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How do you spend your day?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Necri, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. Necri

    Necri Active Member


    Go to bed late, wake up late, grab some coffee, have a few cancer sticks, watch some files, play lots of games, do some homework then go to sleep at 4am.
  2. Evil Joker

    Evil Joker New Member

    Wake up
    get washed and dressed
    go to work on motorbike
    plot how to kill idiot car drivers
    decide UK should have access to heavy artillary for citizens bye bye Mr Volvo.
    Calm down at work then reverse order till at home with family then chill out.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Wake up.
    Lift weights, workout (if I have enough time).
    Take a shower usually unless I'm late for school. (then I just take one after)
    Go out/come home.
    Go on Computer, games etc.

    Sleep In
    Workout, weights
    Games, computer, porn etc.
    Go out with friends usually.
    Usually call my older brother for a good chat about games and other dirty stuff.

    I usually do my homework in schooltime like if I have some Maths homework, I just do it in English.
  4. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    save homework for weekends if i can so i can go hit up all the trashed tuesday and wasted wednesday specials
  5. t0mba

    t0mba Member

    1 wake up
    2 get ready 4 school
    3 get home and get on 4chan /b/
    4 ask this girl out and fail its a running joke we have
    5 Misc-internetz games movie tv for like 3-4 hours
    6 shower
    7 sleep
  6. Michellew

    Michellew Member

    1. Wake up and get ready
    2. Go to 2 or 3 classes and come home
    3. Hang out with my boyfriend, play video games, watch TV/movies, nap
    4. Shower
    5. Watch TV or a movie in bed with my boyfriend
    6. Go to sleep

    And of course I eat 3 meals a day and some snacks...

    On weekends it's basically the same only I don't have classes. Sometimes I go out, but a lot of the time I like to stay home.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    15:00 - Wake up
    15:15 - Update myself on blogs, RomUlation issues etc
    16:00 - Get breakfast
    16:30 - Start watching a movie
    16:45 - Pause movie to respond to MSN message
    16:50 - Resume movie
    17:05 - Pause movie to respond to IRC message
    17:10 - Resume movie
    17:30 - Pause movie to upload newly released ROM
    18:00 - Give up on movie and work a bit on RomUlation
    19:00 - Catch a quick nap
    20:00 - Find out I'm hungry and wonder if I have anything to eat
    20:10 - Find out I have nothing to eat
    20:11 - Realize stores are closed
    20:12 - Call for take-out
    20:30 - Eat take-out dinner
    21:15 - Work some more on RomUlation
    21:30 - Figure I can't focus on RomUlation and start playing Guild Wars
    24:00 - Quit Guild Wars to find out a popular ROM was released an hour ago and I'm behind already
    00:05 - Decide I'm bored of gaming and start reading a book or browsing the net
    05:00 - Wonder where the hell the last five hours went and then continue reading/browsing
    07:00 - Decide I best get to bed before the sun rises and annoys me

    Only significant events listed, there are far more MSN messages and IRC annoyances to deal with but the list would be quite a bit larger if I had to list all of them.
    Oh, also, I sometimes mix in University.
  8. kuka3717

    kuka3717 Guest

    my life pritty much sucks i sit around all day smoke and watch tv :( it sucks
  9. GentleRain

    GentleRain Member

    Oh so hard a question,

    Surface about 9 unless its cold
    tidy up
    switch on laptop waste a hour or so
    get out NDS play a while
    play some more
    bed time

    LOL such a busy life
  10. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    Ummm, did i break a rule? ???
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You would have been been given a clear notice if you had, so his comment was not directed at you, in future please PM an administrator or moderator for such questions, this thread should hopefully stay on-topic.
  12. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    OK, thank you for the explanation.
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Nowadays I mostly just do "normal" stuff but...

    -When I was like seven years old my dad was seeing this girl with an autistic son. We used to go to the bathroom together and piss all over each other.

    -In 6th grade I intentionally didn't shit for almost two weeks so that when I shat my pants on purpose at school it would be worth my while. Also, that was the year I started throwing the playground equipment in the dumpster so that I could eat garbage while I was retrieving the equipment.

    -In 8th grade I discovered my prostate. I told my psychiatrist that I called stimulating my prostate with my fingers "putting on a puppet show." When my step mom would walk in on me I'd put my fingers in my mouth to convince her that my fingers weren't up my ass. This was also the year I got busted doing the dumpster thing.

    -In ninth grade my mom found my stash of soiled panties I'd stolen from my neighbor's house while babysitting their five-year-old.

    Those are examples of how i used to spend my days. Not anymore though, toned down a bit. WoW and junk.
  14. Pickaloo

    Pickaloo Member

    Well since i'm on holidays, my day goes like this:
    1. wake up usually at about 10 in the morning
    2. eat breakfast (again, in relation to time of day)
    3a. Go out for a skate, which usually eats up a couple of hours
    3b. Go meet up with friends, see a movie, have coffee, whatever we feel like doing
    4.Go home and make myself dinner
    5.Reflect on the day and have a shower
    6. read a book until i fall asleep

    repeat :)
  15. NewsTroll

    NewsTroll Member


    Sometimes not always in that order.

    /Music means I sometimes listen to music while doing it.