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How do YOU get a date/relationship/whatever you call it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inunah, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Where there's a will, there's a way
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm, I had the chance of being hooked up, I declined, later met the person, glad I did...I dont like other gamers of my level because it's depressing >_>

    It's hard to openly meet new people unless you are forced to, I might add that if you get a job, co-workers and customers are NOT the ideal partners...some question that and succeed, while other's end up loosing their jobs/minds.

    Also, Im consider myself social online (have you SEEN my post count here?) but it meens nothing if my real life interaction doesnt work, online is indirect, I can call you all the names under the sun and not care, but if I spoke to you face to face...I'd be lucky to mutter them...

    ...well I agree with the dating site part, stupid indeed (and pro tip-dont be like my mates who use myspace/facebook/other networking sites to hook up, skrags and bitches the lot fo their findings)...

    The car part can be fixed, and as for internet peoples...well keep it online for a few years, you might get the cash for a plane trip one day, or just a car, don't restrain yourself to one state/country, hell if you tried here you'll find a bloody big mix (mostly americans, indo's and fillos XD)

    And regardless of your age, your mother can't stop you forever.

    I advise solicising the way you know best (like right now XD) and worry about the meeting part when your able to.

    Agreed, no will=no result
    Post Merge: [time]1295425306[/time]
    Also I might quickly add, while I don't know your social skills online try visiting the chatango/romU irc, the chatango is a closed circle community and is mostly friendly, the irc is rather...out there some days...

    Prehaps moving to a more real time chat area helps, eventually you can try those random chat sites, hell i got a girl's msn one time, shame that we had nothing in common and was mearly an experiement to see if I was capable of talking to someone that isn't a gamer.
  3. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Social skills online =/= real life. You can be the most confident, most sarcastic, most witty person in a chatroom and fail miserably in stringing together a coherent sentence irl with a stranger.
  4. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I barely have the will to get up in the morning nowadays...

    If I spoke to you face to face, I'd be lucky to even THINK bad things about you.

    I hate driving. I drove 3 times. It was way too fast (Going over 20? The fuck made speed limits that go over 20?). I don't like it.

    Chatango doesn't work on my comp. I could never connect to IRC. And random chat sites are stupid, I tried omegle, but 90% of the time all I got were trolls.

    Exactly..... I can't even string together two words in rl.. And when I do, I'm talking to my immediate family members... Usually with a bit of stuttering and I end up repeating some things more than once.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Im guessing it was mph, but 20km in speed for me was insane, it's about confidence building...I hated the bus system I had to use to get to my old job, and I wanted to drive.

    Now Im so confident I've got no fear when jumping from stand still to 80 in 4 seconds (or spinning out in a round about from going too fast in wet conditions...I actually laugh when i nearly killed myself now XD)
    You can't just be scared of the smallest things, as a passenger you'd be fine, but as the driver you're scared, am I correct?

    I've been in people's cars that were unsafe, going 178 in a 70 zone while watching them throw objects like a gps out at other's cars, trust me, there are far worse than going at slow speeds, just keep at it...though something tels me you have more than just social phobias...depression/axiety prehaps from my guess (you're too simerlar to the ones I know).

    And shame about chatango, it's flash based...if youtube works that should as well unless the flash on your comp needs an update...as for irc, while I can connect I totally forgotten the process, maybe ask one o these irc pros how :)
  6. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Well, Youtube works, but Chatango doesn't. Like Livestream doesn't and Justin.tv does. o.o
    And IRC, I just don't want to download a program for one thing and the browser-based clients don't want to connect me to anything but the default chat.

    Well I already knew that.... I've got a whole slew of things that I can tell you that sums that up exactly and may explain a lot.... :\
    But I've bitched and cried too much already.. This wasn't exactly supposed to be a "Help Inunah get a guy" thread..... But I think that was, in part, my fault... (I may be a bit butthurt about the fact that I'll probably be forever alone)
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...there is a web browser based method to irc, forgot the name...someone give a name and link/tutorial?

    And dont be upset about being alone, in all honesty, trying to find someone actually made my life spiral to some extent, so being single/blowing with the wind actually works out, you worry yourself too much?

    And how old are you?

    If you were 30 and asked this I'd say just settle with getting a pet or something (Im getting there, meh cbf'd with care, or another sort life shitter), but I doubt it's so dire...

    No one is truly alone, jsut enjoy life as best you can, just because we are capable of having relationships doesnt mean we NEED one, nice to have sure but going thru the motions can be a painful manner if it starts to sour.
  8. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I'm semi-anti-social, but I've heard that roofies work.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Getting sexytimes is easy. Normally it involves alcohol on at least one end of the equation. I'd probably not recommend that though, on the basis of this being a "how do I get a date" rather than "how do I get laid" thread.

    But if you really want to meet people you might like? Get a hobby. Seriously. If you already have a hobby, find a way to make it social. If you can't, find a new hobby. Rinse and repeat.

    Let me give you an example. I play Warhammer 40k tabletop, which is a pretty time and money-intensive hobby. I went into one of the stores to hang out and get some shit done, and there was this cute chick at the painting table doing some crazy good work. Like, woah. I struck up a conversation, we talked for a couple of hours before she had to go. Now see, if I'd actually thought about it I'd have asked her for her number so we could hang out again sometime, but the point is IF I HAD I may well have scored myself a date so we could get to know each other better. You just have to be friendly, open-minded, responsive and make your own opportunities that you can then take.

    Hah, we'd not do too well then. I couldn't imagine dating someone superficially similar to me.
  10. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    It was more in the interest way though. Say the guy I like starts playing Dota...Then I play Dota, we get something to talk about and voila! Common ground appears. Help gets the ball rolling.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    For the record guys, anti-social means you engage in acts that harm others, such as destruction of property, murder, rape, theft, etc. etc.

    It does not mean you are NOT social...
    It's not something you want to be bragging about...especially around psychologists and police officers...

    Back to the topic:
    Dating for women is very different than it is for men.
    Men are not wired the same way that women are.
    Men are largely attracted to women because of their looks, not their personality, nor their job, nor how much money they make.
  12. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    ........Uhhhh..... O_O I looked it up, and you're right.

    But we mean anti-social in the immediate definition (Anti, meaning not, plus social).

    Tried that, but the only hobbies I can enjoy involve staying in my house 100% of the time. Well, that or going to anime conventions, which I've already found that I can't do because there aren't ever any of those that happen close enough to where I live.
  13. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Innunah, aren't you like super hot?
  14. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Uhhhh....... Some people have said that, but.........
  15. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    If any guys are like me, they have trouble getting the courage to ask girls out. So if you take the first step im sure they would be happy to carry on. Some times women just have to make the first step.
  16. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Uhhhh...... It's hard enough for me to talk to people who initiate the conversation... I don't even know how to converse with people or start conversations. I really don't.... All I know, I've learned from MSN. Which would equal to links and saying anything at random. And I KNOW that's not anything you can do in person. :\

    I don't even know how to take the first step, partly because I never took the time to learn because I was never interested in anybody. Sure, I could see random guys at school, but 90% of them were the sports dudes I didn't like and 10% were random people I didn't like.
  17. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    so that 100% you dont like. Sure someone you must like ?
  18. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Nope, first and last time I liked someone was in 3rd grade.

    :\ You know, since last night I've been thinking I should just stay single forever and whenever someone mentions relationships I should talk bad about it until they become single too.
  19. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Bar humbug
  20. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I thought that was a Christmas thing.