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How do YOU get a date/relationship/whatever you call it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inunah, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Kiddo, if you're barely able to get out of bed in the morning, you don't need a relationship.
    You need a therapist/psychologist.
    You sound as if you're suffering from depression/ social anxiety-
    Honestly, you don't need to subject yourself to this, take a step back, gather up your thoughts, and if need be ask for help.

    There is a major difference between being skittish around people, than there is a complete fear, or lack of an emotional or social drive.

    Solutions are out there Inunah, but the first step, which is the hardest, has to come from you.
    Life sucks way much worse if you're not out actually living it- the days you stay shut in get that much longer, this much I can truly attest to. Kick ass, live with no regrets, and seize the day. But for now, just take the first step.

    Or you can do what honest said :p
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I caught up on the past few pages and will say:

    I was somebody who never would even want to leave the house. I was never one to really make friends unless they approached me first, and quite honestly, I'm horrible at being a friend. I'll help them out, hang out with them, we share common interests (generally), but in the end, I'm just awful at being a friend. It's all about trying to improve though, regardless of what is thrown at you. Hell, just two years ago I wouldn't even approach someone new unless I was forced to by a classroom event, or they approached me first. Even now, I'm still kinda like that on crappy days, but I'm far more comfortable with it all after having some positive (and some not so positive) experiences with all of that.

    It's all about getting out there and trying. Don't be so self conscious about what you like. A friend won't care about your interests, or even how many interests you share. I have friends that I have nearly nothing in common with. We seriously have nothing even outside of school in common. We still hang out, have fun, and learn more about each other with which to build a meaningful friendship though.

    I still don't have the balls 99.99999% of the time to ask a girl out, just a difficult task for somebody like myself. Meeting new people is one thing, asking a girl out is on a whole different level for me. It's all about trying though. If you have issues even making friends, don't think you're going to be just getting into a relationship anytime soon. It's a multi-step process that won't happen on its own.
  3. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    ......There are no groups for anything that I'd think was vaguely interesting. There aren't any groups out here.

    No, we can't afford it and we don't qualify for financial aid.

    Around here, people assume you're a social butterfly. It gets extremely awkward if you're not, and conversations will end very quickly and no friends will be made from it.

    It doesn't help that I've got the social ability of a moose on lsd (okay, not the best example, but that's the best I can come up with).

    I don't have slut clothes. All I've got are a few pairs of pants and some short sleeved shirts, neither of which can be considered slutty.

    Tell that to the idiots where I live. It's either be a samefag prep/country girl who's extremely outgoing and wonderful or have no friends.

    ...Well, I could be a samefag narutard fake emo weaboo and get fake friends, but my sis bitches enough about that group.

    Ask who for help? I can't ask my parents.. It's way too awkward.

    I know.
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Just keep one thing in mind. By the time you make a move, time will have been free flowing. You don't need to cling to anyone, sans yourself to vindicate your existence.

    Plus I tend to enjoy thorough conversations with many moose hopped up on LSD. They tend to tell long stories of the good ol' days. It's just the part where they tell me to buy them more drugs or they'll pop an antler in my ass that gets to me....
  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Good grief this thread went to hell and back.

    I did offer you my services. I am a certified* psychotherapist.*tehuber1337 approved
  6. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    You must like SOMETHING, right?

    Join a book club, go to college, get a job. These are all easy ways to meet people. Hell, even going down to a bar/pub (gotta be one even in hick towns) and order a drink works. You're not hideous, there shouldn't be a reason why guys won't buy you a drink. Go down to Walmart or the groceries or whatever. Chat up people behind the counter. Talk about anything and everything, like their bald head, their work shift, their salary, their teen-conceived baby - whatever. Go to some busy cafe where every table is full and hitch on someone's table.

    Oh but before that. Get some guts. If you can't find some, then I'm sorry to say - you're never going to find a man either.
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    It's one thing to leave one's comfort zone, it's another to redefine that comfort zone entirely. One must treat the underlying issues and not just the symptoms.
  8. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I like stuff, but... There aren't any clubs around here other than ones you'd have to be enrolled in the high school to join. We can't afford college and don't qualify for financial aid. I tried getting a job but I was never contacted about that.

