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How can i move on?..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by watchasay, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    There ARE plenty of docks near the sea. There are plenty of seven seas in the world. The same seas with plenty of fishes.

    Sometimes it would be better, after a break up, to take a break(?) and just have fun.
    It's like a single grace period to reflect.

    And if he DID curse at you, then it's a warning signal to stay off.

    I should know.
    My brother's classmate's cousin's sister's bestfriend's classmate's cousin had a similar experience.
  2. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Nobody knows what another person looks like in the internet.
  3. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I crawled into the internet once. I found 4chan and died a little.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    What the shit is going on here
  6. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I checked and I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't in there.

    Post Merge: [time]1287467277[/time]
    You know you like it.
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I know I like it.
  8. Usher Down

    Usher Down Member

    i think so because the guy only seems to like her physically and not emotionally...
  9. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I died a lot.
    Hypr found you a date.
    Is that necessary?
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    People are only as attractive as we perceive them to be. Thus, there is no way to know.
  11. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I was just checking for the sake of clarifying the previous poster's assumption that the OP was pretty.

  12. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Oh sorry, thought you meant OP of the other thread. Don't know how I got that idea, though.
    Alcohol = Kills 99.9% of trouble, but 150% come back next morning after you realize what crazy and random crap you have done and who were the hookers people you've met.
  13. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Hug a puppy. Puppies make everything better.
  14. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Exactly right.

    I know when I initially see someone they look very different in my eyes after I get to know them. Many times I've initially seen a woman and found her un-attractive. After getting to know her, my view of her completely changes depending on her personality.
  15. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    I've read the first page, and I should say: Ya'll niggas got trolled.

    It's kind of like that Jan Lee something that LK pulled in GM way back, where it basically started a shitstorm.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...The emotions of seperation are difficult to say the least, find a shoulder to cry on, avoid the guy for some time, then do what makes you feel happy.

    Also as many said, gaming forums aren't the best place to get help (though I am willing to help-you'd be surprised how many depressed people I met here).

    If your REALLY bad (ie suicidal) google depression forums (it helped some of my friends, that's if your that bad :/ )
  17. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    If you need to move on, I'm the perfect rebound guy to get you back on your feet.
  18. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    This is how romU members give advice? XD
  19. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately yes. This reaffirms my belief that the internet is filled with pathetic no-lives who need a job and should stop taking out their own frustration with the inadequacies in their lives (*cough*small dick*cough*) on other people in need.
  20. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Son, the world ain't all sunshine and lollipops. One day you'll come to realise that the best way to achieve personal growth is trial by fire.