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How can i move on?..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by watchasay, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry. Suis is helping more than you know.
  2. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Oh, please. Help? What the hell do you need help with? Everyone's already told you to forget about him and I'm sure people have told you that IRL as well.

    Stop crying for attention. It's pathetic, and every time you see this thread you'll just be reminded of him again.
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I was talking to tehuber. If you'd cared to read my first post in this thread and taken it seriously you might be in a better position to evaluate your options.
  4. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    thats a bit f-up uber....although this part is very true....
    this as well....
  5. watchasay

    watchasay Active Member

    you don't know how i feel so please..
  6. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I don't give a damn how you feel. If you want to cry about Romeo forever, that's your problem, but don't try to throw a pity party about it.
  7. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    girls and their feelings ::)... it seems like mostly lust to me anyways....and did you read this....
  8. watchasay

    watchasay Active Member

    thanks i'll put that in mind..but i dont like the way tehuber commented
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

  10. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    time cures everything...it worked with me 2 times,im a kind of person that when falls in love with someone the love is very very strong.
    i once thought in suicide when i broke up with my girlfriend,but damn...dont go that way please.
    Try to avoid him as much as you can,you will have to go trough this like i did,do something else.like going out with friends and stop thinking about him.Life is too short so dont go wasting your time thinking of someone that doesnt deserve you!
  11. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    It's called tough love. Maybe Romeo had the right idea after all.
  12. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    whatever hurts us the most just makes us even stronger
  13. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    It's actually a tough gig breaking off a relationship these days. In the old days you'd just not talk to them anymore and never see them again. LOL

    Now there's Facebook, Twitter etc. You can never leave, at least not leave without it getting a bit ugly afterwards.

    I'm sorry, but how any guy can chat with their GF on an hourly basis on Facebook without internally blowing up, you deserve a medal. That shit is harder than marriage. LOL
  14. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    How can you move on?

    I've got numerous of suggestions.

    First of all, that guy that you've been around with is a douche, and obviously doesn't appreciate you. So you should forget about him, and acknowledge the fact that the more time you dwell on that douche is simply detrimental to you.

    Second, never, and I mean NEVER discuss this problem on online gaming forums. The only purpose threads like these serve is to create a huge lolz festival for us. Also, has the thought occurred to you that this is a gaming forum, not some psycho-therapy / relationship problems forum?

    Last, you should ask tehuber1337 or Suiseiseki out. Seriously, if you get to know either of those two well, they can be quite personal regardless of their persona they display here, especially towards you on this thread. They know how to treat girls right, and their kindness and affection will make you forget about that guy you were with. I guarantee it.

    Unless you yourself are married, in which I highly doubt it, don't even compare online boyfriend/girlfriend relationships to marriage.
  15. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    BLACKJACK! And....and HOOKERS! You know what? Forget the blackjack!

    Ah, forget the whole thing. Booze. LOTS!

    Or you could be mature about it, and murder him.

    Or you could be mature and NOT go to prison and realize that you shouldn't be making this big a deal about some huge asshole.

    Of course, the easiest solution is alcohol.
  16. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member


    Seriously though, why spend all that time and energy worrying about some guy whom you'll eventually forget about within 3 weeks given the right circumstances. And just look at it this way... YOU'RE STILL 20 YEARS OLD!! Do you think that you'll find the one whom you'll eventually settle down with that easily and this early? No. Get over it. You are still young. In fact, you shouldn't even be worrying about liking a guy or not. Just get into his pants then move on to the next one. "Liking" a guy is for High School drama. "Loving" a guy is for when you've become tired and bored with all the partying, fun and sex you've had and want to find something deeper. ANd that point in your life is still a LONG LONG ways away.

    Anyways, the sad truth about relationships is that they are all on a shotgun/fishing basis. Do you expect to catch THE BIG ONE, right after you drop your line into the water? No.
    You have to wait a long time before you can catch something substantial my friend.

    My only advice to give you now, is to stop dwelling on the past and just move on... and hop into the next guy's bed you see.

    And trust me, I DO know how you feel. I think almost half of all the people who posted here have had at least an experience like this ONCE. And did any of them try to get attention/pity from the rest of us? No.

    And you know what posting this says about you and your current state of mind? I think you KNOW deep inside that you should forget him It's probably just the fact that you want somebody else telling you that what you are feeling right now is the right choice. At least that's what my instinct is telling me.

    So in conclusion....

  17. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    "You don't know how I feel about *insert name here""


    How you feel is no part of this. It's what you shouldn't be feeling that is important. The dude was obviously an asshole, and as already previously stated, cut them out. Don't think about them, don't care about them. Not even being sexist, but girls are obviously more emotional than the average male. Thus, being the victim of a break up when under the influence of extreme infatuation will leave a longer lasting effect.

    The key is to not think about it. Occupy your mind with anything else. He's on the TV? Don't watch TV, go hang out with friends. Letting yourself be consumed by misleading feelings will only lead to far worse things.
  18. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    she is afraid of forgetting him cause she loves him a lot
  19. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    i "love" ketchup allot, but would leave it if i had to.... :D lol
    But although she loves/cares about him, i don't find it right that he yells at her (bad words or not)...does not sound like a healthy relationship to me...just saying...
    If you really like him, better to talk, if you resolve it, maybe the situation will change...
    If it stays the same or worsens, then obviosly that is a sign that he does not fully care about you...

    case closed...or not... :p
  20. Usher Down

    Usher Down Member

    know what watchasay? I think you're a pretty girl so you must not worry too much about guys...right? does anyone
    agree with me?