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How do you control your anger?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rock91, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. supersosko

    supersosko New Member

    I use mai vidya gamez to calm myself down (i just don't go for any of the zero games)
  2. Chaosage

    Chaosage Member

    I just wait until work is over and get in my car and play music and sing while driving home. Or punch things.
  3. piager

    piager Member

    I cant control it.
  4. wsemerald

    wsemerald Member

    Because I don't want to lose my temper,so I will go to some place that l can let myself stay alone, and then cry. Sounds stupid? Yes, it does. I am hurt easily.
  5. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes, I breathe and count to ten.
    Sometimes I imagine me doing a mid-air somersault.
  6. hen

    hen Active Member

    Just watch funny video or child movies it helps a lot (For me at least-_-!)
  7. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Child movies calm me down too.

    Do you have a collection?
  8. hen

    hen Active Member

    just some cartoon donald duck, kamen rider, super sentai series, gundam 00 2nd season, and some anime. Not all are suited for child though. Love the comedy in super sentai coz they make me loled most of time ;D
  9. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    its not supposed to be control.......rage is my fuel MMWWWAAHAHAHA(man, i REALLY have to go to rehab) i just get my machine gun and shoot targets....i wanna be a trained assassin when im older hehehe
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I don't control my anger I guess, I use it instead of sadness.

    For example.

    I lost the use of my legs playing games somehow-I'd destroy all that I blame for it.
    I lost my parents to heart failure (both)-I'd bust into the nearest heart research facility and beat the living crap outta those who didn't find a cure.

    While I have yet to have these events happen...let's say I use anger in place of other emotions, why hold it in-I'd only kill someone if I did later.
  11. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    you r so like my brother who i bombed he used to do facepalm all the time its a thing with him....IT WAS HIS FAULT HE DIDNT GIVE ME MY COOKIE!!!!
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I facepalmed because what you said is unrealistic, even my 13yr spaz of a brother would go "WTF" and proceed to use his famous catch phrase...


    ...I must also add if your violent deep in your heart, don't play violent video games...it may give you ideas.

    Hence the chainsaw antics in the jokes section :p
  13. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    its not epic fail its epic failURE .........*sigh*im reading a book that makes no scence to me.....wats love and horror mean?
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I eat human children. I don't get angry very often though.
  15. chaoswerewolf

    chaoswerewolf New Member

    I don't really get in touch with my emotions all that much... You see, what I do is put up with every d1ck out there, because I know arguing with retards never leads to anything. Even my best friends behave like that some times and If I tell them they'll turn all emo and say that I don't appreciate their awesome company. Well, you can't help being a douchebag on some matters, that goes for me too. Sooo, this leads to me getting overloaded with emotions and when it bursts it gets ugly... Bashing at walls and furniture with my hands is the regular stuff. You just don't want to be near. And say "Thank God" because I'm not buff, so I can't harm anyone REALLY bad. :p

    Same goes for positive things, for example I don't easily fall in love, and when that happens I just can't stay cool. I have to show her what I feel each and every moment. And then she says "You're smothering me!1!!!111oneoneoneeleven" and we break up. :p But that has only happened once so far, and I'm almost 22. I'm going to die alone, ain't I? Lolz.

    P.S: Writing in Comic Sans kinda helps.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't. What the hell were you thinking?!
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    i beat it ;D

    8====D - --

    you can say im wrong or weird, but look at what other people posted, like watching children movies WTF ???
    (*cough *cough pedofilles *cough *cough)
  17. Chaosage

    Chaosage Member

    The comfort of a firm grip. That certainly can calm you down.
  18. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    put on my music. Very loud
  19. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    first go up to a hobo THEN JUST PUNCH HIM!
  20. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    i have no self-control
    so yeah, if i want to kick somebody's ass , i dont : i come with my club