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How do you think the human race will become extinct?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by assasinseye1, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    maybe bush will push the red button that says do not touch, maybe super obama will kill bush hahaha
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Bush pushed that button at least twice a day when he was president, they disconnected it before he got in.
  3. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

  4. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    HIV mutation that allows air borne communicability.
  5. Arcelio

    Arcelio Well-Known Member

    The alien lizard people from another dimension will show up on December 21st, 2012, and completely destroy the Earth as we know it, taking the remaining humans as slaves.
  6. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    I kinda dout the 2012 idea, the idea of knowing when it will happen is not possible....yet.....but you have a right to your opinion..im not flameing u. ;D
  7. Arcelio

    Arcelio Well-Known Member

    I was joking...

    I actually believe that we're more likely to die from the Ozone Layer being damaged, causing harmful UV Rays to hit Earth easier, causing a spread of skin cancer. Ever since the oil spill that happened near (or in, I can't remember) the Gulf of Mexico, and they tried to burn the oil in the water, that's been screwing with the Ozone. Not to mention that the stench of burning oil is disgusting.
  8. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    I see i remember that,and I did not know you were jokeing.
  9. Arcelio

    Arcelio Well-Known Member

    Yeah, when I bring up the whole doomsday theory on 2012, everyone always assumes I mean srs bsns.
  10. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    lol,alot of ppl belive it,{not me that bull stuf}
  11. Dime

    Dime Well-Known Member

    The sun exploding theory is wrong. The sun cannot explode due to it's relatively small size. By explode, I mean supernova. The sun can't last forever, after one month of the sun's disappearance, it will be a cold inevitable death.
  12. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    It will expand at an "explosive" rate, though. It just won't tear itself apart in the process.
    The Earth would either be swallowed in the expansion or die off shortly thereafter. No need for us to wait for it to disappear entirely (which'd be quite a few billion years yet).
  13. H_Delta101

    H_Delta101 Well-Known Member

    1.I have read something about the sun are getting smaller and will eventually disappear.That one thing that cause human extinction.
    2.Global warming.All thing will die burning.
    3.The asteroid that will hit earth soon.

    That it.
  14. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    The sun isn't small enough to just fizzle out. As I said in the post directly above yours, it'll expand drastically.
    If global warming kills us, we'd die long before we combust.
    This is the first I've heard about an asteroid hitting us soon.
  15. Internet

    Internet Member

    We wont die out anytime soon hell i think we'll conquer space. hell yeah space.
  16. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Ok,the sun is not to small to go super nova it has been proven that it can do alot of stuff to kill us as tehuber1337 was trying to make a point of....here is another thing that i found that I thought was weird but their is a small chance of it.

    Hurled into the Sun
    You will need: Earthmoving equipment

    Method: Hurl the Earth into the Sun. Sending Earth on a collision course with the Sun is not as easy as one might think; even though you don't actually have to literally hit the Sun (send the Earth near enough to the Sun (within the Roche limit), and tidal forces will tear it apart), it's surprisingly easy to end up with Earth in a loopy elliptical orbit which merely roasts it for four months in every eight. But careful planning can avoid this.

    This is impossible at our current technological level, but will be possible one day, I'm certain. In the meantime, may happen by freak accident if something comes out of nowhere and randomly knocks Earth in precisely the right direction. Earth's final resting place: a small globule of vaporized iron sinking slowly into the heart of the Sun.

    Earliest feasible completion date: Via act of God: 25 years' time. Any earlier and we'd have already spotted the asteroid in question. Via human intervention: given the current level of expansion of space technology, 2250 at best.

    Source: "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers," by Grant Naylor
  17. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Huh? I was saying that the sun is too small to go supernova, but not small enough to fade out. IIRC it's a lower midrange star in terms of mass. When it runs out of hydrogen to fuse in the core, it'll begin fusing helium and eventually stabilise into the red giant stage. After this cycle continues a few more times, it will not be hot enough to fuse the next element and so will shrink into a white dwarf before finally cooling out into a brown dwarf or something of the like.
    It'd take far more than an asteroid to ram us into the sun. Reducing the orbital radius of something as big as a planet requires faaaaaar more energy than an asteroid could impart upon impact.
  18. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    nvm im confuzd

    Huh? I was saying that the sun is too small to go supernova, but not small enough to fade out. IIRC it's a lower midrange star in terms of mass. When it runs out of hydrogen to fuse in the core, it'll begin fusing helium and eventually stabilise into the red giant stage. After this cycle continues a few more times, it will not be hot enough to fuse the next element and so will shrink into a white dwarf before finally cooling out into a brown dwarf or something of the like.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The sun might still explode, just for the lulz.
  20. H_Delta101

    H_Delta101 Well-Known Member

    No,it smalling down.