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How can I convince those disrespectful children

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by unqiueninja, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I hate them all. I make time for my neices because they are good but it always feels like a chore. With your own child of course, its different.
  2. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Agree, although I am only just 18 ;D Kids that are not related to you are "Devils" >:D
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You sure about that? I hate all children equally, this includes my own. In fact, I treat dog shit better than my kids.

    My biggest questions in life are:
    1) Why didn't I have an abortion?
    2) Why didn't I get my tubes tied earlier?
    3) Why didn't I kick/punch my husband in the balls harder?
    4) Why didn't I throw them in a dumpster?

    Alas, I procrastinate too much. I need to get on the ball.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Yeah im sure. Although I hate my child as much as any other I make the effort, so somewhere deep inside there must be some kind of feeling.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...physical punishment to a child can have bad consequences, for me as for when I was a child a slap on the wrist was in order...I now resent my father despite the fact I know he is right sometimes and am anti social.

    Best thing to do is lead by example and educate kids on little things ie sex/drugs/video games and not hide them away or else they'll try on their own/with idiot mates who dont know safe limits.

    Honestly though, get ya tubes tied unless you have a brain/patience to raise kids.

    Not my fault some people are too stupid to realise how much work kids are...god Im sick of these parents around here swearing at their 8yr's just because THEY FELL OVER IN A SUPER MARKET!!!!

    ...abortions are bad but preventing them altogether does help.
  6. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I don't see why everyone is throwing such a fit over these kids. It all comes down to parenting and lessons of life they teach them and how you can't have everything in life.
  7. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    kids r awshum
    i r 1 lol


    Anyway. You can rid the world of mice but you ain't ridding the world of awful kids.

    Best impossible thing to do is to brainwash everyone into better parents or come out with the concoction for perfect little precocious kids. Not possible. What's the alternative? Make a thread and rant about it - about the only thing that can be done. They're just a part of life - like you can't have a world without oysters and suckers and assholes. Kids are part and wrapper of the package.
  8. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    With my thread i am saving up the money my mum and dad just wont let me buy it because i already have a PS2 :l
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Its not all down to parenting, kids have other influences too.
  10. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Then be content with a PS2. Besides, in the next few years, they're just going to release a new console, called X. After you own X, comes Z, and then your X will be about as valuable as a brick you stole from a hippie park.

    Patience. If you have a PC, just buy some PC games instead. Those definitely last longer than consoles. Once a console is outdated, that's it - in the bin and no more games will be produced. The PC on the other hand, is always backward compatible. Just hang on until you're rich/old enough to get what you want.

    True. But parenting plays a big role though. If a parent encourages their kid to think maturely/make informed decisions, they'll end up being more precocious than others - and hence, slightly less whiny and in control of themselves. Of course, that's just kids I see here - I don't know if kids in western countries behave/react differently.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Kids spend as much time with their teacher if not more than with their parents whilst at primary school where you have just one teacher for all classes. Before that they spend 40 hours a week in nursery if their parents work. Then there is all the time spent with friends who have had different parenting, peer pressure, conformity, bullying, tv etc.
    Parents can only do so much and if they have to work a lot, do nightshifts or whatever its even harder for them.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Why was my thread deleted?

    And if the reason was because my thread was being too preachy at least I gave sound advice, ergo learning to value money :p

    This thread however is more argumentative & chock full of arrogant trolling.

    Why should you "encourage" arrogance & dicketry when showing 'em a better option is way better.

    You say, "it's my life & my body & I'll do whatever shit I want to do", but do you have the balls to take full responsibility for your actions. Or are you just all talk, but no walk.
  13. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    seriously, I was thinking about posting the EXACT same topic a few minutes ago
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Battle Royale.
  15. fagsryou

    fagsryou New Member

    todays society is causing the ungrateful kids today. first: yes its parents faults as well. top excuse is no time to deal with the kids so just buy them whatever just to shut them up. kids dont take any resposibilty these days because no one forces them to. they can post on the internet anything they want without having to answer for it. they feel they cant treat anyone however they want online. the internet has really made me hate kids which is just horrible since I used to like them and want to help them. but not anymore. they will laugh at this post simply because they dont care and no one can make them. I typically stay away from boards or chatting due to the ignorance of kids. they have no respect for anything these days and will be the downfall of the entire civilization. I have yet to meet a single friend of my childes or my nieces or nephews that are decent good kids. they are all ignorant and rude with no respect for anyone including themselves. It saddens me as to what the future holds. I have seen parents complain that their kid has to work an 8 hour day at the age of 17. I worked 14 hour days during the summer 6 days a week when i was 17. The kid complained it was to hard. yeah, picking strawberries just takes it all out of ya i guess. next points. there is no help in schools anymore. I remember when my teachers cared. not these days. they just want the day over with and get their checks. truely sad. i give every teacher my opinion during open house when they all say they dont have time to help students. get them tutors during lunch. thats your job teacher, not another students. I really feel my kids is getting a lousy education. I enjoyed everquest for 6 months until the teenagers started playing and ruined it for anyone that was respectful. again, they dont have to answer to anyone. I dont think anyone under the age of 21 should be permitted online with immediate adult supervision. (with and adult who actually cares). i do not agree its all parenting at all, i try and try and try to teach my kid to be respectful. but cant force it when you cant be hovering over them 24 hours a day. I am lucky to see 1-2 kids a week walking around the block. why? they are all on the internet ruining the world. the world is becoming obese. gee, lets see, we are raising lazy kids who just sit on the pcs.
  16. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I agree with most of that, but at the end of the day what can we do? We can't even hit our kids anymore, ive said it time and time again, people have too many rights nowadays.
  17. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    You can hit your kids. Just not in public
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not in the UK, they tell their teachers who get social services involved and you end up on trial for child abuse.
  19. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    The most appropiate response for those I presume.
    Well that's democracy at its finest level.
    Tuh? Yeah this happened to me a lot. I was always pinched, whipped, and even grounded in most cases, but hey I turned out jus' fine...

    In my opinion, kids should be taught how to follow, certain rules within their social and private lives. A child spends much of his time outside the home and he or she has no parent to look after them. The child learns how to become an individual through his interactions with his enviornment. The child could receive negative or positive outlooks depending on how the child is raised.

    I have no reason to tell people on "How to have Well-to-do children," its jus' that their lives have to be balanced out along with their parents schedules. Family kinship is a challenge and the ability to reconcile those differences each person has developes an even a greater bond. Sure the work piles up, but hey----the kids are the ones who take adults away from all of our worries and burden...so yyyeeeehhhhhh.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, if I was too young to do any of these things (I was 18/19 or something), that'd mean that I'd be too young to be pregnant, in which case, any of my questions are valid since I'm too young to have children.

    Kids are pointless, leaving them to rot is an honor, leaving them to live and eventually die after 90 or so torturous years is just so cruel.