    We don't have bars/pubs down here, but even if we did I'm not old enough to drink (Hey, I don't even have an ID, I can't even buy M rated games). No cafes either.

    ...And I don't know those people. o.o I mean, I know some of the people that work at the grocery store down the street, but I can't specifically remember who they are. o.o

    Definitely. Unless you don't even know what issues are causing the symptoms.
  9. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Fine. I can only help those who want to be helped. Good luck with your crappy life.
  10. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Wait-what? How true is this statement?
    If it is wholly true, well then.
  11. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    No, you just confused me there. I do want to be helped. I don't want a crappy life. I'm just too much of nutter. (Yes I use that word. If you don't like it, go *censored* in *censored*.)
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Inunah, it sounds...like you have alot of things stopping you from your goals, yet you ask for help regardless.

    My suggestions from the thread

    -Get a therpist/psycoligist (Speaking of which I kinda need one now that I remember >_> )
    -Move out of that town asap
    -Get a job NOW
    -Prehaps worry about other things, love doesn't bring happiness, especially if you fall in love blindly to some jerk off who screws with your head and then destroys you from the inside, in more ways than 3
    -Big tip, as much as some of us would like to help, this forum isn't...the best place to be asking, from my prespective it's...kinda a desperate cry for help...

    Just because some of us are sad lonely gamers doesnt mean we can be of much help...
    Especially since some of us are chatango regulars
  13. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    This is starting to remind me of Tree Cynda's pass-the-time thread. Buckle up, or don't.
  14. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Can't afford it.

    See the above response.

    Tried that. Twice. But it doesn't appear to be working.

    ....I'm just..so lonely....It's getting to be a problem, too.... I'm at the point where needing a hug means needing the kind of hug you can only get when you're dating.

    I don't have anyone else to ask unless I go on 4chan's advice board.. And I've already tried that. Didn't work. It became a big circlejerk like this thread has.

    More help than a self-help book, which is usually written under the assumption that all the problems are because you're a pussy faggot. (I think 4chan has mutated my brain into a clover, otherwise I wouldn't have said 'pussy faggot'.)
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...well with the job part, you need to be persistant...keep applying to serveral places.

    Or find some work online, I know someone that's doing one that just needs them+pc+answering questions.

    Unlike survery sites, it's actually paying, though for social stability sake, this isnt advised...keep applying, just because you asked one places doesnt mean you should sit and wait...

    Ask 5 places at once, if more than one says they want you, then worry about which one to say "no thanks" to.

    Oh, and my coldonances, Im sorry but like many people (friends/myself/random people I met) you keep giving reasons why you can't, valid reasons yes but when there is a will there is a way...and the will to wake up for you indicates you should settle for less.

    Take some advice from a heavy video game addict, settle for less, keep the few friends you have, and do what is fun to you when possible, now Im going for a round of borderlands, work nearly sent my fist at these foolish infidels...need something to shoot.
  16. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    So don't try to save up for a 3DS? And keep the 0 friends I have?

  17. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I went ahead and looked at your picture again in the pic thread to verify, and yeah, you be pretty. I'm not quite sure why at the very least, you couldn't get a relationship started based on what everybody goes after at first (looks), and then build it from there.

    I am confounded I say!
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Everyone has at least one friend...even in real life.

    Yes I consider the people I meet up with once a month my friends, and...you can try to save for a 3ds if you wish, but if you want to move out+get freedom+possibly a newer better life I'd say piroritize.

    For me, I have mobility, but am saving for a house all to myself and maybe 3 pussy friends so I can make them pay for parts of the bills, so until then I'll bum around and drive my parents to insanity, as well as use my little brother as a personal slave from time to time.

    Unless I want to move into a hick town/state *COUGH*TASSIE*COUGH* Im 1 quater of the way, I could blow it on one of my dream cars and just enjoy myself, but in the end, working slowly towards my goals is the better option, however to make things easier I chosen that unless a girl I like is in my path most of the way I wont even try for a relationship...

    Too much effort to keep, plus the mental strain....
  19. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Wait, WHAT? I thought you said you were having trouble finding a job. How are you able to save up money for a 3DS? Are your parents paying you allowance or something?
  20. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I'm saving up money for a PS3 as we speak.