more universe = no more earth = no more people and people dont know when that will happen, few million years, few billion years, anytime soon not hopefully.